A Contractual Marriage with the Best Leading Actor Chapter 63

A Sneeze (2)

【Why don’t we just replace all those sisters-in-law with a Bai Qi】


【Amusing. This is the first time I’ve witnessed multiple fandoms coming together to shit talk about their sisters-in-law. Some are even fans of their idol’s rivals】

Xi Chengyun’s fans felt a little odd when they saw the comments. They didn't know if they were supposed to laugh because of their superiority, or to cry together as well…

A fan of Xi Chengyun couldn’t help but state: 【We aren’t even on the same level as them. Their idol is nowhere as good as Xi-laoshi, there’s a gap of 30 or more awards between them… Bai Qi isn’t someone their gege can think about having】

【Exactly. Only Xi-ge can!】

When they put it that way, it seemed like whoever got hold of Bai Qi, got hold of a treasure, and this became a matter of glory.

Although all these were a little weird, at this point, everyone’s perspective had already undergone a 180-degree change.

The post almost found a spot on the Hot Search, however, fortunately, Xi Chengyun’s team noticed the post and managed to subdue it in time. They didn’t need to let others gossip about the fact that they slandered others just because they had a good sister-in-law.

“Shang-ge, everything’s been taken care of,” the team gave Shang Guang a call to notify him.

“Alright, got it.”

“You can relax now. The topic only appeared on the Hot Search for a while, no celebrity or fan would place the blame on us.”

Shang Guang couldn’t help himself. He was amused. “Why do you think I wanted the topic to disappear from Hot Search? Do you really think it’s because I’m worried that the celebrities mentioned in the discussion will be upset?”

‘Of course not! Xi Chengyun’s status, reputation, prestige, and ability were on the line here.’

“Xi-ge isn’t someone that these bunch of kids can affect. So why does it matter if they’re upset?” Shang Guang stated coldly.

Shang Guang paused for a moment, his expression turned slightly distorted. “I don’t want…” he gritted out between his teeth.

‘I don’t want Xi-ge to be reminded about how good Bai Qi is through other’s words on the Hot Search.’

One would realize how good a person is the more times they witness the other’s goodness. So, to avoid that, they should not come into contact with it at all!

His butt still hurt a little after his pratfall. Right now, he was truly taken aback by how things had played out. He realized that the child had so many tactics up his sleeve. With the way he was, forget about the 50 million he got from Xi-ge, he wouldn’t even have a problem cheating hundreds of millions from a rich man!

Shang Guang rubbed his face as he thought, ‘I should find a chance to talk to Xi-ge.’

Despite that, he never got a chance to do so.

In the middle of the night, a call from Xi Chengyun’s studio still found its way to Shang Guang.

“Did something go wrong?” Shang Guang said, struggling to keep his eyes open.

“No, that’s not it. I’ve sent the pictures to you, can you take a look?”

Shang Guang looked at his phone and noticed that Xi Chengyun’s fans had established a Bai Qi Protection Society overnight???

‘What on earth happened to all of you? Weren’t you all swore at him like crazy when the first episode was aired! Are you all even qualified fans anymore?’

Bai Qi sneezed, the surroundings of his eyes red when he looked up.

“Who’s talking bad about me?” Bai Qi muttered casually.

Xi Chengyun was packing his luggage and paused when he heard that. He looked towards a staff member that was close by and asked, “Hi, may I know if we can have our phones and wallets back?”

The staff member was taken aback as the person quickly replied, “Hold on, Xi-laoshi. I’ll fetch your phone and wallet from the director team.”

“Bai Qi’s too,” Xi Chengyun added.

“Yes, yes.”

Xi Chengyun looked at the staff member as the person left. Then, he turned around and said, “You want to take a week off?”

Bai Qi nodded. “Yup, I’ve informed Shang-ge about this way back then.”

Xi Chengyun had been very busy, so a lot of the communication they had was relayed to each other through Shang Guang.

This break had been planned a long time ago, everything was going according to plan, and Xi Chengyun should’ve felt relaxed.

“Going back to campus?” Xi Chengyun asked.

“Yup, finals are coming. If I don’t go back, I’ll have to spend more money to retake the papers,” Bai Qi said as he bent down to pick up a flask from the luggage bag. “I almost forgot. Here, this is for you, I bought it in town.” Xi Chengyun had been drinking from the cap of the flask since yesterday.

Xi Chengyun reached out and accepted the flask. Then, he looked down at his phone and sent a message to his studio.

【Send me a copy of my schedule for the next few days】

His phone vibrated and he soon received a few pictures that contained Xi Chengyun’s packed schedule.

“How many days will your exams be?” Xi Chengyun asked as he glanced through his schedule.

“A week.”

“Where will you be staying?” Xi Chengyun asked.

Bai Qi didn’t find anything off about Xi Chengyun’s attentive queries since Xi Chengyun had always been a gentleman with no flaws.

Bai Qi shut his luggage bag and said, “The dorms…?” His house was too far away from campus, or else he would’ve stayed at home.

Xi Chengyun was sitting at the edge of the bed and bent down to help Bai Qi zip his luggage bag. “I’ll send you to campus.”

Bai Qi wasn’t shy and agreed. “Sure!”