Reward Card and Punishment Card (2)

They switched to broadcasting the footage captured by the drone, and this gave the audience a bird’s eye view of their first destination.

The top of the building was the shape of a sphere. They could somewhat see a signboard written, ‘club’.

There were staff from the production team who stood there and were in charge of giving out further instructions.

“I think they should take another 10 minutes.”

“I think so too. The terrain around this area is quite complicated. Even if you were to step on your accelerator, you won’t even have space to overtake the car in front of you.”

“Should we play a round of mobile games first?”

【Erm, can the staff play games while working?】

【Oh, don’t become happy too soon.】

Bai Qi rode towards the building.

“How should I tell the horse to stop?” Bai Qi suddenly stopped and said, “Should I shout like in the movies?”

Xi Chengyun reached forward and held Bai Qi in his arms. He placed his hand above his and helped him to pull the reins.

Bai Qi uncontrollably looked down and knew that he felt the shape of Xi Chengyun’s muscles hidden underneath his shirt.

The horse bucked before putting its front legs back down.

The sound of the horse echoed through the area.

“…” The staff members were speechless.

“Xi-laoshi? You’ve arrived?”

“Mn,” Xi Chengyun replied and turned around to get off the horse. Subsequently, he held his arms wide open to Bai Qi.

【Gosh, Xi-ge’s is so charming as a boyfriend】

Bai Qi thought about it seriously and contemplated if he would end up breaking Xi Chengyun’s arms if he were to jump. He couldn’t care less as he hopped off from the horse’s back and pretty much fell into Xi Chengyun’s arms.

Seconds later, Xi Chengyun caught Bai Qi by the waist without a blink of an eye.

After that, Xi Chengyun turned around with him in his arms.

Bai Qi was confused. His legs were not touching the ground, and Xi-laoshi even picked him up!

By the time Xi Chengyun placed him back down, Bai Qi looked down and realized that there was a piece of paper stuck to the front door. The words “No.1” were written there.

And Xi Chengyun put him back onto the floor, right between those words.

【No. 1 goes to Qi Qi】

【This is so sweet, I can’t take it anymore】

The staff asked, “Would you like to do a lucky draw?”

“A lucky draw?” Bai Qi asked.

The staff member nodded and placed a few pieces of lucky draw cards in front of him.

“You can head inside after you’ve drawn a card. The card could be a reward card that contains tips to ace this stop or the next stop. There’s also a possibility that it’s a punishment card…”

【You really know how to get things going, huh?】

【What punishments are there? To share a passionate kiss for 10 minutes straight? I would love to see that】

Bai Qi drew the card.

His expression immediately turned sour after he picked the card.

【What did you get! I’m curious to know】

The staff members said, “Kindly read the terms out loud.”


Xi Chengyun’s eyelids twitched. He reached forward and took the card. “There’s a saying that being together for too long would cause you to become immune to the charms of your significant other. That’s why there’s always the issue with the 7-year itch…”

Xi Chengyun paused.

【There’s nothing wrong with this statement. Many people end up feeling like the ‘flowers planted at home aren’t as fragrant as those found outside’… However, as long as you’re a human and not an animal, you should be able to control yourselves】

【Why do I see a change in Xi-laoshi’s expression?】

Xi Chengyun slowly continued, “To whoever that picks this card, kindly take a seat at the most prominent spot in the club and allow passersby to flirt with you. This will allow your significant other to notice your charm again.”

His voice was very calm.

The calmer it was, the more tense the atmosphere became.

【I’m shocked!】

【The team is up to something】

【However, it’s true. Actually, when you get tired of your significant other, you might have a better life when you leave them! It’s a pretty interesting way of thinking】

The staff’s face muscles twitched. He hadn’t expected Bai Qi to be the one to pick the card, so now, he didn’t even dare to look Xi Chengyun in the eye.

“So, what card is this?” Xi Chengyun asked.

“A reward card.”


The staff member looked down and remained silent.

He felt like Xi-laoshi would literally kill him.

【Holy, a reward card you say】

【I’m suddenly curious to know what the other guests will draw from the lot. Will it be even more nonsensical than this one?】

The staff member cleared his throat and stuttered, “Mn, next, let’s, let’s get going then.”

Xi Chengyun looked at Bai Qi.

Bai Qi stood there obediently and looked back at him in anticipation. He tried his best to keep up the act of being a weak and adorable partner.

“Let’s go in,” Xi Chengyun said.

The two of them entered the club.

As soon as they stepped foot into the place, the smell of alcohol and sweat immediately filled their nostrils. There was also the thundering sound of people shouting at each other. He vaguely caught their names — One was Kevin, and another was Tony.

Bai Qi held his breath, fixing his gaze upon whatever was in front of him.

He saw a huge boxing ring.

The ring was surrounded by borders. Outside the fencing, spectators danced excitedly with beer and drinks in their hands. Their drinks spilled out from the cup every time they waved it around.

Bai Qi understood.

This was a boxing club.

Oh, this was surprising. He didn’t know that hairstylists like “Tony” was interested in boxing these days.

Bai Qi blinked a few times, and he looked at the center of the boxing ring. He looked back at the staff and said, “Mn… The boxing ring seems like the most eye-catching place in this club. Am I supposed to sit there and seduce people who pass by?”