Crossing the Line (2)

After they were done washing up, they each dragged their heavy suits out from the ski area.

Although the gear was heavy, Bai Qi was feeling a lot happier than before.

There was a sense of secrecy and serenity while they walked out from the dimly lit pathway that led towards the front gate.

The light shone onto their faces. Bai Qi couldn’t really see Xi Chengyun clearly.

It was a long walk past the dimly lit area. As soon as they approached the gate, Bai Qi suddenly heard Xi Chengyun say in a low voice, “We’ve long crossed the line of whatever relationship we had set out to have in the agreement.”

Bai Qi was bewildered, too stunned to speak.

He didn’t expect Xi Chengyun to have heard what he’d said previously.

Before Bai Qi could come up with an answer, they arrived at the gates and two attendants ardently came forward to escort them out from the place.

They were met with the blazing glare of the sun. At the corner of an eye, Bai Qi’s attention was caught by a man in a mask and shades, who hurriedly backed away from them.

‘Is that one of the reporters?’

Bai Qi looked downwards at the person who was frantically keeping away his things. “Xi-laoshi,” the man politely greeted. He knew that he had nowhere to hide anyways.

“Mn, you’ve worked hard,” Xi Chengyun replied.

Then, he held Bai Qi by his wrist and they exited through the revolving door.

A chauffeur was waiting for them outside the door.

They got into the car and off they went.

The reporter let out a sigh of relief. Someone standing beside him asked, “Is that it? Xi-laoshi… is just going to leave?”

The reporter nodded. “That’s right. You’re new, so I guess you wouldn’t know. Xi-laoshi is actually quite a nice person…”

The other person couldn’t help but interrupt, “Xi-laoshi had posted the list of parties who have been sued for defamation. How is that nice in any way?”

The reporter let out a soft sigh and said, “That’s a different issue entirely. Those people are anti-fans, and we are different from them… It’s actually quite easy to work with Xi-laoshi. He respects our profession and the work that we do. He acknowledges that we are merely doing our jobs as employees of a company, and there is no use in making things difficult for us. That’s why, he wouldn’t interfere if he’s fine with whatever pictures we’ve taken; if he isn’t, he’d have Shang Guang, his manager, to treat us to a meal. Everyone kinda just knows this, and we simply act in Xi-laoshi’s favor…”

He paused for a moment before continuing, “Also, recently, I realized something different…”

“What is it?”

“He’s fine with the release of any sort of news, as long as it’s not news that will sully the reputation of Xi-laoshi’s wife.”

The reporter successfully arrived at his workplace with an SD card filled with juicy pictures. He received a huge bonus and went to celebrate the New Year’s.

At the same time, shocking news was spread on the internet.

《The Story of the Beautiful & Pitiful Young Master Bai》

《They’ve done their part, but were condemned. When will this end?》

《Shocking News! He single-handedly supported the lives of 13 people》

… The media attempted to depict Papa Bai’s situation. They included the details of how the Bai family went bankrupt and how he was taken advantage of by a friend.

Countless netizens were drawn to the pictures taken by the reporters, as well as a mysterious recording.

【What a way to start the New Year’s! I’ll kill all of you evil netizens】

【Bai Qi Qi family are such sweethearts】

【I’m furious! How is it possible that Hu Ming hasn’t been found yet? So, if Papa Bai didn’t hold himself accountable, their family wouldn’t have gone bankrupt? I think we can get to the bottom of this issue when we find Hu Ming】

【Peng Wanli is one cunning man! He took advantage of Papa Bai and presumably led the families to think that he was the one who had been supporting them financially the whole time?】

【He’s stocking up his riches for his death】

【I hope that thieving Hu Ming can go straight into the furnace ~】

It’s easy for the public to relate and empathise to an issue like this.

When the news was released, it became the headline of the entertainment magazines, general news magazines and even business magazines.

【I feel bad for our baby Qi Qi. The day where the antis disclosed his family issues, he even wrote fan fiction for us. How heartbreaking】

【Xi-ge, please be kinder to Bai Qi】

Suddenly, there were a lot more netizens who were tearing up over Bai Qi’s predicament.

When the reporter noticed this, he hurriedly released a few skiing pictures of Xi Chengyun and Bai Qi that he’d taken.

Back then, he had been too anxious, and hadn’t managed to take many pictures. Thus, he also released the picture he took of them dragging their skiing attire.

【I’m laughing and in tears due to Bai Qi. He’s such a sweetie. He will feel a lot better as long as his husband goes skiing with him!】

【I discreetly zoomed in on the last picture and noticed that Xi-laoshi had secretly reached one of his hands out to help Bai Qi carry his skiing attire】

Meanwhile, Bai Qi was seated lazily on the coach at Xi Chengyun’s condominium.

They didn’t go home straight away.

They figured that Papa Bai would still be angry and Mama Bai would be trying to comfort him.

Bai Qi scrolled through his feed and his anger gradually subsided when he read through the comments of netizens who resonated with him.

He stared at the comment section of the picture of them dragging their skiing attire back home.

…Oh, so Xi Chengyun really did help him lift up his ski jacket.

Although the lighting wasn’t that great, Xi Chengyun’s fair fingers could be seen to be curled upwards.

Bai Qi instinctively turned around to look at him —

Xi Chengyun nailed two nails into the walls of the living room in his $63 million condominium.

Bai Qi was puzzled when he saw Xi Chengyun hang both of the ski jackets up in the living room.

Any guest would be able to see two huge ski jackets once they entered the apartment.

Bai Qi licked his lips, he found the situation to be a bit odd. He felt as if Xi-laoshi was planning to hide him in the pocket of his shirt and to never let him leave…

He looked up at Xi Chengyun and asked, “Why are you hanging the jackets here?”

Just then, the doorbell rang.

Bai Qi stood up and went to get the door.

Outside stood Shang Huang with two bags full of food. He saw Xi-ge standing on a stool and asked, “Xi-ge, what are you doing?”

“Does this look nice?” Xi Chengyun turned to him and asked.

“… It’s truly something special.” Shang Guang forced himself to somewhat complement him. ‘Xi-ge has definitely lost it.’