Chapter 43

Name:A Noble Marriage Author:水木龙
Karenin did not like to be too close to others. Apart from the necessary physical contact in politics, he always kept his only son in a state.

This may not be to blame for his parents' early death, but from the beginning of his own memory, Karenin's tolerance of physical contact was relatively low.

He also didn't like pets, and although he occasionally praised the shrewdness of dogs, he never wanted to open his arms and rub their heads or scratch their chins.

But strangely, he never rejected his wife's actions.

This immature, always over extroverted expression, when Karenin raised his hands around his wife's waist, his mind just turned around and said, "it seems that I haven't experienced it for a week.".

People get used to things, even Karenin.

Anna from those modified words of Karenin, very clever to grasp the point. She always feels proud and happy about this. Holding each other is like holding a very favorite doll, as tight as she can, as if to convey the weight of the week to each other.

"I've become your habit, haven't I?" Anna asked with a smile. The tail of her eyes was like a little tail with joy, dragging and dyeing a rainbow in her eyes.

"There's not enough evidence that it's a good habit or a bad habit." Karenin said.

Anna protested: "good habit, of course! The best one! "

She didn't know if Karenin was smiling, but she felt that he was smiling.

"I'm afraid to disturb you. It's not like before, sometimes I need to practice tailoring. " He explained why he didn't have dinner in her bedroom.

"They are tolerable, I think."

"And," Karenin added, "it's not that you didn't disturb me before."

Anna listened and giggled, not seriously considering her husband's accusation.

"I'll try to be quiet for a while."

"It sounds like I'm the one with the bigger influence."

"No, Alexis, you're a very lucky man, all right?" Anna let go.

She made a comparison: "such a big fortune, I am your wife, this is your biggest lucky."

Anna was just joking. Karenin's dissatisfaction was like giving her a pot of honey.

But after listening to this, her husband gave her a positive and serious answer.


Happiness is so simple, now, because of this introverted and cold man's words, it does not have any decoration, but it makes people feel comfortable and warm.

A little shy, a little proud.

Anna put her hands behind her and said, "it's not so good either."

What a woman wants to hear, praises her beauty, her figure, her clothes

All external things that can make people think of beauty.

Of course Karenin knew this. Although he didn't do it often, he could do it well. That kind of hypocritical polite words, the tone of acceptance, casual can make women feel happy.

But the words at the moment are absolutely from the heart.

"You are very well, Anna." Karenin said again, his tone was light, but his eyes were soft. The blue eyes seem to be hiding some kind of light.

It's not shy now, Anna thought. The heart is like in a hot spring.

"I'm happy. I hear you say that, Alexis. I think being a wife is just like a job. It needs to be recognized. The difference is that in work, you want to be recognized by your boss, while in marriage, you want to be recognized by your partner. "

"You need my approval? Anna. " Karenin asked.

"Yes. A wife always hopes to be praised and praised by her husband. Sometimes you don't say it, I need to guess, sometimes I can feel it, but if you tell me directly, I can feel happy more quickly. " Anna expressed her ideas honestly.

"But you don't have to take it as an obligation. Love is not an obligation. You just have to be like this. Sometimes when you want to say it, just let me know. We have been married for more than three months, and I know more about you. In the future, we will learn more. "

Anna took Karenin's hand and put it close to her cheek. She rubbed it and then gave a shy smile.

"I think you're good, too. It's silly to say that, but you're really nice. I always thought you were the best for me. Now, I have to say that I am the most suitable for you. Even if it was not so suitable before, it will always be more and more suitable in the future. "

"I hope you can forgive me for some minor faults and willfulness sometimes. If I do something that you can't accept or don't enjoy, you can tell me. I will correct it. If I've got you into a bad habit and you're not ready to correct it, tell me I'll keep it She finally blinked her eyes. Her face was red and her eyes were shining at each other.For a long time, Karenin said honestly, "it's not a bad habit, Anna."

"It's not a good habit. As far as I am concerned, it is not a good thing to rely on a thing or a habit. However, if it is not rational enough, it is just a cowardly act to abandon or ignore it. "

"You are my habit, Anna."

"Good and bad cannot be judged."

Karenin whispered, touching Anna's cheek with his hands and kissing each other.

After that, the things belonging to Anna were moved into Karenin's study. Under the sign of Karenin, there are already two desks in the cool and solemn study, which are customized according to Anna's height.

The mahogany used for the smaller desk is thick and beautiful texture, covered with floral tablecloths and cushioned chairs. In a vase with a thin neck, there are always fresh flowers in it. The faint fragrance of flowers lasts for a long time in this winter.

With Karenin's permission, Anna no longer restrained herself. She would still talk to each other, usually when Karenin finished his official business, and he adjusted his reading schedule that morning.

In his spare time, he began to take part in his wife's pleasure.

Anna knew that Karenin's aesthetic outlook was not very brilliant, but years of experience still made him more tasteful than ordinary people.

He may not love this piece of stuff, nor can he give creative advice. But his listening and company have surpassed all.

She didn't tell Karenin about her decision. She just learned something from him. Sometimes, she didn't need to be told, just did it directly.

So, after a quiet period of time, Anna once again haunted the community. Among them, the countess Lydia and the Duchess of petsey are the main ones.

Going to the countess Lydia always needs to listen to her complaints, but on the whole, you don't need to use more brains to deal with each other. And when you go to petsey, you have to be very careful.

"You don't come to our salon recently. What's the reason?" "I wanted to see you, but I was afraid that you were resting at home. If we passed by, we would disturb your peace."

Petsy's trial was gently taken over by Anna, who laughed and said, "I can't receive you even if you come. It's cold these days, and I'm not very well. But I think, if I don't come again, maybe I don't know the people here

She looked at the tea party at Betsy with a kind eye.

"Look at your tea party. It's getting better and better."

"You speak more and more like your husband, Anna." Betsy laughed, revealing her tiny white teeth. She wore a ring in her little hand, and she was playing with a strand of her hair.

"He would be proud to hear that." Anna pretended not to understand petsy's words.

"Come on, honey. Now join us, and I'll introduce you to our new friends."

Anna gave her hand to Betsy and let her lead her around the living room in a relaxed way. She met too many people. Try to remember everyone's name.

She knew that Betsy was looking at her secretly, but since she didn't ask, Anna didn't poke it.

Anyway, since Betsy had brought her to know everyone, that was to say, she was once again accepted by the circle. However, on the other hand, it also means that it will cost 80000 rubles a year, and her heart began to ache faintly. Making money seems a bit imminent.

Anna took a glass of light wine. Vodka was not something she could drink. Juice was too bad. She talked to a countess and listened to Eliza's dress for dinner that day, in order to satisfy her little vanity and advertise Mr. Gorman's tailor's shop.

"What are you talking about?" A woman's voice rings.

Anna looked at it. It was Wollensky's sister. She didn't follow the young nobleman of the last time, but her expression was still very happy, which may indicate that the friendship is not over and is developing in a good direction.

"I'm talking about that funny thing at the dinner party some time ago." Said the countess, in a different tone, you have forgotten

Wollensky's sister covered her mouth and laughed.

They began to turn the subject to the disgraceful girl with disdain in their eyes, but what difference did Anna think of them?

She didn't get angry this time. She just took a sip of light wine and listened quietly. Occasionally, when the two people looked at her, she gave me a look of approval that I thought exactly the same way.

"I thought you would have juice." Another voice sounded, and the volume was low, so the two men didn't notice it.Anna looks down at each other. The boy is holding a glass of vodka in his hand.

He took a bite of lemon and then took a sip of vodka with a slightly drunken look on his brow.

Anna cocked her mouth. "Underage drinking is not good."

Vorensky was not angry this time, just glanced at her: "this is Russia." Then he drank the vodka in one gulp.

Anna nodded and slowly took another sip of her light wine.

"You haven't answered me yet." Wollensky frowned and said that the young man's dark blue eyes were as beautiful as the sea water.

His lips were red, and when he asked, his eyes were straight at Anna, which seemed to be the answer that he cared so much about.

This look is lethal.

It's beautiful, it represents concentration, the one that's unique.

Anna had no doubt that the teenager would become a very popular type in the future, but she didn't like it.

"Light wine is the most suitable now, and I don't like juice. Boiled water without anything is my favorite." Anna said with a smile and she left.

Vorensky gazed at the figure with some incomprehension. At last, he curled his mouth, stretched his hands lazily, and leaned his back against the edge of the balcony.

Vorensky watched the party, the familiar, colorful dress of women, the frivolous and beautiful face of men, suddenly, a sense of boredom hit him.

It seems that this kind of circle is not so popular. Wollensky thought faintly. Her eyes fell on the lady Karenin again, and in the end only a conclusion was drawn.

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