Chapter 12: True Power (1)

Chapter 12: True Power (1)

"You've found a purpose?

[This is the footage observed while you were asleep.]

I checked my phone inside the moving subway. The footage, supposedly observed yesterday, ended with a massive lizard spewing a large fireball towards the screen.


[As always, the legion was pleased. A stronger opponent. In other words, an adversary that can make us stronger.]

"...Is it possible?

[The enemy has grown larger and stronger, but so have we.]

The legion had already taken down one of the lizards. They had successfully claimed its legacy as their own. With their overwhelming ability to acquire and combine vast amounts of information, I was beginning to think the legion might be smarter than me.

[Behold. These are the strongest soldiers the legion has to offer.]

The screen showed creatures hatching from eggs. The base was a lizard, naturally. So far, they were the strongest entities in the legion's database. However, their appearance was different from ordinary lizards.

[We utilized the most powerful elements we recently acquired.]

Their dark blue carapace shone brilliantly. This carapace was not the ordinary one they had been using. It was a combination of the turtle shell obtained from hunting a turtle and the scales of the lizard they had recently consumed. The scales were modified for efficiency. It was more economical to wear partial heavy armor than a full plate armor.

"Theyre quite large. They seem capable of winning.

Moreover, the legion's accumulating experience was now sufficient to handle large creatures with ease. The soldiers confidently crossed the passage. Whether it was due to rumors or not, not a single insect dared to enter our territory.

[We are continuously monitoring the lizard's location. It's not stupid. It sensed the anomaly. It sniffed around, detecting changes in the air, and heightened its guard.]

"Is it running away?

[It's an arrogant tyrant.]

The image of the lizard, observed from a safe distance, appeared on the screen. It was fortunate that such a creature was alone. If a horde of such lizards attacked, even the legion seemed helpless.

[We, who must consume to evolve, are always weaker when considering the strength of individual soldiers. However, we combine and evolve. We surpass our limits. Above all, we are a legion.]

The legion's scouts began to draw the lizard's attention in earnest. They didn't engage it in the hive. They faced it head-on in the vast passage of this stratum.

[The winner of this battle will likely become the ruler of this stratum. However, the legion is confident. Part of this stratum has already become part of us, and the arrogant tyrant will fall today.]

The lizard, distracted by the scouts flying around, began to be drawn out. Still, it continued to sniff around, remaining on guard.

[It's a futile effort. We, who possess the genetic information of the 3a lizard lineage, know it has sensitive sensory organs. We didn't set up an ambush in the wide-open passage.]


The lizard bared its teeth and growled. Our soldiers were now marching directly towards it. Would it fight or admit defeat and flee?

[We have already acquired some resistance to fire.]

The lizard spewed a fireball. However, being engulfed and swept away by flames was a thing of the past. The legion soldier's carapace, composed of the same elements as the turtle shell and lizard scales, withstood the fire with ease.

"It's retreating. Is it running away? Aren't you going to chase it?

Eventually, the lizard, feeling overwhelmed, slowly backed away and quickly fled the scene. However, the legion did not pursue it.

[It's an efficient calculation. There's plenty of stratum left to absorb. Even if it runs away, it will eventually be hunted. That's the conclusion.]

Although we didn't catch it, we had effectively won. What followed was the legion's usual feeding and slaughter, free from all interference. This stratum was gradually being dyed in our color.

[The legion has shown its ambition. What could possibly be in the next stratum, the next world?]

There was definitely a passage leading upwards. According to the description, the legion was slowly developing a desire to see the end of this vast cave. The basis of this desire was, of course, gluttony.

It meant they were capable of using tactics in groups, using tools, and waging war.

If they could kill a lizard, they must have some tricks up their sleeves.

[Luckily, the legion has already accumulated some experience. It's a new type of enemy. Gathering information. They know that's the priority.]

The chances of the opponent knowing our identity were slim.

Because there were no traces of them coming down from below.

From the beginning, the legion's purpose was to consume as a race.

That's why we've been pushing our way up here, but others wouldn't need to take such risks.


"Hey! Aren't you looking at your phone too much these days?! You didn't hear me again, did you?


The classroom was as noisy as ever.

Kang Do Yeon, frowning, finally said something to her friend.

Startled, her friend Oh Yoon Ah hurriedly turned off her phone and flinched.

"What game are you so into? Or are you constantly checking something like cryptocurrency?

"No, it's not like that. I won't look at it anymore.

Oh Yoon Ah apologized for not focusing on her friend's story and only looking at her phone.

Kang Do Yeon had a dissatisfied face, but she couldn't say anything more.

"I used to be obsessed when I was into dramas too...

"It's not like a drama.

"Then what is it?

She laughed as if it was nothing.

The person in question, Oh Yoon Ah, grinned widely.

"It's... very interesting. A game so fun that once you're hooked, you can't get out. There's another world in there.

"...Are you doing this on purpose? You really sound like an addict.

"Of course.

Oh Yoon Ah, who muttered in a slightly dark voice, nodded with a broad smile when her slightly embarrassed friend laughed awkwardly.


When the bell rang for the end of class and everyone scattered to their seats.

Kang Do Yeon saw something on her friend's hand, which had been covered by a cardigan.

A black pattern engraved on the back of her hand.

In fact, a small tattoo or body painting was not a big deal among students these days, but she felt a strange discomfort when she saw that pattern.

The reason was clear. She had seen something similar recently.

Sitting in her seat with a slightly bewildered feeling, she naturally switched her mood by opening her book and focusing on the lesson.