However, when Ji Wushuang lifted a wisp of her hair and sniffed the faint fragrance of flowers, Shen houbai had disappeared


"What about people?"

Ji Wushuang finds that Shen houbai is no longer there

Without a word, Ji matchless puts on her shoes and gets out of bed. After looking for them for about five or six minutes, she perspires slightly. Ji matchless confirms that Shen houbai is no longer in the inn.

Leng Leng sat on the edge of the bed, began to doubt the life of Ji matchless, can't help but say: "I'm not enough Sao.".


Through the system map, Shen houbai has seen several groups of warriors leaving the prince's mansion

Yes, just a few batches.

Yang Xuanji knew very well that there must be a large number of people staring at his prince's mansion now, so in order to confuse the people in the treasure house, he called several groups of warriors to leave from the prince's mansion.

Among them were Xu Yi and several palace warriors of different ranks.

Xu Yi didn't release his aura of being a king, so it's hard for the military watchers outside the crown prince's residence to tell which group actually went to the imperial mausoleum.

In this way, we can cheat not only all but also most of them.

But Shen houbai is very clear, such as exploring the emperor's mausoleum, is sure to let the most powerful go, so Shen houbai cleverly chose to keep up with the team led by Xu Yi.

When Shen houbai keeps up with Xu Yi, he finds the people in the treasure Pavilion.

"I didn't expect that the treasure pavilion would be involved."

After one night's rapid march, when the sun rises the next day, Shen houbai has come to the territory of Dashang. It is not only Dashang but also in the dark zone. It is not difficult to see that the location of the imperial mausoleum should be in the dark zone.

I thought there were only the prince and the treasure house, but I didn't expect that there were two groups of people who also came here, so that Shen houbai could foresee that this trip to the imperial mausoleum would be very dangerous.

It's a hill, but it's strange that it's so bare that it doesn't even have a tree or a bunch of grass.

In addition, near the hill, inexplicably people will feel a palpitation.

Not only people have this feeling, but also demons. So you can't find any sign of demons' activities near the hill. You know, this is a dark area

It was thought that the entrance of this kind of imperial mausoleum was closed. After all, no emperor would like to be harassed by tomb robbers in the place where he sleeps.

However, the entrance of the imperial mausoleum was directly exposed to the air, so that you can see the entrance at a glance.

Of course, it is more likely to be done by demons. After all, it is the mausoleum of human emperors. It is perfectly normal for demons to destroy it.

Xu Yi and others did not stay outside the imperial mausoleum. According to the treasure map, they went directly into the imperial mausoleum, followed by three groups of people including the treasure Pavilion. As for Shen houbai

He didn't enter immediately, because Shen houbai didn't know what was going on inside, so it was necessary to give Xu Yi some time to explore their way.

About thirty minutes later, Shen houbai came to the entrance.

When Shen Hou Bai stepped down from the entrance, the "magic mask" was already on Shen Hou Bai's face.

"Ghost... Ghost face!"


In a big tree in the distance, a demon of the human warrior was found at one end. When he wanted to find the human warrior and was ready to go back to report and receive the reward, at the last moment, he saw the "magic mask" on marquis Shen's white face.

As if frightened, he fell directly from the tree.


The entrance of the imperial mausoleum is a step-by-step downward entrance, so when you stand at the entrance, the first thing you see is the downward stone steps.

On the stone steps are scattered the skeletons of human beings, demons and even animals. It can be seen that people have been here a long time ago.

But since someone has been here, it's no secret. Why does it appear in the form of treasure map in the treasure Pavilion auction?

Is there no record of such an imperial mausoleum?

"Daddada", in confusion, Shen houbai walked down the stone steps and toward the depths of the imperial mausoleum.

Then, let Shen houbai did not think of things happened.


There was a deafening sound, and the source of the sound was the entrance

When Shen houbai looked back at the entrance, it was dark all around.But the next moment, in front of Shen houbai's eyes, it was day again.

Shen houbai soon found out the reason, which is the "magic mask"

I don't know why Shen houbai was like this. When he was looking for the reason, he took away the "magic mask". Then his eyes immediately returned to the state of darkness. When he put on the "magic mask" again, he would not be able to see it, His eyes returned to the day, which made Shen houbai immediately understand the ability of "magic mask" and night vision.

With the night vision ability of "magic mask", Shen houbai saw what was blocking the entrance. It was a huge stone.

In fact, stones are not terrible. What's terrible is the scratches on them

Stroking the scratches on the stone, Shen houbai seemed to understand what happened to the bones at the entrance.


There was another sound, but this time it was made by Shen houbai. He pulled a knife at the stone blocking the entrance, and then something surprised Shen houbai happened. There was only a small trace on the stone.

You know, now Wu Ying is an imperial soldier. With his vigorous strength, which is close to seven times of being king, there's no reason why he can't chop a stone. The only explanation is that there's something wrong with this stone.


Just when Marquis Shen was surprised, a sad cry came from the emperor's mausoleum. It seems that those who went down earlier should be in trouble.

At this point, Shen houbai decided to go down to see what was going on.

After walking for about a quarter of an hour, a human corpse appeared in front of Shen houbai. Judging from the clothes he was wearing, it should be a warrior in the prince's mansion.

Squatting down, Shen houbai checked the cause of death, very strange... There was no wound on his body.

Is it a sudden death without a wound?

If it's on the earth, it's possible, but in this demon infested world of martial arts, sudden death... Shen Hou Baining would like to believe that he ended it himself.

However, at this time, Shen houbai had an unexpected discovery. The discovery was that the dead human warrior was quite pale without a trace of blood.

With a wave of his hand, Shen houbai made a scar on the corpse with his vigorous Qi. Then, as Shen houbai thought, the man was not only dead, but also drained of blood.

When he got up, Shen houbai turned his head and looked at the place where he came. Then he said to himself, "Baotu, exposed entrance, corpse..."

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