A Contractual Marriage with the Best Leading Actor Chapter 94

Xi-ge is a Good Man (1)

Xi Chengyun had a specific psychiatric clinic he went to, both in the country and overseas.

He’d reckoned numerous times that Jiang Shen, who is his and Jiang Fangcheng’s father, had some serious issues with his genes. He also believed that Jiang Shen had passed those terrible genes to him.

So after his mother passed, Xi Chengyun earnestly went to see a psychiatrist.

When he decided to become an actor, Shang Guang strongly encouraged him to have regular check-ups with a psychiatrist.

“You have great earning potential, but the pressure is also great. The expectations are extremely high and that’s the sad truth of this industry. As a public figure, you’d have to accept criticism from countless people every day. At the same time, there’s also the stress from your acting itself. The pressure that such issues cause… some who can’t take it will either fall from glory by participating in promiscuous activities and drug abuse, or in more serious cases, they’ll resort to suicide.”

Back then, Shang Guang didn’t know that Xi Chengyun was from a rich family. He was worried that such a talent would go down the wrong path.

Most celebrities in the industry suffer from some form of mental illness, but they were more embarrassed than ordinary people to seek professional help.

They were terrified of being caught by the paparazzi and for the news headline of the next day to be about how they’re mentally disabled.

Shang Guang had been worried that he wouldn’t be able to convince Xi Chengyun.

But in fact, Xi Chengyun was more rational than anyone else. He quickly nodded in agreement and even chose the psychiatrist he’d like to go to in the country himself.

His psychiatrist’s first name is ‘Chen’ and she is a lady in her forties.

Back to the present, Doctor Chen was surprised when she saw Xi Chengyun. The man in front of her differed from how he usually was. He seemed to be tense.

This was a rare sight indeed.

Doctor Chen realized that no matter where the man was, be it in front of the camera or not, he was always in an absolutely relaxed state. It was as if everything in this world was trivial to him.

“Please, sit.”

“Congratulations on your marriage.”

Xi Chengyun nodded and the tenseness in his shoulders instantly disappeared.

It was so fast that Doctor Chen thought that the tenseness was just her imagination.

Doctor Chen stood up and poured Xi Chengyun a cup of tea.

The lights around the area were mostly switched off and only the one in the office was lit.

Under the quiet night sky, Doctor Chen silently sat there as she waited for Xi Chengyun to speak.

Mr. Xi was dominating to the core and even at a place like this, he was used to having control over the situation in the room.

“As you can see…” Finally, Xi Chengyun calmly said, “I am married.”

Doctor Chen naturally followed up, “Did conflicts arise after your marriage? That’s perfectly normal. Many people are different before and after marriage. This is why we actually strongly encourage couples to have a premarital cohabitation test…”

Before Doctor Chen was able to finish her sentence, Xi Chengyun cut in and said, “There’s no problem with that.”


“We are very compatible.”

Though it was all an act.

Doctor Chen was puzzled.

She felt that something was off.

Xi Chengyun received the cup of tea and took a sip. “He knows all my likes and dislikes, and all the productions I’ve participated in.”

That was also an act.

Doctor Chen said laughingly, “Mn, I saw the Hot Search. I saw everyone commenting that your other half is a die-hard fan of yours.”

“He is very popular,” Xi Chengyun said.

“You are too,” Doctor Chen replied.

Xi Chengyun shook his head. “It’s not the same. He treats everyone wholeheartedly.” Other than towards him; in his case, it was all for show.

And the clearer he was of this fact...

Xi Chengyun felt like he was being split in half. Half of him unknowingly submerged himself into this act while the other half was impassively observing from aside.

“Have you ever… seen something and thought that they were colorful?” Xi Chengyun calmly asked.

His statement was a bit confusing.

But Doctor Chen promptly understood what he meant. “Mn, of course. When I was younger, the first time I brought my daughter out, when I looked up, the sky was colorful, even the trees seemed to be colorful.”

Xi Chengyun nodded briefly. “He is colorful.”

The more Doctor Chen listened, the more she found that something wasn’t right.

‘Sir, did you come all the way here today for me to praise your marriage partner?’

‘You’re being a bit too much.’

‘The whole internet is already eating your dog food*.’

*Eating dog food (吃狗粮) is an internet slang used to describe the pitiful situation of single people caused by the public display of affection of couples online or offline.

Rather than hoping to receive some sort of analysis or advice, he was narrating all this to gather his thoughts.

He was trying to come to terms with his feelings.

After Xi Chengyun ended his sentence, he fell into silence.

After over 10 minutes, Xi Chengyun spoke again in a low voice. “If it’s okay, I’ll come again next time for a more thorough psychological test.”

Doctor Chen was stunned and nodded. “You need not worry, your mental condition is in a very stable state right now. Few people are as healthy as you are. You wouldn’t cause any problems to your loved one.”

Xi Chengyun replied with a small smile, but a dimness was hidden beneath his eyes.

He’s never been in a relationship.

He couldn’t imagine having the signs of another person in his everyday life.

Plus, he also realized that he might be a wary and controlling partner.

His strength might crush Bai Qi into pieces.