I saw Li Rong, but Li Rong didn't see me. She let the man hug her. From time to time, his hands and feet would caress her body.

I couldn't help but clench my fists. Chen San'er looked over and mocked, "Women are all whores. A person is a chicken at night during the day."

Listening to Chen San'er's harsh words made my heart hurt even more. I wanted to rush over, but I still didn't have the courage. I just looked on helplessly as Li Rong and that man got into a taxi. I mocked myself in my heart as I thought about what right I have to take care of them.

That night, I was drunk with Chen San'er and her group at the night stand. Before, I had thought that Chen San'er wasn't a big deal, but I didn't expect her to be so loyal. He seemed to know that I liked Li Rong, so he started to comfort me.

"Liu Zi, don't worry about what third brother said." This woman is the same. Don't just look at how your third brother is surrounded by women, if there comes a day when I'm not even one of them will ignore me. " He put his arm around me and took a seat on the other side.

He poured me a glass of beer and we all drank it. He pointed to Zhou Jinhao, who was playing with him on the table not far away. "Look at that kid Zhou Jinhao. He's even more handsome than me, isn't he?" "I'm not afraid to tell you, this kid also likes Zheng Lu, but why is Zheng Lu with me in the end?"

Zheng Lu is our school's belle. Hearing Chen San'er's words, I seemed to understand something.

"Alright, we've been classmates for so many years. It's rare for us to chat so happily tonight. Another cup! " Chen San smiled.

"Third Brother, are you confident in your college entrance exam?" I couldn't help but ask.

Chen San'er smiled and looked at me: "What's there to be sure of? Anyway, the family has already arranged it for me. After the college entrance examination is over, I'll go to my dad's factory to work."

Only then did I realize that Chen San'er didn't even put the college entrance exams in her eyes. Perhaps for him, it was the same whether he took the college entrance exam or not. Since his father was so rich, he wouldn't starve to death.

I don't know how much I drank that night, but when I woke up the next day I was in a hotel. It seems like Chen San'er arranged for me to go back to the dorm to sleep the next night after midnight.

Soon, it was the day of the college entrance examination. When I saw all the students enter the examination hall, I made a big decision: I wouldn't take the exam!

I bought my ticket back to the village that same day and without a word packed my things and ran home.

After returning home, when I told my dad that I didn't want to take the exam, he directly sent a slap towards me with a gloomy face, giving me the feeling that I was seeing stars.

I glared at him and said, "Even if I don't take the college entrance exam, I'll still be doing very well in the future!"

My dad was so angry that he couldn't say anything. He clenched his teeth and shouted at me, "Get lost!"

Without another word, I turned around and left the house. After leaving the house, I ran to Elder Wang's house without any money. After he died, the house remained there. No one wanted it, and the village head didn't say how to deal with it.

I didn't eat that night, nor did I spend any money at Elder Wang's house.

After a sleepless night, I thought about it for an entire night. I decided that I would leave my village, leave the county, and venture outside!

I want to prove to my father that I can live well without reading!

Before I left, I rummaged through Elder Wang's house, but I couldn't find a single cent. All I found was a diary and a green ring.

I bit my lip and tossed it into a corner of the room. As for the ring, I took it with me and left it with me as a thought.

At that time, I would have never thought that I would almost lose my life from losing that diary. Furthermore, I accidentally put on that seemingly worthless ring and kept one of my hands.

Of course, this was all a story in the future.

I left our village along the road, and when I was hungry I went to the fields and grilled potatoes and corn. My village was more than twenty kilometers away from the county town. After walking for a whole day, I finally arrived at the county town.

After arriving at the county city, I went to the internet cafe to look for Little Fatty Du.

I told him about the quarrel with my family. After he heard it, he kept trying to persuade me to go home, but I just didn't want to.

In the end, he couldn't help but ask me what I planned to do next. I shook my head and said I didn't know.

"Liu, didn't I say you had no need to be like this with your father?"

I waved my hand. "Alright, stop it." I've already decided, I'm going out to challenge the... Can you lend me some money? "

After a few seconds of hesitation, Little Fatty asked: "How much do you want?"

"One Thousand Yuan!"

"One Thousand Yuan?" Little Fatty Du looked at me in surprise: "Where do you want me to get so much money?"

Saying that, he took out all the money he had in his pocket, "Well, that's all I have now... "Take it first, I'll go home tonight and see if I can steal some from my dad."

Looking at the money in front of me, I put it into my pocket. "Stop stealing it. Take good care of yourself in the future."

Just as I stood up to leave, Little Fatty Du called out to me, "Where are you planning to go now?"

"Don't worry about it. I'll call you when I'm done."

After bidding farewell to Little Fatty Du, I left the internet cafe. Looking at the huge town, I couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

I've been thinking for a long time. The only way I can get some money now is to go to the gambling den in the game room!

But with my current condition, I definitely can't do it. I found a cheap inn and went in to have a good rest.

When I came to the game room again, it was already the morning of the second day. Of course, I did my preparations well, just like last time!

I still wanted to use the Gold Blast Flower, mainly because it was a fast way to earn money, and also because I got some experience from it last time.

That night, I used 20 pieces of money to win about 1500 yuan. I originally planned to stop after winning 1000 yuan, but when I saw those colorful bills, I actually didn't stop.

If not for the fact that so many of them had left, I would probably have won. Ye Zichen walked out of the game room with the one thousand and five hundred yuan in his hands, and immediately stopped worrying about anything.

There was a saying that goes: wine makes people brave, but money makes the poor brave.

It wasn't wrong at all. There was only one difference between having money and not having it.

Suddenly, I was in no hurry to leave the county town. I spent the next few days in the Internet Cafe, so I don't know why Little Fatty Du didn't come to the Internet Cafe for a few days.

Just as I was bored watching movies online, my QQ rang. I thought it was Little Fatty Du, but it turned out to be Li Rong.

Why did you give up the college entrance exam?

I was a little rough, so I replied: "I don't need you to care."

It took her a long time to send a long message, saying that I can't give up on myself, that's a lot of logic.

When I saw her scolding me like this, I instantly became unhappy. Like I said, who do you think you are? Don't think too much of yourself, okay?

Then her QQ went offline, and I couldn't be bothered with her. After seeing her for myself, I had long since developed an aversion to her.

But I never would have thought that after more than half an hour, Li Rong would actually come to the Internet Cafe to find me.

When we met, she immediately slapped me in the face. Just a few days ago, he was slapped by my father.

I instantly became angry and shouted at her, "Are you crazy?"

"Ma Liu, I want you to apologize!" She looked at me aggressively with tears in her eyes.

One of her best friends behind her also glared at me fiercely. Many people in the Internet Cafe looked over. I couldn't help but say, "Apologize? Apologize for what? Why should I apologize? "

Just at this moment, my mind started to heat up, and I said, "Don't think that I don't know, what are you pretending for me to be? Aren't you a chicken? "

When I said that, I regretted it. Li Rong blanked out for a moment, then threw something towards me. She turned around and ran out of the Internet Cafe while crying.

When I came back to myself, I felt like I had gone too far. No matter what, she was still a classmate of mine. Moreover, she was the girl that I once liked.

My intestines had turned green, I picked up the thing that dropped on the ground, picked it up and saw that it was Li Rong's wallet.

That night, I didn't continue to surf the internet in the internet cafe. Instead, I went out to look for a hotel.

I lay on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep. Countless thoughts urged me to apologize to Li Rong. But I couldn't bring myself to be ashamed. I comforted myself with the thought that I was not going to be the same person as her in the future, so I had to say something else if I didn't see her.

I had to spend money everywhere in the county. At that time, my ability to control myself was weak, and I didn't have any plans to spend money recklessly. Thus, I spent all of my money quickly.

What do I do after I've spent all my money? Of course to the game room. Thus, I used the few hundred yuan in Li Rong's wallet as the gambling stake.

Just like that, I would have money to roam around outside. Without money, I would go to the game room and earn a thousand dollars. After muddling along for almost a month, my life has become very relaxed, and I discovered that my "Cloudwater Sleeve" 's Thousand Arts Skill has increased by a lot compared to before. Previously, I could only hide a few dozen cards, but now, I can hide more than half of them.

That day, I took my last hundred or so dollars to the game room to get some more money.

But when I walked in, I noticed that something was wrong with the atmosphere. I didn't think too much about it. I took out my cigarette and gave it to the familiar faces. Then I sat down at the table to play cards, and after about half an hour a few strangers came to my card table and said they wanted to join.

These people were all around twenty years old. It was obvious that they had been in the underworld before. When they touched the cards, their arms were tattooed.

I don't know why, but after these people sat down, I started to panic. Thus, I decided not to play more than a thousand games. After a few games, I stood up and stopped playing.

Although I did not continue to play, but did not leave, but stood aside to watch them play. Gradually, I realized that something was wrong. Suddenly, an idea flashed through my mind!

These people were Old Qian!