"5 silver", "5 silver", "5 silver", "30 silver" On the edge of the warehouse, Fowles accumulated the reward for performing his magic, but he was not stingy. Anyway, he could squander his magic.

With his blessing, the shipping speed on the wharf has been greatly accelerated. The floating technique lasts for a few minutes, just enough to let the porter carry the things onto the ship and put them away!

Everything seems to be going well, but This situation lasted only ten minutes, and dozens of gasping and sweating stevedores surrounded the door of the warehouse.

The first ORC with big waist and blue face and fangs was like a giant ape in the legend. He tangled up a group of stevedores and yelled like thunder: "why only add magic to the people who ship goods, but not to us?"

In fact, the stevedores carry things from the cargo hold to the ship, and then take the cargo from the ship back to the cabin. This overlaps and reciprocates. In a round of carrying, Fowles has given them at least one magic blessing, which is fair to everyone.

But Looking at the flaming eyes and angry look of the stevedores, Fowles felt that it was unnecessary to explain anything to the existence of this intelligence quotient.

"Yi Mmm Hiss After reciting the mantra in his mind, Fowles reached for a wave, and the simple and crude cloth that the orc could only wrap himself from his waist and abdomen began to burn.

Plastic energy level 2 burn out, the magic of igniting combustible materials through contact.

The orcs have a primitive fear of fire, and the orcs seem to have inherited it. The big and tall orcs immediately jumped and screamed, scratched at everything that could put out the fire. Finally, they jumped into the sea in panic and solved the problem.

But The only material left in his lower abdomen had been burnt out, leaving only a piece of burnt black, as if wearing a black underwear, and the hair around him was of course gone. The naked man was swinging there, and the burning marks and blisters on it could be seen vaguely. I don't know if it will work well in the future.

"How dare you openly collide with a mage?" Forster looked at a circle of savages and slowly raised his fingers. "The first time, it's just a warning. If you dare to have another time, it won't be so easy!"

All the people who heard it were afraid. Burning the words was just a warning. What would it be like to be serious?!

A group of guys who were instigated secretly seem to remember that this is the boundary of the Federation of the East China Sea. The mages said that there was no other place

They secretly clamped their own words, held back the meaning of urine, turned back to plan what to do.

But when I turned around, there was a big gasp like a bellows coming from the front.

Then they saw that the half animal ape, who was staring at his burnt little brother, raised his head bit by bit. His eyes were red as if he were burning with fire: "how dare you How dare you burn mangcha's lifeblood, mangcha Mangcha is going to get angry! "

The orc growled in a low voice, and the air between his lips and teeth seemed to radiate a faint halo because of the burning heat

"Gee, orcs are going crazy!" The stevedores, who had just turned around, seemed to have completely forgotten the danger behind them. Facing the panting half animal ape, they all fled.

How young! I don't know. What the mixed race can't touch is their words! In the distance, the maker of the incident looked at the ups and downs in the field and laughed darkly.

In the blood of the mixed race, there is the blood relationship between the father and the mother at the same time. However, this kind of blood line crossing will not weaken the innate ability hidden in the blood because of the weak blood of the race. On the contrary, the natural ability of the mixed race is usually very strong.

Take the orc's talent mania as an example. Among the pure orcs, there may not be one in ten with this talent. But barons, who disguise as stevedores, often have one in three or five orcs. That's a double-edged sword that makes his companions headache!

Once the orcs go crazy, they The smile of the originator was still on his face, so he froze

In the distant battlefield, facing the threat of orcs, Fowles slowly extended his hand!

Everyone was wondering what he would hold in his hand. As a result, when he opened his hand, everyone's eyes tingled and tears flowed.

In the palm of Fowles's hand, it seemed that he had grasped a handful of lightning. The lightning flashed suddenly, and the better still could see things. Those who were not determined enough had already opened their eyes like blind and fell into chaos for a few seconds.

Change, level 2 pyrotechnics, wide range blinding magic.

In a few seconds, for ordinary mages, a powerful mantra can't be finished, but for Fowles, it's enough.

Either clear, or very hazy, or completely unclear vision, everyone saw two flames of fire, unusually bright fire.

The rays of the firelight, shot out of the hands of Forrest in an instant, and then disappeared from mangcha's head

Second level plastic energy magic, burning ray, the most destructive power below level three, many third level magic may not be able to match.

But most importantly, it's two!

One of them may not work for the orcs who are crazy, but if they hit the same place, the effect will be different.Two also means The caster level of Fowles should be at least above level 7, because only at level 7 will the magic become two.

Level seven, that's the field mage!

These guys who don't know about magic may not be able to tell whether the magic used by the mage comes from his own or from his equipment, but The magic provided by the equipment will not produce enhancement effect, but will be strengthened by the mage's own ability. They still have this practical experience.

Level seven mage, send out the burning ray! Which bastard told me that the mage's caster level is no more than three? The first culprit unknowingly crushed the cup in his hand.

Almost at the same time when the cup was broken, the great ape like ORC was staggering and his face was blackened, which witnessed the power of Forster's magic.

"What are you doing? Get to work "No wonder the Baron said that the shipment of goods in the commercial port could not keep up with the schedule. Look who he hired? It's just a bunch of idle, useless, stout slobs. "

As he said this, Fowles moved quietly to his side, and the orc's figure whistled past him, crashing into the warehouse and making a bear like hole in the wall.

The orc's life force was metamorphosis. After being bombarded by the scorching rays, the orcs were blind and could catch the location of Fowles by their ears.

"What are you looking at? Go to work soon!" Half Orc state, Fowles seems to have a plan in mind, as if the other side is blind, he deliberately mercifully tortured people, but the sad fact is that his most powerful magic has been used, and he can only burn people's eyes. What else can he do?

Avoiding the wooden box thrown by the orcs from the warehouse, Fowles pointed to the orcs and continued to roar: "if you don't work hard, he will be your model!"

The "stevedores" broke up in a crowd, and Fowles was so fierce that they didn't know that they just kept complaining. What kind of stevedores they were, they were all serious sailors!

But what can be done? The God of pestilence was invited by the above life

Want to invite a Li Gui, the result came to Li Kui, admit bad luck, next to it!

The next time, Fowles simply did not use magic, just clubbed on the quay. Unconsciously, the character had become a supervisor. Who slowed down, he was immediately a fireball.

As a result, the loading and unloading speed of the wharf was three minutes faster than the first ten minutes

"Look, the potential of human beings is infinite. If you have been managing like this, why should you invite me here?" At noon, looking at the three merchant ships to be filled soon, Fowles said to his servant with satisfaction.

Looking at the sweating of the companions and listening to their complaints, the entourage could only recognize them by pinching their noses. At the same time, they were glad that they did not have the brains to heat up. They were crying and crying like these people in front of them to tease the little mage.

The situation between Baron allando and Fowles was, in a word, that the Baron wanted Fowles to go, and Fowles was determined to stay.

Such a fierce contradiction should have been well solved. At least it should have been a tit for tat situation, but Because of the relationship between the two sides of the wolf, things become delicate.

The Baron wanted to drive Fowles away, but he couldn't drive him hard, far fetched, at least The expelled could not be allowed to suspect his ongoing conspiracy, so he repeatedly challenged and tried.

And Forrest wants to stay, but he can't be obsessed with it for no reason, at least Don't let the Baron find out that he knows something about the conspiracy that is going on and try to find out

The first day of tit for tat, so soon passed

"How is it going?" At the end of the day, elanfa sent a message to Fowles.

"Nothing! All the porters on the wharf are fake, the cocoons on their hands are not in the right position, and the goods are probably not really... "

"This shows at least one thing. The Baron's business is really weird..."

At the same time, Baron allando finally received more accurate information about Fowles in the Baron's house:

noble background; the caster level is at least seven; Phelps mercenary group was planted in his hands, not only paid nearly 100 gold, but also the manor belonging to Philip's family in the southwest of the city seems to be unable to keep

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