Chapter 16: Shackles of Destiny (2)

Chapter 16: Shackles of Destiny (2)

"I am worried.

On top of everything else, I had school to attend. Kang Doyeon had risen early and already left for school. As much as I wanted to abandon all my tasks to focus on this, it was far from a practical solution. I scratched my head in frustration. Given the constraints I had, I wanted to know what I was up against - no, I wanted to uncover the truth.

[Would that be enough?]

"You-re always together, so you must know something. If only you, who always spoke about destiny, could tell me straightaway, we wouldnt be in this situation, right? Could this possibly be related to the game?

I was certainly anxious, but this was just the beginning. More than being entangled in this game, it was more likely that she was dealing with personal issues. In such a

situation, it was difficult to be the first to bring up this unrealistic scenario - the players and the game.

[I cannot tell you. It is up to you to judge.]

"I knew it... Forget it. Ill just have to look into it myself first.

I sighed, choosing a method that was far from appealing. I sent a text to one of my sisters friends whom I knew through social media, asking them to inform me if anything unusual

occurred. Despite my unease, I boarded the train to school.This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

Fortunately, the response came swiftly and the news was not bad. She reported that today, like yesterday, was just an ordinary day-my sister was spending time with friends and attending academy. Of course, the trustworthiness of this friend was a separate issue. I decided to text other friends as well.

"I dont know either, lust thinking about it makes me feel dumber than the Legion.

[To me, you do look that way.]

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I absentmindedly switched on my phone, a habit Id developed even when nothing significant was happening. As expected, the Legion was preparing for war.

[It seems they are also starting to notice something strange.]

The Legions fmain body, having already devoured most of the lower zone, had now extended its roots into the 13th zone. This massive entity, singular yet multifaceted, was fracturing and burrowing into even the hardest cave rocks at the deepest part of the cave, distorting its form and expanding its size. We were rewriting the history of this ancient, deep cave.

[Their scouts have appeared and begun investigating. Strangely, some of them seem to be riding tamed bird-like organisms.]

Following their encounter with the rats, a noticeable shift in the ecology became evident as they ascended through the zones. Feathered organisms, unlike the reptiles and

amphibians they had previously encountered, were now making their first appearance in this cave.

[Of course, feathers were nothing mysterious to the Legion, who already had information about birds.]

The highly mobile aerial units took to the skies once again. Their sole purpose was to relentlessly harass the enemy until the main force was assembled and ready to charge.

[The enemies have noticed our attack. The first strike was merely a sample. Poison needles and claws rained down on the panicked enemies atop the fortress.]

As they had demonstrated thus far, the rats worked in unison, thrusting spears and firing arrows at the larger Legion soldiers. The arrows, shot at close range, had significant penetrating power, beginning to pierce through the soldiers carapace armor.

[Will they not deploy their secret weapon here? Regardless, the Legion will persist with these guerrilla tactics. We do not tire, but they surely will.]

A war of attrition, with injuries on both sides. If the Legion deemed this advantageous, they would continue this cycle indefinitely. They were well aware of their strengths.

"The rats will undoubtedly be rattled, if they are indeed living organisms.

Survival instinct is a natural trait of any living being. The Legion, however, was an exception. *

Once again, the black tide surged from the lower zones, crossing the skies and charging towards them. They raised their spears, crossbows, and swords to fight once more. This was not their first or second battle. Through combat experience, later generations quickly learned and evolved innovatively. As each generation cycle accelerated, they grew smarter and stronger. They were no longer rats scavenging animal carcasses. They were a local power, seeking to occupy this lower zone and expand their influence outward. The pride of this new generation was indescribable.

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They had bravely battled the invaders, their self-confidence unshakeable. At the end of the intense fight against the monsters, they had cheered in victory. They had already

repelled the black monsters several times, and morale was at an all-time high. Although production and exploration activities had significantly decreased to fill the void left by

their fallen brethren, a victory was still a victory. This triumph was not due to their might alone.

They had paid their respects to the sky following the High Priests command, for someone who always provided them with mystical weapons and teachings. According to the knowledge bestowed upon them, their growth had all begun with the grace of that someone.

Despite their short lifespans, they all believed they would grow enough to conquer these endless caves.

[But how arrogant a thought this was. Would immediate victory truly be a real gain?]

Their momentum did not last long this time either. Information barely conveyed through survivors of annihilated advance bases now started to come into proper view. The Legions massive invasion was underway. Amid continued harassment, the Legions nest, having devoured all the lower zones, had now stretched its budding roots up here.

[The Legion dispatched a massive army to draw out their full force. Their faces were a picture of bewilderment. They must have been taken by surprise, unaware that we were the Legion.]

The diverse soldiers of the Legion, a mix of various strains, marched slowly, obliterating everything in their path. The rats hastily assembled at their fortress. Their numbers were significant, indicating they sensed something was amiss.

[The Legion issued another challenge for battle. Above the ground forces charging fiercely, aerial units dominated the skies.]

The aerial units had transitioned fully into support roles. They captured poisonous lustre toads mid-flight with their talons, hurling them downwards. A barrage of arrows burst the swollen toads, but the exploding creatures merely dispersed a toxic mist everywhere. Amid the bombing and ensuing panic, the artillery unit, now within range, indiscriminately sprayed poison barbs. At the same time, the main force infiltrated the fortress. Such were the siege tactics of the Legion.

[Ah, is it appearing now? To boost morale and tackle formidable enemies.]

It revealed itself atop the fortress at that moment. The gleaming silver shone under the light of the luminous stones.