Cold and oppressive.

Even the light from outside the window could not penetrate it.

The room was filled with the aura of desolation. Other than the paperwork, there was only a stiff bed within the room. If he slept on it, his waist and legs would ache. Li Shuwang had been here before, but this place was still as deserted as it had been so many years ago! It was as if there was a ghost living there.

She could not remember how many times she had said that she would put on a soft bed, and how many years had passed, but it was still the same hard bed that made her unable to sit still. She had her doubts, and now that her doubts were gone, he understood that Lin Pi was just like that.

Although he was surrounded by women, how could he ever be frivolous? As for the Emperor's family, he was very clear about their intentions. If he made a wrong move, then Lin Chenye, who was in the imperial court, would find it difficult to take even a single step! He had learned how to be neither happy nor angry. No one could guess what he was thinking, and they only thought that he was very shrewd, but who could know that he was just a young man who protected his looks. And he didn't want to expose his weakness between the heaven and earth. He couldn't even lie down, and the bed that he couldn't sit on also resembled his stubborn personality.

On one side was a pile of ancient books, most of them in tatters. They had once been brand-new, but the repeated reading made them look tattered. No one, not even Lin Chenye, could freely enter Lin Pi's room. But she was an exception! She was the only one in the world!

Therefore, Lin Qin was not too surprised, the wine pot was steaming, he flipped through the ancient scripture in his hand, and replied without looking up: "If you enter my room, you will be my man. Miss, you should understand as well. "

Li Shu Wang didn't respond to the voice, his slender hand stroked the fine silk fabric as he said, "Did you enjoy last night's wine?"

Lin Pi raised his head to look at the charming man before him and said indifferently, "I have always had a great time drinking the turbid wine of Qingzhou."

Li Shu Wang outlined a smile. Not only did she have the heroic spirit of a chivalrous hero, but she also had the dignified bearing of a lady of a noble family. After capturing her hair and ears, Li Shu asked, "Although good wine is good, Young Prince, how much longer can you keep drinking?"

Lin Qin paused for a moment as he flipped through the pages of the ancient book. He then lifted his head to look at Li Shu and smiled, "Beauty, are you saying that I'm going to die?"

Li Shu Wang slowly sat down on the gilded chair in front of Lin Pi. Her jade-like hand swept across the table. A wooden board was left on the table with four words carved on it, "Laughing Buddha of the West Ridge". As usual, Li Shu Wang took the thermos of wine and poured himself a cup full of wine as he slowly said, "People, sooner or later, are always filled with dirt, it's just a matter of time. I'm not talented, so I'm here to help you relieve your boredom."

After that night, Li Shu Wang became extremely interested in the resentful Lin Pi. He obviously wanted to live to accomplish his great deed, but his words were filled with deep despair. This point puzzled Li Shu! As for the Mo family, they were well-established in the city, so it was very likely that any mortal man or general would be a member of the Mo family. Therefore, there was nothing that the Mo family could not find, including Lin Pi!

"The Dao of Heavenly Secrets, the appearance of the Fiend Star." When we meet, the mortal world will never exist. "

The word 'Demon Star' was written in twelve characters which Li Shu Wang could barely understand. However, that person mentioned, "Fiend Star came out of the Azure Province." Based on Li Shu Wang's intelligence and the news he had heard in the Azure Continent, it was very easy to deduce that this Fiend Star was the real reason that caused Lin Qin to fall into despair.

Lin Pi looked at the four-word wooden tablet on the table and asked suspiciously, "What is this?"

Li Shu Wang explained: "This man is my old friend, although he is called the laughing Buddha, he practices the arts of antics, he possesses the skills of a ghost or god, he is capable of curing hundreds of illnesses, and is by no means mediocre!" It had been established in the north of the country for many years, and was quite prestigious. A few days ago, I've already sent someone to ask him to come and help you get over your misfortune, Your Highness! "

"A technique to hate victory?" Lin Qin frowned slightly. His gaze towards Li Shu Wang was no longer clear, but was instead filled with caution. After all, 30,000 people from the previous dynasty died! But the suspicion was short-lived, because Lin believed that Li Shuwang would never do something immoral.

The Art of Annoying and the Art of Seedling could be said to have the same origin. Rumor has it that the top ten Sorcerer Gods had left behind two wondrous arts in the past! The "Gu Fang" and "Annihilation" both believed in buddhism and happiness. The path of cultivation could transform one into an immortal, one grass and one tree. Everything in the world could become a big fruit. It was a strange path. Witch! However, with the passage of time, at the beginning of the competition, the status of all kinds of people had fallen by leaps and bounds. In order to protect the continuation of the magic, most of the people had transferred to the Dao to believe in the "Old Lord" as their leader!

He called himself the "Path of the Witchcraft"

As for the remaining arrogant and haughty Magi, they travelled far away from the Northern Desert and continued to worship the Sorcerer. At this point, the two sects with the same origin as Miao Gu completely became passersby! The Laughing Buddha of the West Ridge was originally a descendant of the Laughing Branch, but he was a kind person. He used his Laughing Buddha skills to protect Saibei, and anyone who had a difficult problem would look for him for treatment! He had a good reputation, so people called him "Laughing Buddha".

Lin Qi was confident in Li Shu Wang, but in his heart was a bit hostile towards this kind of technique, but he still opened his mouth and said, "Since this lady has opened her mouth, it doesn't matter if I invite him to step forward."


It was not a tall and sturdy figure, but there was a large saber hanging at his waist. The white cloth wrapping around the handle of the blade was already completely black, and it was extremely similar to the blade wielder's dirty clothes.

Desperate! It would be better to say that a swordsman was a beggar with a knife. The hemp vines beneath his feet were no longer as sturdy as they were in the past. He could easily get rid of them with just a few taels of silver.

He walked very slowly, but he would not stop. The hemp rope that was tied around his body had already left a ghastly bloody scar, or perhaps it could be said that it was originally his clothes of blood. The cart behind him was covered by a layer of white cloth. This man stood at the entrance of the city quietly, as if he had been standing there for a thousand years.

"What's that thing on top of the car?"

He did not answer, but since Lu Changsheng had returned to the Azure Province, he had stayed in the Azure Province. As one of the Youzhou City's imperial guards, he could not let any unknown things flow into the city, this man gave him an extremely dangerous feeling, so he lightly pressed his left thumb on the sword hilt, walking towards the wooden carriage. His right finger lightly touched the white cloth, and suddenly his pupils contracted, it was actually a row of people! A row of dead.

There were able-bodied men and white-haired elderly women. Some had heads that tumbled, while others had limbs that were broken. These bodies had long since died, because there was not a single drop of blood left in their bodies.

In a split-second, the sword at his waist was thrust out, and a group of guards encircled him tightly. The man lifted his head, the smile on his shrivelled lips grew even wider. The pain of despair made his eyes turn deathly grey. Hidden beneath the calm surface was the desire to die, but he did not want to die here! With a flash of cold light, the broadsword at his waist appeared in an instant. The force in the broadsword was ferocious and incomparable! A cold blade broke many weapons of the imperial guards, Lu Changsheng cried out in shock, "Quickly go and inform General Si Ma!"

The surrounding noises seemed to have not been heard by the man. He drew his long blade, and started moving the cart, walking step by step towards the Green Continent.

He walked very slowly, but his eyes were only focused on the mansion at the end of the long street, as if nothing could hinder his footsteps. The citizens on both sides of the street were discussing this strange man, after all, they had never seen such a destitute person in the Azure Province!

The direction that the Imperial Guard saw him going was the direction of the Azure Province Royal Mansion, which quickly followed his orders. Lin Chenye was currently not in his residence, so he could only explain this matter to his son who was drinking with a beauty in his room. When Lin Pi heard that someone was dragging a saber and wearing a blood-red robe, a strange scene appeared in his eyes as he followed the Imperial Guards out of the palace.

In front of the Duke's Mansion, a bloodstained robe appeared before Lin Pi's eyes with a desperate aura.

A trace of a cold smile appeared at the corner of Lin Pi's mouth. He looked at the man who was standing there fearlessly! How long had it been since anyone dared to look at him this way? Lin Jin couldn't remember, but even Li Shu Wang would automatically leave, avoiding the cold and sharp gaze in his eyes.

Lin Pi looked at the beggar with interest. Normally, he should be angry, after all, the identity of a flower was so lowly that it made people angry. However, this little flower gave him a strange feeling, as if it attracted each other like a magnet, but it was also absolutely repelled! After a while, he nodded with a hint of admiration and said, "Not bad, he's a man. Where did you come from?

The man's lips parted in a lonely manner as though he was dead. "In the bamboo."

Lin Pi asked, "What are you doing here?"

The man replied, "Killing."

Lin Qin interjected, interested, "Kill who?"

The man said, "Azure Province king."

Lin Pi was silent for a long time before he asked, "Why did you kill him?"

The man said, "May I ask if the law of chaos of the Son of Heaven is the same as that of a lowly commoner?"

Lin Qi said, "Of course."

The smile on the man's face became even wider, and he became even more miserable: "The six counties of Qingzhou are the leaders of the Qingzhou King, and the assassins in the bamboo forest, Wei Datong, used their influence to bully people, and stole my good land, killing 19 people of my family. How can I not kill the Azure Province King?!"

Lin Fei looked at the long board covered in white cloth behind him and sighed. "Unfortunately, the person you want to kill is my father."

The man laughed miserably as he slowly drew his saber. "My family is dead, and I have no intention of living in secret."