Chapter 182

Name:A Lady's Tranquility Author:Shi Jing
Wei Liang's face was a little impatient when she turned around.

On the goose egg like cheek, the snow skin is tender and can be broken by blowing. Under the light and shadow of the setting sun, it is plated with a layer of golden red. In her eyes, she has seen and heard about the world in the past two years. She is smart and steady.

But the corners of his lips pulled with a smile, and added a little mockery to the boundless color.

Wei Liang only saw her once last year.

At that time, her face was covered with mud. How could she have such a light?

She seldom deals with women, not to mention being so beautiful. Wei Liang is a little embarrassed when she looks at him with her eyes. He feels a rush of heat on his face, but he can't say much.

Jiang Xuening threw the fishing rod and picked a small eyebrow: "who told you I work for Tianjiao?"