At first, the twenty-five people thought that a small conference room could be filled with twenty or thirty people.

When they stand in a conference room that can hold hundreds of people. Everyone opened their mouth in silence.

Lift the table!

Is this a small conference room?

Is the conference room used for the national conference?

Well, they are really right.

This kind of meeting room is in Ruihe noble college. It's really common.

Large conference rooms can accommodate thousands or even tens of thousands of people!

It's almost equal to the capacity of a stadium.

Why is it so big?

Ha ha ha, do you think that the meeting of teachers and students of Ruihe noble college is held in the playground?

Stop teasing, will you? That's an ordinary school!

Most of the children who come to Ruihe noble college are very delicate. They will not hold a meeting in the sun.

So, the big meetings before school and holidays are held in such a large venue similar to the size of a gymnasium.

And everyone's seats are equipped with earphones, which can carry out simultaneous interpretation to meet the needs of students from different countries.

Only Ruihe noble college has this kind of standard configuration.

Twenty five of them, so nervous in the meeting room to wait.

Waiting for the verdict of fate.

After a while, Shen Rui and Prince Joel appeared in the conference room at the same time.

When two people went to that station in uniform, the breath of the twenty-five people all felt to stop.

Everyone's inner OS is like this: lying groove, this beauty, but also let people live! Is this a real person? Please grow up like this, the world is unmatched, lonely not lonely!

Then the OS became like this: I'll go! Did they come up with the subject? Obviously everyone is the same age, why is the gap so big? 36d chest pain. Is this the legendary child of another family?

Then Shen Rui and Prince Joel introduced themselves respectively. After listening to them, they became more restless.

Their inner OS is once again: I am a big grass! Go back to boasting capital! Even if the interview fails, it can be played on the rhythm of 80 years! These two people unexpectedly one is the heir of the hall he family consortium, one is the prince of a certain country! If the interview succeeds, it's the first step to see the big boss in the future! Does this mean that it will not be long before I get a promotion and raise salary, become a general manager and CEO, marry Bai Fumei and go to the top of my life. It's a little exciting to think about it. Hehe ~

SHEN Rui and Joel exchange eyes, and they are ready to start the interview.

Before the interview, two people have already passed the ditch and scored together.

After scoring the score, the interviewer's situation will be reported to Shen Qi, who will decide at last.

Well, the chairman has the most power!

Shen Rui cleared his throat: "OK, let's start the interview now. Please come up and answer in the order of the number plates in your hands. "

The first of the following twenty-five people suddenly got nervous.

The first one! How nervous!

Shen Rui's question came: "tell me about your understanding of Ruihe noble college."

The first one went up and began to express his views and understanding.

Shen Rui and Joel just sit there, listen quietly, record while listening, and score at last.

After twenty-five people have answered the questions in turn, they will be the second round of questions.

The morning passed, and Shen Rui and Joel's questions were all finished.

At noon, the school invited them to the restaurant.

When they saw a school restaurant that was comparable to a five-star hotel, they basically just watched and didn't remember to order.

When they see the price, their hearts are shaking!

Any dish is three figures!

This dish is their family's daily expenses!

This is really not a place where civilians can consume.

But when they think about it, if they pass the customs smoothly, everything here is free welfare, and they start to look forward to it.

After lunch, they were led by the director to visit some hardware facilities of Ruihe noble college.

Shen Rui and Prince Joel discuss the scoring result in the conference room.

Two people communicate with each other, expound the impression, advantages and disadvantages of the student.

After the analysis, it is sealed in the file bag and sent to Shen Qi's office.

The next day, too.

After the weekend, everyone's attention was focused on the president's office.

Shen Qi is now sitting in the office. Let's take a look at Shen Rui's and Joel's grading reports and the quality of the students.

Ruihe noble college is a noble education, but don't get high marks and low abilities.

Children have manual lessons when they are in kindergarten, which is not only to train their hands-on ability, but also to stimulate their creative ability.

So, some time ago, Yu Xiaowan designed and sewed a bag for Shen He. This is the ability to learn and exercise since childhood.

Now many students are good at theory, but they are very poor at practice.

Such a person, to the actual work unit, in fact, is also the master of high vision and low hand.

He group does not need such employees, and Ruihe noble college does not need such students.

Therefore, Shen Rui and Joel are considering comprehensive quality, ability and potential.

These people are ranked according to the scoring order. Shen Qi looks very convenient.

Four of the fifty are typical high scores and low abilities, and ten are too low to consider.

In the end, only thirty-six people were qualified.

The advantages and disadvantages of these 36 people are clearly analyzed by Shen Rui and Joel, and the future training direction is marked.

Looking at so many detailed analysis reports, Shen Qi feels very pleased.

How can Shen Qi not be comforted by his excellent son?

After reading these reports, she has analyzed them enough. She doesn't need to make any changes. So she signs on the front page of the document to confirm the analysis of Shen Rui and Joel.

As soon as the results were announced, the whole province was bombed!

That's right, fried nest!

We all don't understand why the people who got the highest scores failed in the exam. The party is also not convinced, clamoring for an explanation from Ruihe noble college.

Therefore, Ruihe noble college announced the Q & A of several of them, as well as their performance analysis.

Shen Rui and Joel clearly mark their scores, analysis of their personalities, and even the test direction of their future potential.

They are typical high scores and low abilities, which do not meet the requirements of Ruihe noble college.

After this report came out, these people were all mute in an instant.

No way, they are too professional!

This report, professional organizations can't help but stand up and say it's too professional, basically comparable to their industry report!

In short, flawless!