I Joined to Write Fanfiction about Us (2)

Bai Qi poured all the seeds into his mouth at one go, just like when he was younger.

“Is it still salty?” Xi Chengyun asked.

Bai Qi’s heart raced. He paused before he shook his head and said, “No, it’s not, it tastes fantastic.”

“Mn,” Xi Chengyun replied.

And that was that.

Bai Qi obediently sat beside him.

When Papa Bai brought another dish to the dining table, Bai Qi finally got to his feet and went towards the table.

Papa Bai and Su Meixian finally finished cooking at half-past eight. The gala had started before they finally served all the dishes.

The small table was packed with scrumptious dishes.

The smell of food slowly permeated the house.

The phone in Bai Qi’s pocket vibrated, but before he could fish it out of his pocket to check, Papa Bai asked him, “Qi Qi, what would you like to drink?”

“Juice please.”

Papa Bai poured a cup for each of them, including Xi Chengyun.

He took a deep breath and said without looking at Xi Chengyun, “Cheers, to another new year spent together…”

“Cheers,” Xi Chengyun answered in a low voice.

On the other hand, the anti-fans were still waiting for an official answer from them.

The passersby were letting their imagination run wild. They were one step away from writing fanfiction about how Xi Chengyun, a ruthless best actor, fell in love with Bai Qi, who ran away with their kid.

The anti-fans were about to go ballistic, things weren’t going as expected.

【Hah, why haven’t we gotten any official statements from them? Are they scared?】

【How can Xi Chengyun’s fans be alright with someone like him? 】

It was true, some of Xi Chengyun’s fans were starting to become unhappy with him.

At the moment, the fandoms in the country were in a mess. Thus, some studios would choose to contact the owners of major fan sites regularly to ensure the cooperation of most of the fans. As of now, as long as the major fansite owners were cooperative, their underlings couldn’t have much effect on the entire situation.

At the same time, there were CP stans who took the lead to make fun of the antis.

【What are you, a photocopying machine? Can you stop reposting the same thing? We can see the same comments everywhere. I’m utterly speechless, didn’t your nine years of formal education teach you anything?】

The anti-fans lost it. Just then, someone commented in the comment section and the anti-fans rushed to the news even faster than the fans.

【My god! Xi Chengyun’s studio has made an official statement! Quick, go look...】

Someone left an eye-catching comment, and the antis rushed to check it out.

【What is this? Why did they post another list of names?】

【It’s an update from them, it is a verdict from the court!】

【OMG, OMG, this is from long ago when they first got married. Back then, some fans harassed Bai Qi in his DMs... They announced nothing about a lawsuit or disclosed the lawyer’s letter. Xi Chengyun’s ability to handle issues is impressive.】

【You can find the link to the recorded judicial hearings online. Although the person’s face was blurred, I still felt a sense of happiness when I watched it.】

【Found it! The attorney team Xi-laoshi found for the case is the cream of the crop! Isn’t it a bit much to make use of such a talented team to handle this case?】

【I’m guessing that they’re trying to remind the rabble-rousers that they have their eyes on them and to have some self-control, am I right?】

The anti-fans hadn’t expected Xi Chengyun’s ‘love’ for Bai Qi to be so ‘deep’ and they were at a loss for words.

The speculative accounts were also tongue-tied...

‘After searching high and low, without even eating, I’ve finally found a picture of Bai Qi from when his family was still wealthy, and now you tell me this... So, should I still post the picture? I’m in a bind here.’

Before celebrities posted attorney’s letters, they would already know that it wouldn’t make much of a difference. However, it was different in Xi Chengyun’s case... He never went back on his word.

In Bai Qi’s house, the three of them had their bellies filled from the delicious dinner and were slouching against the couch as they watched the Chinese New Year gala on TV.

Xi Chengyun stood out because he was the only one sitting with perfect posture.

Bai Qi turned to look at him and thought, ‘No wonder the netizens would sometimes comment that Xi-laoshi is so perfect that he doesn’t seem human.’

The ‘fake human’, Xi-laoshi, was chatting with Bai Qi’s parents.

Xi Chengyun could easily hold the conversation no matter which celebrity they pointed at on TV.

“Ah, they’re singing out of tune…”

“This singer indulges in tobacco and nightclubs. They haven’t been practicing much these days, so they’re no longer like before.”

“This skit is a mess…”

“That actor didn’t use the right method to deliver the lines…”

He also commented… “These two celebrities actually don’t like each other.” “This actor looks like he’s laughing when he’s trying to cry.”

Even Papa Bai joined in the conversation and enjoyed himself. It was the first time they got to know so much insider information about the entertainment industry.

Bai Qi was also mind-blown by the new information.

Who knew that the god-like and noble Xi-laoshi actually knew so much gossip-worthy material! And he remembered everything! He even said that the person looks like he’s laughing when he’s trying to cry! What a venomous tongue he has!

Just then, a veteran actor appeared on the screen.

Su Mexian smiled as she said, “He was so handsome in the martial arts drama he was in two years ago. I liked him a lot back then. He’s aged over the years...”

“Would you like his signature? I can get one for you if you’d like,” Xi Chengyun immediately offered.

The three of them got along easily.