"It's past the meal. If you don't mind, go to my place and have a meal."

While Shen houbai was thinking about whether the blind old man was the spirit of the Immortal Emperor

After digging the tomb for a long time, the hungry Chengnan invited Shen houbai to have dinner with him.

The south of the city didn't feel it yet. Shen houbai found that he was really hungry.

So, under the leadership of Chengnan, Shen houbai returned to the blind old man's hut. To be exact, it should be a small hut beside the blind old man's hut, which was built by Chengnan himself.

In fact, there is nothing to entertain Shen houbai in the south of the city

Some of them are just sweet potato seeds given by blind elders to Chengnan, which are planted by Chengnan himself and become the daily ration of Chengnan.

Because it's the same thing every day, Chengnan has been fed up with it for a long time. However, because there is nothing else here except sweet potato, even if he is fed up with it, he has to stick to his head and continue to eat. He doesn't have to starve himself.

As for meat, don't think about it, because there is no other living thing here except the blind old man, that is, an insect, which has never been seen in the south of the city.

But isn't there Shen houbai.

When Shen houbai was forced by the Wei emperor to escape through the entrance of the demon world and was in a coma, the system opened the warehouse so that shadowless would not disappear.

With the opening of the system warehouse, Shen houbai can stuff food, drink, and use into it, or even live in it. For example, before Shen houbai got back to the house in Jiaoyue district.

So when he saw the food in the south of the city, Shen houbai directly took out a large piece of demon meat, as well as some fruit and other food from the system warehouse.

Then, under Shen houbai's personal cooking, the smell of meat soon overflowed.

Although the memory of Chengnan began when he climbed out of the ground, he didn't lack some common sense. He didn't know what meat was because he didn't have memory.

So when the south of the city saw Shen houbai's flesh out of thin air, his eyes were full of expectation.

There's meat, and of course there's wine.

Shen houbai took out the "Heaven swallowing magic pot" hanging on his waist, and then poured a bowl for the south of the city.

The smell of wine and meat soon permeated the small hut in the south of the city, and even penetrated into the next room. The blind old man walked out of the hut, and then sniffed and called: "south of the city, south of the city..."

Hearing the blind old man's cry

After all, it was the blind old man who took him in, So Chengnan got up and went outside the house, and came to the blind old man's side.

"Old man."

"Chengnan, do you smell..."

The blind old man's words did not finish, the south of the city interrupted: "the old man is talking about wine and meat."

"That's brother Hou Bai's."

At this time, Shen houbai also came outside and said to the blind old man, "old man, would you like to have a drink together?"

At the invitation of Shen houbai, the blind old man enters the house in the south of the city

Like entertaining friends, Shen houbai poured a bowl of wine for the blind old man.

He didn't ask the blind old man if he was an immortal monarch, because he would not commit such low intelligence retarded behavior.

However, what did not occur to Shen houbai was

When the blind old man drank a bowl of wine from the heaven swallowing jar, he immediately said, "Heaven swallowing jar.".

"It's a bar in the goblin jar."

Hearing the words of the blind old man, Shen houbai's intuition tells him that even if the blind old man is not the Immortal Emperor, he is definitely related to the Immortal Emperor. Otherwise, how can he know that this wine is brewed by "swallowing the demon jar"?

Let alone the emperor soldiers of Jidao. Even if they are ordinary emperor soldiers, they are not accessible to ordinary people, not to mention the "good wine" brewed by the emperor soldiers of Jidao. It is something that can only be drunk by the people closest to the emperor, or the Emperor himself.


Without concealing, Shen houbai picked up the "Heaven swallowing magic pot" and poured a bowl of wine for the blind old man.

And the blind old man was not polite. He drank one mouthful after another

It has to be said that the blind old man is really massive. He has drunk dozens of bowls without getting drunk. If Shen houbai were to be replaced, he would have been lying down now.In this regard, Shen houbai does not think that the blind old man can drink too much. He is even more afraid that he will not drink, because only when he is drunk can he get the information he wants from his mouth.

However, what Shen houbai didn't expect was that after dozens of bowls of wine, the blind old man stood up directly, then walked out and said, "that's all for today."

With that, without waiting for Shen houbai to say something, he had walked out of the room.

Shen houbai didn't stop the blind old man. As he left, he raised his wine bowl and said to Chengnan, "it's our turn to drink."

It seems that Shen houbai didn't get anything, but in fact he has found a breakthrough.

He is not afraid of the old man drinking his wine. He is afraid that he has always refused to communicate with him thousands of miles away. In this case, he doesn't even have basic communication. How can he find clues from each other?

As Shen houbai found a breakthrough, he lived in the cemetery like the south of the city.

While living in this period of time, Shen houbai found a very strange phenomenon.

When Shen houbai came back to Jiaoyue once or twice, he didn't feel strange, but four times, five times, six times... Shen houbai realized the abnormality, that is, time

Whether it's the human world or the demon world, the time with this cemetery seems to be getting longer and longer every day

That is to say, Shen houbai stayed in the cemetery for a year, It's only one day since the human world and the demon world. It's really like the fairyland in the novel. It's a day in the sky and a year underground

Once, there will be a second time. Whenever Shen houbai and Chengnan drink and eat meat, the blind old man will arrive on time. He will drink and eat meat with Shen houbai and Chengnan, The blind old man never says a word.

Over time, Shen houbai became used to it.

Anyway, what he needs most now is time. He doesn't believe that the blind old man can never talk to himself.

When Shen houbai was in the graveyard for almost ten years, that is, ten days in the world of human beings and demons, he seemed to drink too much, and the blind old man finally spoke again.

"Why do you want the cup of eternal life?"

Hearing the words of the blind old man, Shen houbai didn't show any surprised expression. He seemed very calm and said, "do you need a reason?"

"If you want to be strong, can you?"

"Want to be strong!" I didn't expect that Shen houbai was so calm. On the contrary, the blind old man was stunned for three or four seconds.

Three or four seconds later, the blind old man seemed to have tasted the meaning of "want to be stronger" in the white mouth of marquis Shen. He murmured.

"Ha ha."

"Yes, you passed the test."

With a light smile, the blind old man said what the emperor tuntian had said when he handed it to Shen houbai.

It was at this time that Shen houbai understood that the test of the "cup of eternal life" was to stay in this cemetery for ten years

Ten years, long or short is not short

And as the blind old man says, "you passed the test," the blind old man straightens his back, and the wrinkles on his face begin to disappear, The thick white hair starts to dye black from the root, but the most surprising thing is that the blind old man in front of Shen houbai is not an old man, but a beautiful woman with a beautiful face.

"Are you... The eternal emperor?"

Maybe it's a preconceived idea. Shen houbai subconsciously thinks that the twelve invincible emperors of the human race are all men. Unexpectedly

The twelve invincible monarchs of the human race, the immortal monarch after swallowing the heavenly monarch, turned out to be a woman.

"Can't you?"

Looking at the surprised face Shen Hou Bai showed at the moment, the Immortal Emperor looked at Shen Hou Bai with a smile.

"South of the city."

Without responding to the Immortal Emperor, Shen houbai looks to the south of the city. However, Shen houbai is surprised again.

Because the south of the city was no longer alive at this time, he became a sculpture. What's more surprising is that in a breeze, the south of the city seemed to be weathered and dissipated with the wind.

"What happened to Chengnan?"

Seeing the weathered south of the city, Shen houbai focuses on the Immortal Emperor again.

"It's nothing... It's just a return to his original state."

The Immortal Emperor came to the south of the city, which had been turned into loess. Then he put the gauze skirt between his legs, and squatted down slowly."The original state?"

"What do you mean?" Shen Hou Bai doesn't understand a way.

"He's not a human being. He's a clay figurine I made."

"You don't know... It's lonely to be here alone."

"I used to dig graves, but I gradually found that it was boring, so I pinch a clay figurine to relieve my loneliness from time to time."


Looking at the Immortal Emperor's face, Shen Hou Bai could not help but be speechless.

"So... The graves in the cemetery..."

Before Shen houbai finished speaking, the Immortal Emperor turned his face, then looked at Shen houbai and said, "well, they are all my enemies."

Digging graves for her enemies, as the immortal monarch of the twelve most brilliant invincible monarchs in the history of the human race, Shen houbai can't imagine that she would be so naive

However, what makes Shen houbai feel speechless is her evil taste, because she can build a paradise with her own strength, but she does not, The reason is that she prefers the atmosphere of terror

"So... Don't offend me. I'll dig a grave for you, too."

Squinting his eyes, the Immortal Emperor looked at Shen Hou Bai Dao with a smile.

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