Chapter 21: The Game Board (4)

Chapter 21: The Game Board (4)

Uh... ah...

Run, quickly.

Kang Do Yeon grabbed her frozen friends wrist and dragged her along. She still held a fire extinguisher in her hand.


The first time is always the hardest, but the second time is easier. Already excited, she threw the fire extinguisher at another goblin that appeared from the bottom of the stairs. The fire extinguisher flew with fierce momentum, smashing the goblins face. She then stomped on the fallen creature like a madwoman.


She wiped off the blood that had splattered on her clothes. But there was no time to dwell on the aftermath. She grabbed another fire extinguisher and, holding Oh Yoon Ahs hand, they ran hurriedly. Goblins were everywhere. They barely managed to escape the building amidst the chaos.

Running away was clearly the wise choice, considering the screams they could hear from behind.


What do we do! What do we do!

A panicked Oh Yoon Ah clung to her, screaming. They were surrounded. A dozen goblins had gathered and were baring their teeth, starting to approach. There was no one nearby to help.


Kang Do Yeon took a deep breath and lifted the fire extinguisher. Some of the goblins were brandishing rough ropes they had prepared in advance.


But just then, a car came racing across the field with a deafening honk.


What the hell.

I gritted my teeth against the grating noise as I slammed on the brakes. Leaving a corpse in the drivers seat, hijacking someone elses car, and committing vehicular manslaughter by speeding? But that wasnt the pressing issue at the moment.

Get in quickly!

After mowing down a few goblins, I shouted at the dazed girls. It was only then that Kang Do Yeon seemed to snap back to reality. She struck a reeling goblins head with a fire extinguisher and dragged her petite friend towards the car.

'Just leave Oh Yoon Ah and come.

H-how did you get here? Whose car is this?!

Is that really what matters right now?

I floored the accelerator once more. The priority was to escape. However, my sense of relief was premature. As I attempted to reverse, something came flying in.

This cant be.

Is this...

I sighed in disbelief. Could the object that had just flown in and punctured the tire be a bullet?


More bullets followed. The goblin at the forefront, leading the others and waving his beard, was aiming a stolen police gun at us. He was the commander of these goblins, someones unit.


You, stay here.

The goblin discarded the gun and aimed a large staff in his hand. Flames gathered instantly, forming a fireball. He planned to shoot that at us. I looked at my gloved hand. Even if I used my one-time assassination right to kill him now, what about the others? According to the rules, 'units and players couldnt be handled by the apps basic functions. So, taking a picture was impossible.


But hope was always present. With a flash of lightning, someone appeared behind the goblins.

Oh Yoon Ah, previously brimming with confidence, suddenly deflated and hid behind Kang Do Yeon. Cha Ji Yeon, her eyes tightly shut, trembled and swayed as if enduring immense pain.

They cant. They are innocent people...!

Could it be.

The swaying woman sparked lightning once more. The issue was, it didnt seem like the red lightning was manifested by her will.

Maintain... the games secret...ugh . .

Wa, wait!

While we stood frozen, Oh Yoon Ah unexpectedly stepped forward.

These people are mine. They already know everything. Theres no need to silence them!

...Thats a relief.

Upon hearing Oh Yoon Ahs explanation, her lightning gradually faded. Cha Ji Yeon, drenched in cold sweat, looked genuinely relieved.

Lets move to a safe place now.

We followed her as she sprinted away. There was nothing left to do after that. The hunters and armed police who had rushed in had driven away all the goblins. The survivors had fled through the gate, taking with them numerous victims and kidnapped prisoners. It was a disaster that would go down in Korean history, returning after ten years, marking the beginning of a new catastrophe.


So, what did she say?

She said shell explain everything to you and smooth things over.

Is that it?

In the midst of the chaotic and disordered atmosphere, I sat dazedly on the boundary stone with Kang Do Yeon.

She seems a bit scatterbrained.

Shes good at studying, but shes a bit sloppy.

I chuckled. There was indeed something peculiar about Oh Yoon Ah, even in her interactions with me. Kang Do Yeon had mentioned that she had taken me under her wing because she couldnt brand anyone else. However, her threat to silence me was merely a stern warning. Naturally, from her perspective, her brother was being held hostage, so her threat wasnt entirely ineffective. Regardless, we had each saved each others lives once. I was rescued from the goblins, and she was saved from Cha Ji Yeon.

But Yoon Ah and Cha Ji Yeon are unaware of your existence. Things have worked out well.

Yeah. Somehow, I managed to pull through.

Do you know where your units are from?


I sighed. At that moment, I couldnt even muster the strength to stand, let alone consider other worlds.

We should head home. We cant stay here any longer.


I had no desire to hear more crying and shouting. With Oh Yoon Ah and Cha Ji Yeon gone, there was no reason to linger. We headed straight home.

There are really no injuries...sob.

Mom, please...

Upon our arrival home, our mother, alerted by a phone call, rushed over and enveloped us in a tight, sobbing embrace. After soothing her, I quickly retreated to my room. Todays events had made it abundantly clear: time was not generous, and danger was ever-present.

Is it confirmed?

[Yes. The legion is currently dissecting and analyzing the new samples. This will be a historical moment. Perhaps this sample will lead to a breakthrough in our evolution.]

On my cell phone screen, the lifeless bodies of the goblins were being partially digested by the nest. Before leaving, I had taken a few shots of the ones that had been hit by a car. Surprisingly, even if they were units, their corpses could be transferred.