A Contractual Marriage with the Best Leading Actor Chapter 80

Fierce and Savage (4)

“Are you nervous?” Xi Chengyun asked in a low voice.

Bai Qi shook his head.

Both of them weren’t sure how ‘little’ each other knew about ice hockey.

‘It’s okay, I’m a perfect wife!’ Bai Qi thought.

‘It’s okay, I can protect Bai Qi.’ Xi Chengyun thought.

At the sound of a whistle, the players from both teams entered the rink one after another.

People in skates swiveled to the center of the rink, leaving a shadow after themselves.

Their silhouettes were like fluttering butterflies, gently skimming the surface of the water.

The excitement in the bullet comments finally reached its peak:

【I’m kinda getting the feels!】

【AHHH, this is truly visually pleasant】

That was until it was Luo Yuan’s turn.

‘Fuck’, Luo Yuan thought.

‘I only wanted to mooch a few points! Why do I have to look so terrible to do so!’

Luo Yuan held onto the doorpost and cautiously took his first step. Then… then he stopped there and didn’t move at all.

Their team was dressed in red.

The other team was dressed in white.

The white team smirked. “…They are pretty lame.”

Both teams drew themselves closer towards the blue circle in the middle of the rink where they’ll be starting the game.

When the referee blew the whistle, a ‘ding’ blew through everyone’s minds. Everyone focused and their bodies stiffened.

Both teams had their muscles tightened.

The lips of a white team member twisted upwards and they quickly moved their hockey stick to make a hit, and… he completely missed?!

He was taken aback before he noticed that the biscuit* had been stolen from him.

*Biscuit here refers to the ice hockey puck.

A member from the program team temporarily filled in the gap as a commentator. He shouted, “The biscuit! The biscuit... is in whose hands now? Shit, they’re dressed so similarly, how do we tell them apart?”

【F*ck, the program team is cracking me up】

【Idiot! Look at the numbers on the back of their clothes! It’s 22!】

The temporary commentator finally received a paper with the details of the members. He looked downwards at the numbers on the paper.

“The person who got the biscuit is… Bai Qi.” The commentator paused.

Just as he finished, Bai Qi was seen skating straight towards the goal.

The white team didn’t expect their opponents to be so fast and paused for a few seconds before remembering the fact that they have to guard the goal.

“33! No. 33 blocked No. 11 from the white team! Who is No. 33 again… let me look… ah.” Suddenly, the commentator shouted excitedly, “It’s our Xi-laoshi!”

Xi Chengyun was particularly tall. Even when he slouched over, he was still an unignorable presence on the rink.

The opponents skated towards Bai Qi to surround him.

Bai Qi hit the biscuit the other way, away from the group around him.

“I’m coming over! Stop moving!” the instructor shouted.

Xi Chengyun swiftly skated over and hocked the biscuit with his stick. His movements were all so elegant and precise, just like a beautiful blade that was being unsheathed.

【Ahhh, Xi-laoshi is so good! He really knows how to play!】

【He’s way too handsome】

“Here they come, they’re coming over. They are trying to surround Xi-laoshi.”

Xi-laoshi promptly caught the biscuit and passed it back to Bai Qi.

The biscuit was passed between them a few times.

The expression on the faces of the players in white changed. They felt like they were being played with, so they upgraded their next attack, making it more precise.

The instructor who was full of energy while waiting to receive the biscuit was speechless.

“No. 17 from the white team is moving closer, what is he doing? Is he going to make Bai Qi fall?”

“Oh! Here they come! No. 17 from the red team is going over to block him.”

“17 is… Ah, it’s Qiu Sichuan.”

Just like this, Bai Qi swiftly passed the ‘no man’s land’.

His figure was extraordinarily graceful, his back arched slightly, like a taut bowstring, its arc beautiful and powerful.

【Bai Qi is amazing! F*cking h*ll, how is he so skillful in so many things?】

【He’s dressed like a penguin, but when he glides past the ice, his figure is too f*cking beautiful. Wuwuwu, I’m thirsty. I thirst for Qi Qi’s waist.】

“No. 9! Player No. 9 is rushing towards Bai Qi.”

“Now the puck is with Xu Yi, Bai Qi passed it to him!”

“My god, player No. 9 is heading over to knock Xu Yi out. Both Xi-laoshi and Qiu Sichuan are helping Bai Qi, will they be able to save Xu Yi in time?”

The staff member was becoming more hyped up, and this caused the audience to become nervous as well.

Bai Qi shifted his weight to the right and used his left foot to push himself to make a left turn. Then, with the push of his foot against the ice, he gracefully skated forward.

“Bai Qi has the biscuit again!”

“What is Bai Qi doing?”

The boy swung with a strong force, showing a young man’s determination.  He used his waist and shoulder muscles at the same time, and the stick struck the ice.

At the hit of a stick, the puck shot out quickly towards the goal.

The staff member shouted, “The attempt at blocking failed. Bai Qi successfully hit the biscuit in the basket! Woohoo!”

He paused before adding, “The white team is getting anxious! They’re getting anxious! Oh…no one went to rescue Xu Yi, my god! Xu Yi fell right on his butt!!”

【Shit, this commentator is so low】

【Xu Yi: Mhmm, you hear that?】

Luo Yuan, who was in a corner, mumbled to himself. “I shouldn’t have come here. This is nowhere near getting free marks.”

Ten Luo Yuans wasn’t even enough to cover the number of times he’ll be falling over.

“...” Xu Yi expressed.

Xu Yi’s butt met the cold ice. He stumbled to stand up, and when he saw that their team’s marks had increased by 1, he finally gave a forced smile.

Bai Qi skated back to their side of the field.

Xi Chengyun raised his left hand and unconsciously grabbed Bai Qi by his finger.

He was acting like a human who automatically reached out to touch a flying butterfly.