In the twinkling of an eye, the three of Shen houbai have come to the tenth day

I thought it would rain black here, but I didn't think it would be sunny here.

However, although there is no black rain, it does not mean that Shen houbai can relax his vigilance.

Because of the oncoming wind, scratch on the face will also have bursts of tingling feeling.

In short, although there is no black rain, it has become a pervasive wind, making the three of Shen houbai still have to release immortal shield to resist.

"This tenth day seems to be a desert world."

Emperor Tian looked at the yellow sand all around him and felt the sand constantly hitting his immortal shield under the wind. Emperor Tian squatted down, and then directly picked up a handful of yellow sand. Then... With the rolling of his thumb and index finger, Emperor Tian's brow wrinkled slightly.

"I have good news and bad news. Which do you want to hear first?" The emperor and the heaven have their own way.

Looking at the emperor, Shen Ruge put her hands around her chest, and Dai Mei twisted slightly: "I don't like bad news, so... Let's say good news first."

Hearing Shen Ruge's words, Emperor Tian propped himself up, then clapped the yellow sand with his hands and said, "the good news is that there are grains of immortal stones in the yellow sand, so... Can you imagine how many grains of immortal stones there will be in such a big world?"

It seems that Shen Ruge is not interested in the good news from the emperor.

Because even if there are a lot of Xianshi particles in this world, they can't get them. After all, it's not a simple project to separate Xianshi particles from yellow sand. That is to bring all the people in the heaven here. I'm afraid no one will want to "wash the sand with big waves" for just Xianshi particles.

"And the bad news?" At this time, Shen Ruge said again.

"Bad news!"

Emperor Tian takes a look at Shen houbai, and then looks at Shen Ruge, but just when he is ready to say something

"The bad news is that there is no pillar of light here," Shen said

Every day, Shen houbai will find the pillar of light leading to the next day for the first time, and this tenth day... Now, Shen houbai has not seen the pillar of light.

When she heard Shen houbai's words, Shen Ruge immediately looked around, and then she found that... There was no light column.

"So, how do we get to the eleventh day?"

The emperor day spreads a hand to shrug a shoulder medium to say.

Also at this time, Shen houbai said: "although there is no pillar of light, there is wind."

"The wind?"

Shen Ruge didn't know what Shen houbai meant, so she was very confused.

And just when Shen Ruge was confused, Shen houbai stretched out a hand and pointed to the distance

Then, when Shen Ruge looked in the direction that Shen houbai pointed out, she saw a huge tornado rising from the ground on the horizon, connecting heaven and earth.

Then, Shen Ruge took back her eyes, looked at Marquis Shen and said, "what do you mean, the passage to the next day is in the tornado?"

"I don't know."

"But it's not ruled out."

Shen Hou Bai stroked his thin dry lips and said.

Because it is a desert area, and the sun is shining in the sky, there is very little water in the air, so just a short time later, Shen houbai's lips began to dry.

"Do you have any water?"

It seemed that he felt thirsty, so the emperor asked Shen Ruge about it.


Shen Ruge shook his head at the emperor.

Shaking his head, Shen Ruge looked back at Shen houbai and said, "do you have a belt?"

After hearing Shen Ruge's inquiry, marquis Shen took out a water bag without saying a word, but... What was in it was not water, but wine

"There's no water, but there's plenty of wine."

With that, Shen houbai throws the water bag to Shen Ruge.

When Shen Ruge opened the water bag, with the smell of wine, Shen Ruge frowned involuntarily

"Wine instead of water!"

"What if I'm drunk?"

Shen Ruge was very angry.

"Let Xiaobai hold you when you are drunk."

Di Tian came to Shen Ruge, and then took the water bag of Shen Ruge's singer. Then, with a wave of his neck, "Gudong, Gudong", and the wriggling of his Adam's apple, di Tian drank happily.After counting the breath, the Emperor gave the water bag back to Shen Ruge after he quenched his thirst

But Shen Ruge didn't take it. With her beautiful eyes turning, Shen Ruge blushed and said, "I don't want to drink what you've drunk."

Then Shen Ruge looked at Shen houbai and said, "give me yours."

At this moment, Shen houbai has taken out another water bag, and then drink it himself

So, after hearing Shen Ruge's words, Shen houbai didn't give her his water bag, but took out another one


To Shen houbai's surprise, Shen Ruge didn't take the water bag, But looking at the water bag that Shen Hou had just drunk in his white hand, he said, "I will drink your one."

On one side, Emperor tianmianlu touched his nose playfully, and then said to himself: "I seem to be a little redundant..."

Without waiting for Shen houbai to say anything, Shen Ruge directly took the water bag Shen houbai had drunk, and then with a hot face, "Gudong Gudong" began to drink the wine in the water bag.

They didn't stay in the desert for a long time, because the longer they stayed, the more immortal Qi recovery medicine they used, so they rushed to the place where the tornado was.

Although there is no basis, it's OK to try. After all, they haven't found any other way to the next day.

The closer the distance is, the stronger the wind and waves are. But this is not the most terrible place. The most terrible thing is that the gravel in the tornado hits the immortal shield of the three, which is no less than the attack of an ordinary Tianlong man, making their immortal consumption faster.

At the same time, because the scope of tornado is very large, it can be said that it blocks the sky and is surrounded by gravel, so once entering it, whether it is Shen houbai or emperor Tian, or Shen Ruge, they can't distinguish the direction of progress.

There is no way, the three can only turn back the same way.

"What to do?"

"It doesn't look like this is the gateway to eleven days."

While patting the sand on the clothes, Shen Ruge looks at the emperor and the white way of marquis Shen.

"I don't think it's here, either." The emperor agreed.

"System, check, where is the channel connecting eleven days!"

Since we can't find the channel by our own strength, we have to rely on the system

In this way, when Shen houbai inquired about the system, there was no second for the system to respond.

"The system prompts that the access to eleven days is 53600 meters northeast of the host."

Hearing the system prompt, Shen houbai immediately looked at the emperor and Shen Ruge and said, "I know where the passage is. Follow me."

With that, without waiting for the emperor and Shen Ruge to respond, Shen houbai has already gone.

Seeing this, Emperor Tian and Shen Ruge seem a little confused. After looking at them with big eyes and small eyes, they sink and catch up with Shen houbai.

Soon after, Shen houbai fell from the sky.

Then, an oasis appeared in his eyes, which was the only oasis Shen houbai saw after he came here.

"Xiaobai, you don't want to tell me that this is the entrance to eleven days

Falling beside Shen houbai, the emperor looked at the oasis in front of him, which was just the size of a slap in the face. He seemed speechless.

Ignoring the emperor's ridicule, Shen Hou Bai asked the system.

"System, is this the entrance to the passage?"

"System prompt: the current location of the host is the convenient channel."

"So, I need to jump out of this oasis?" Shen Hou Bai asked again.

"System prompt: the host understands correctly."

With the prompt of the system, Shen houbai looked at the emperor and Shen Ruge, and then said, "the passage is under the water."

With that, without waiting for emperor Tian and Shen Ruge to say something, Shen houbai had stepped into the water of the oasis with one foot, and then he sank down bit by bit.

When the water of the oasis goes over Shen houbai's head, accompanied by the rotation of his sight, the reversion of his head and the dizziness of his head, Shen houbai finds that he has been here for eleven days


"It's so cold."

It's Shen Ruge who has followed me

If the tenth day is a desert world, then the eleventh day is a world of ice and snow. There is no black rain, no wind, only chilling.On the eleventh day, I don't need immortal shield to protect my body. All I need is to wear more clothes.

"Is it cold?"

"Would you like a warm hug?"

Looking at Shen Ruge's arms and feet stamping, the emperor opened his hands and said.

"Here are some clothes. Put them on."

At the moment, Shen houbai takes out several cotton padded clothes from the system warehouse and signals emperor Tian and Shen Ruge to put them on.

Seeing this, the emperor couldn't help saying, "Xiaobai, you really have everything."

Between words, the emperor took over the cotton padded clothes given by Shen houbai. After putting them on, although there was still a chill, they were much better than when they didn't wear them.

"It's a little bit cold."

"But the scenery here is unique."

Shen Ruge also put on a cotton padded jacket, and then looked at the surrounding ice, can't help but praise.


Under the beautiful scenery, there is also a hidden killing opportunity, and this killing opportunity is

At this time, with the arrival of Shen houbai, pure white ice crystals slowly floated down from the sky. Don't take these ice crystals as ordinary ice crystals, because when the ice crystals fell on them

By coincidence, The three men let out a "hiss" of air-conditioning.

Then came the frostbite of the three men's exposed skin.

"Put up the immortal shield, this ice crystal is strange."

Cried Shen houbai.

At the same time, Shen houbai asked the system again.

"System, find the way to 12 days."

"The system prompts: the channel leading to 11 days is located in the host..."

With the prompt of the system, Shen houbai said: "go, go for twelve days."


With the help of the system, it took about one day for Shen houbai to reach 30 days

Originally... Shen houbai intended to move on, but... When he arrived 30 days later, he was unable to move on.

Because according to the system, to go to the thirty-one days, you have to be at the level of "Godhead".

At present, Shen houbai only has Xiange level, so he does not have the qualification to go for 31 days.

In fact, without the system prompt, Shen houbai knows that he can't move on any more, because in the past 30 days alone, his immortal Qi consumption has reached a very terrible value.

Of course, Shen houbai can still stay here because of the foundation of Xianqi recovery medicine. Otherwise, let alone 31 days, that's 30 days, 29 days and 28 days in 30 days. Shen houbai can't stay there for a long time.

However, the advantage is also very obvious, that is, it only takes one day for Shen houbai to absorb all the immortal stones the size of an immortal stone mountain.

This is much faster than his absorption outside. According to the time and efficiency outside, it will take at least a year and a half for an immortal stone mountain to be completely absorbed.

Not only the absorption effect of immortal stone is fast, but also the cultivation of skill is accelerated several times on the original basis.

However, compared with emperor Tian and Shen Ruge, Shen houbai doesn't need to practice any skills, so he just needs to absorb the immortal stones, only when the time of breakthrough comes

Thirty days, a world without anything, a glance, in addition to stone, or stone, let alone life, is a weed does not exist.

What makes this place like this is undoubtedly the huge volcano that stretches tens of thousands of miles in front of Shen houbai's eyes

At present, the volcano is still emitting black smoke, so it is an active volcano and may erupt at any time.

However, this is not the most dangerous place. The most dangerous place is the dense gas in the air, which is smelly and pungent. If you inhale one mouthful, you can't help coughing. As a result, Shen houbai and his three people have to enter the tortoise breathing state and only breathe once every other period of time. Otherwise, once you inhale the pungent smell in the air for many times, your lungs will feel burned by the flame, It's so painful that even if the deity and Shen Ruge can bear it, they don't want to try again.

One day, two days, three days

It's equivalent to one year, two years, three years

Time passed quickly, but the consumption of Shen houbai was also very huge. In just three days, three people including Shen houbai consumed nearly 50000 Xianqi recovery drugs in the system warehouse.But it's worth asking if Shen houbai's consumption is so great

Shen houbai's answer is in the affirmative. It is definitely worth it.

Because vaguely, Shen houbai already had a feeling that his breakthrough in the divine level might be in front of him.

There is nothing wrong with Shen houbai's feeling

Because seven days later, when the consumption of Xianqi recovery medicine reaches 250000

Shen houbai's realm has loosened. He is going to break through

It seems that Shen houbai is different

Emperor Tian, who has always been beside Shen houbai, Shen Ruge, At this time, he looked at him, and then said with one voice: "are you going to break through?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!