Chapter 41: Struggle for Survival (1)

Chapter 41: Struggle for Survival (1)

Kang Do Yeon, who had momentarily ceased her activities, held an ore in her hand. She could feel a subtle energy dormant within it, tingling her senses.

[We now know how to utilize the energy within it. Its not perfect. Its not optimized. But we can replicate its explosive power.]


She clenched the ore tightly. Simultaneously, her hand and arm began to transform. This physical transformation was only possible for her, a unique entity composed entirely of omnipotent cells. She bit her lip and endured the horrifying sensation of parts of her body twisting and rearranging.

[We successfully analyzed the Moonlight Elves. Some of their bodies contained an additional blood vessel for handling mysterious power.]

'That time.

Kang Do Yeons mind was filled with the image of a formidable elf, who had once dueled with her using heightened senses. She remembered the sight of the elf severing the neck of a large assault-type legionnaire with a faintly glowing sword.

[The spirit power described in the Heavenly Soul Art bears a resemblance. Thus, the legion concluded that it wouldnt be impossible to merge and utilize these two.]

The legion didnt merely accept the Heavenly Soul Art at face value. They were always in pursuit of more efficient and effective methods. This was the conclusion they had reached.

Kang Do Yeon, her face devoid of expression, gazed at the ore embedded more than halfway into her forearm. A new blood vessel, resembling those found in the bodies of the Moonlight Elves, was spreading around the embedded ore.

[Our soul is powerful, but singular. Dividing it among the numerous legionnaires, our claws and teeth, would dilute its strength and impact. Striking a powerful blow with the Heavenly Soul Art would then become challenging. This was conceived as a substitute, harnessing the already powerful ore.]

If the proud owner of the Heavenly Soul Art heard this, they would seethe with fury. However, for the legion, the Heavenly Soul Art was adequate as an assistant to fully harness the power within the ore.

Kang Do Yeon slowly raised her arm, the ore embedded within. The dormant power within the ore awakened and began to explode.

[This moment was recorded in our history. Although its inception was weak and incomplete, it marked the first time the legion harnessed the Formative Force, a power one step above reality, in their own distinct manner.]

The transcendent power, manifested by ones belief and will-what others referred to as mana, magic power, spirit power, divine power-erupted from Kang Do Yeons targeted arm.

"Ah, Ahhh..!

Kang Do Yeon herself was taken aback by the massive blue flash and screamed. The bursting blue flash quickly transformed into a thick beam of light. The flash that directly struck the stone wall ahead ignited into a flame, causing a colossal explosion.

Kang Do Yeon was flung back, spewing blood. The recoil was too intense for even the robust body of a legionnaire to bear. One arm was completely burnt and disintegrated. Another legionnaire caught her as she was thrown back.

"Power adjustment is necessary."

The legion, having observed the entire process, murmured as if intrigued and immediately deployed the other waiting legionnaires. Reconnaissance was unnecessary. No, it was futile. Whatever lived in there, they intended to kill and consume it all. The black wave began to surge and flood in fiercely.

The legion discerned the identities of those within through the eyes of their soldiers. They were the survivors of the bacterial devastation. Their capture and consumption promised significant gains. The legions appetite was whetted. This was a phrase they had learned and occasionally employed. *

"Have they retreated for now?"

Felix offered reassurance to his people, dispelling negative thoughts.

'After all, all thats left is struggle.

In the end, survival necessitated a fight. Whether the enemy was the dreadful infectors that had ravaged their world ages ago, or the new, unidentified monsters, they would persist in their battle. But now, their situation was more promising than ever. Not long ago, a being had appeared, offering them significant aid.

"Master Felix, please drink this."

"Thank you, Nia."

Felix gently stroked the head of the young girl who had brought him a drink, a warm smile on his face.

"You represent our future. By the time you mature, the sacred tree will have grown large, and we will surely be able to venture outside."

"I want to be a scout too."

"No, by then, you will have become a true warrior. We will leave this labyrinth and reclaim the glory of our past."

"Then Ill be the strongest warrior."

The childs determined expression as she declared her ambition to become a formidable warrior pleased Felix. He felt his role was to pave the way for such promising successors.

In that instant, a cataclysmic explosion ripped through the surroundings. The thick stone gate shattered instantly, its fragments scattering in all directions.

"This... this cant be..."

Felix, who had thrown himself to the ground to shield the child, turned pale. The thick stone gate, a symbol of their ancestors wisdom, had always served as a defense mechanism. No infector had ever breached this stone fortress, yet it was obliterated in a single blow.

Through the dense dust, countless ominous red eyes glowed menacingly.

"Everyone, grab your weapons! Its the enemy!"

At the sound of the warning, Felix instinctively stood up and drew his sword.

f0 sacred tree. And elven god of another world, whoever you may be.

In a stillness that seemed to halt time, he gritted his teeth and charged towards the looming threat, resolved to safeguard what he cherished. His ears were muffled by the deafening noise; all he could discern was the pounding of his heart and the sound of his own breath, lust before the impending collision, he locked eyes with Narian, who had sprung out in surprise from behind.

"Die, beast!"

He swung his sword at the colossal black beast charging towards him, its six red eyes gleaming through the gaps in its head armor. His sword met formidable resistance as it shattered the armor and plunged into the flesh. The beasts muscles were so tough they felt sticky, yet he sliced through them with sheer force. Ultimately, Felix triumphed in bringing down the enemy with the first blow.

But that was merely the beginning of the struggle. With a battle cry, he charged alongside his comrades, prepared to repel the invasion of the endless legion.