His eyes were tightly shut, as if he was in a deep slumber, and also as if he had seen something, which was why the smile on his face unconsciously appeared on his face. He took off his silver armor, raised his spear, and placed his white robe under the lamp, while Mansa, who was standing in front of him, could only calmly watch.

Unable to stop his gluttony, little Raksha threw some peanuts into his mouth and said, "I was very curious about what happened between you two before, but now I don't want to know. People die of old age. Although there is reincarnation, it is not the same person you knew. Humans were indeed very weak, but they had the determination to surpass other races. I know that with your ability, no one can stop you from taking him away, but I want to give him a fair choice. "

Mansa did not answer, but neither did she move. She just stood there quietly, letting the light drift around her.


The changes in the mountains and seas were nothing more than the turning of the earth into the withering of the sea. However, the flames and the smoke would only last for an instant. Some people were unwilling to be mediocre, so they brandished their swords, spears, and sabers in an attempt to gain the upper hand. Some people tended to gain power as they brandished their swords and pointed to the vast earth.

However, the Mountain and Sea Realm was still the same. If it weren't for the Revolving Star, and the Heavens and Earth were reversed, it would still be the Mountain and Sea Realm. However, the ground between the mountains was covered in white bones. This was a poor person who died in troubled times, with a violent corpse lying in the wilderness without a person collecting his corpse. These carrion corpses were the best gift for vultures to live on. As a result, on top of the pile of bones, there was a large flock of vultures.

A pebble struck, sending the flock of birds flying, but they did not leave. They flapped their wings and landed about ten steps away from the pile of bones. They looked at the young man who jumped off the little donkey. The man was very elegant, to the point that he looked very young and tender! Wearing a green daoist robe was also an extremely large piece of clothing that did not fit her. It did not match his physique.

But it was his best clothes.

The pile of bones in front of him made him stop. Although there was sympathy in his eyes, it was also numbness. It was as if he had seen many piles of bones along the way. With a sigh, he removed the package from his body and took out the half stained incense before inserting it into the ground. When the green smoke slowly rose into the air, he took out another red banner with golden lines engraved on it. It was very small, only the size of two palms.

The man's name was Yang Ziqian, and his intentions soared to the heavens, reaching great heights. However, in the end, he failed to live up to the expectations of his family, and due to his peaceful nature, he had always been at peace with the world. With his good roots, he guided by his master to Laoshan alone at the age of twelve, where he fought a battle of tongues in front of the idol and eventually acknowledged Laoshan as his teacher.

As a member of the Dragon and Tiger Mountains, the Maoshan Dao Vein was not as prosperous as the other two mountains, but all the disciples it had received had good roots, and Yang Ziqian was one of the best. At the age of seventeen, he had read all the scriptures in the library and had a unique understanding of their meaning. Laoshan also raised him up as the next headmaster.

Although it was not as impressive as his parents had hoped, it was still the same for Laoshan's Sect Leader. Yang Ziqian, who was so happy that he wanted to share the matter with his family, dragged a little donkey down the mountain after the convention, just like he did all those years ago. The fire of the beacons did not spread to the Laoshan mountains, and those who suffered from the beacons of war were usually poor people. Traveling northwards, tragedies took place every day in the mortal world.

Even though he had a deep understanding of the 'Dao', he was still a mortal trapped in seven emotions and six desires. Speaking of which, those immortals who claimed to be above the mundane world tended to be at least half a hundred years old? Really transcended the mortal world? Or was it because everyone he cared about had already left? This was something that only he himself knew.

The red flag was swaying, and the rising green smoke started to jump. Soon, the green smoke started to fluctuate non-stop, and hundreds of human faces slowly appeared from the green smoke. Many of them flashed by, and many of them dispersed after a long time. The last human face disappeared and he quickly extinguished another half of the incense before opening his mouth and smiling, "I can still use it again."

When he was done, he turned around and walked towards the donkey, then turned around and looked at the pile of bones that had been covered by the vultures. He sighed deeply, "Nu, tell me, when will this river and mountain be peaceful?"

Yang Ziqian put his backpack on the donkey's back, and just as he was about to flip over and get on top of the donkey, his expression suddenly changed. He raised his head to look at the blue sky, and a red streak streaked across the horizon, falling into the mountains not more than ten miles away from him.

Yang Ziqian thought for a moment, then patted his servant's back and said, "You wait for me in a secluded place, don't be discovered by the victims, otherwise you will inevitably lose your life."

Even though that Ah Nu could not speak, he could understand human speech after seeing him nod his head and slowly walk into the forest!

After settling down Ah Nu, Yang Ziqian was pardoned while his wooden sword was swung. In less than ten breaths, he had arrived at the place where the thing had fallen from the sky! The surrounding trees were cut in half, and a huge crater was formed on the ground. In the middle of the crater was a spherical stone, which was very smooth. However, the stone was hollowed out, as if something had drilled out of it.

Yang Ziqian frowned slightly, because he smelled a trace of weak demonic aura in the air. He looked at the weeds on the ground, which were covered in a layer of mucus, and then fell towards the east, as if something had crawled over them.

He followed the path in which the grass had fallen and chased after it. He stopped in front of a tree hole and stood still for a moment. He then smiled and knocked on the tree hole and said, "Stop hiding, I see your tail." There was no response from inside the tree hole, and the smile on Yang Ziqian's face became even more pronounced. He used his hand to move that piece of pure white tail and said, "Look, did I discover your tail?"

When his voice fell, that little tail was pulled back into the tree hole with a 'sou' sound, and Yang Ziqian said, "I've seen quite a few demons, but this is the first time I've seen a demon coming from the sky. Little demon, you have to believe that I don't have any evil intentions, or else I won't speak to you like this."

After a long while, it was unknown if the little demon in the tree hole thought that Yang Ziqian had left, or if he was truly moved by his words, but his handsome little face stuck out its head, and that confused look in the eyes of the surrounding scenery disappeared without a trace.

Yang Ziqian was also shocked by her beautiful face, it was a beauty that could not be described with any words. Pointing at her, Yang Ziqian opened his mouth and asked, "Daoist Immortals?" But when the Little Demon Empress' entire body was revealed, Yang Ziqian nodded as if he received confirmation, "Demons!"

She had no feet and looked like a snake. However, she did not have the scales of a snake! It was pure white and transparent, like an unpolished jade.

She seemed to be very afraid of this world. Even though she had drilled her way out of the tree hole, her back was still pressed tightly against the tree trunk, and she stared at Yang Ziqian very vigilantly. Yang Ziqian observed this extremely weak little demon for a long time before asking, "Where are you from?"

She shook her head.

"What's your name?" asked Yang Ziqian.

She shook her head.

Yang Ziqian frowned and asked, "Are you a mute?"

She shook her head.

Yang Ziqian asked again, "You're not dumb, why didn't you speak?"

She still shook her head.

Yang Ziqian sighed and said, "I can see that you are very lonely and very thin, and cannot avoid being bullied by your own kind. If you are willing to follow me, then just extend your hand, I know that the demon race and the human race will not coexist peacefully, but I believe that there are good demons among the demon race. If you are not willing to leave right now, I will definitely not make things difficult for you at all. "


Little Rakshasi wanted to say something, but hesitated. Manjasha seemed to recall something funny as a smile spread across her face. This smile caused the world to turn pale. Little Rakshasi was mesmerized. Was there anything more beautiful than this in the world?

Little Raksha calmed his heart and asked, "So you followed him?"

Manjasha said, "That fool. A wooden sword was about to pierce my cheek, but he didn't know it. Do you think I wouldn't follow him?"

Little Raksha smiled and said, "It's not a bad thing. Then, where did he take you?"

"A lot of places. Green hills, green water, wilderness, desert, but he still wants to go back home. He still wants to have a bite of the braised persimmon …"