Fifty Million (1.1)

《What should I do if my boyfriend of two years suddenly marries another woman?》

1L: Send him to hell!  

2L: Sadly, reality has proven that scumbags are always the ones who live longer and better than anyone else. *Sigh*. 

3L: Play an x-rated video of the both of you during the wedding for the bride to see.

4L: F*ck, sister, you’re really cruel! There’s no need for that. If you do so, your social life will be done for…  

19L: Post about that scumbag’s behavior within your friend group. This way, at the very least, the people around you will know what a piece of trash he is!  

20L: Your friend group will only be there for the tea. They’ll be there to look at how flustered you are. Then, they’ll mourn over the matter for a little while. In the end, no one would even remember.

You don’t say…, thought Bai Qi. 

223L: OP, go find a better boyfriend! Bring him to the wedding and annoy the heck out of that douche bag.

224L: The guy you find better be someone who is taller, richer, more handsome, and more gentle than that bastard. He’d also better be someone who drives a luxury car, dresses in a suit and wears luxury watches. Heh, that douche will be mad as hell when he sees that man holding you in his arms. 

225L: Sisters upstairs, y’all really have a knack for writing. The pen is all yours. Please go ahead and write more.  

Very soon, the post went viral. People started to discuss the scenarios mentioned by Level 223 and 224. Well, those scenarios only exist in dramas. 

In reality… well in reality, this frustration can only be vented through our own imagination.   

779L: It’s not entirely impossible. You can spend some cash to hire a rent boy to act as your new badass boyfriend. Doesn’t that solve it?  

780L: Darn it, I’ve got no money to hire…  

Bai Qi licked his lips as he typed out two words: “True that”.  

If you’ve got the money, why not do something else with it? Why spend the money on hiring people? It’s simply a waste of money and energy on that bastard. 

Bai Qi closed the post. Then, he heard a soft thrumming sound. 

“Is it raining outside?”

“Did you bring your umbrella? Ah, I didn’t bring mine…”  

Bai Qi didn’t bring his either. He kept his phone away and took a look at his surroundings. 

It was nearing finals. In the library located at the east side of Jing University, many students have gathered together for their final revision. 

Bai Qi should have been carefully reviewing his linear algebra too.

However, two hours ago, he received a message from his roommate.

【Qiqi, when will you be back? Jiang Fangcheng is here to pass us an invitation】

【What invitation?】

【Jiang Fangcheng is getting engaged】

【… with who?】

【Ooo, seems like she’s a senior from a sister school】

Bai Qi stared at his phone. He felt horrible. Words stuck in his throat.

Jiang Fangcheng, who was a year his senior, eagerly pursued him when he first entered university. Same-sex marriage had yet to have been legalised during that year. Thus, they did not tell others about their relationship even after getting together.

Man, and just like that, two years have passed. That fellow managed to find a girlfriend behind his back and even organize an engagement banquet. All this and yet Bai Qi didn’t know anything about it!

Just great, now nothing could enter his brain. 

Thus after aimlessly browsing the web, he came across the post mentioned above. He then indulged himself in the post for half an hour.

Back to the present, Bai Qi looked up and out the window again. The tiny droplets of rain had turned into a drizzle. 

He quickly packed his things and made his way out of the library, just in case the rain turned heavier later on.

18 minutes later, the door of Dorm 303 flug wide open.

“Qi Qi is back!” The person at the table pointed at the invitation card on the table and then turned to look towards the door. 

The figure by the door looked like an 18 to 19 year old. He stood at 1.78m tall, possessing a slender and lean figure. He was wearing a cheese colored down jacket, paired with a pair of light shaded jeans. The combination made him look exceptionally young.

Mu Dong’s brain paused for a second. Then, he shifted his gaze upwards.

Bai Qi had a very attractive face. He had a pair of deep set eyes with long and curly lashes. His features had an indescribable feeling of delicateness to them. At a glance, he gave off a cute, fresh and sparkling vibe. 

His fringe was all wet, plastered onto his forehead. There also seemed to be a little moisture in his eyes. He looked like a wet puppy who ran into a snowstorm. 

Poor thing, my fatherly heart can’t take this! Mu Dong thought.

“Qi Qi, you were caught in the rain! Quickly, dry yourself off.” Mu Dong promptly fetched a towel and handed it to Bai Qi. 

Bai Qi took the towel but didn’t use it. Instead, he threw his bag aside and got himself a cup of hot water.

“Here’s the invitation. Wow, Jiang Fangcheng is freaking amazing. He hasn’t even graduated and yet once he announces he’s engaged, he’s engaged!”“Maybe all the busyness has caused his brain to go kaput. Jiang Fangcheng only sent one invitation to our dorm. The both of you are so close, he should’ve at least sent an individual invitation to our Qi-ge! It should also have an embroidered heart on it or something…”