About five or six minutes later, the crow patted his stomach.


Make a ring belch, immediately crow says: "adult, meal is good!"

Looking at the crow, it seemed that nothing happened. Ji Wushuang immediately looked at Shen houbai, "it seems that you guessed wrong, they didn't..."

Ji matchless words have not finished, crow suddenly a burst of speechless way.

"Ah, it's strange... Why does Yao Yang feel dizzy?"

"Ai Ai, Ai Ai, I'm dizzy!"

With a "plop", the crow fell down and became his real body.

Seeing this, Shen houbai looked at Ji Wushuang and said, "what did you want to say just now?"


Speechless, Ji Wushuang picked up the crow on the ground. After putting it on the table, he looked at Marquis Shen and said, "what are you going to do?"

"Or shall we leave yujiabao now?"

Shen houbai didn't respond to Ji Wushuang's inquiry. He only said, "go out and find a place to eat first!"

Without waiting for Ji Wushuang to say something, Shen houbai has left the guest room.

It's not clear what Shen houbai is going to do, but Ji Wushuang keeps up with Shen houbai.

As for the crow, he still fell asleep, until three or four hours later, the crow slowly woke up.

"Ah, strange... Brother yaoyang, how did I fall asleep?"

"My lord... Big..."


At this time, Shen houbai and Ji unparalleled are in a restaurant, because they are free to choose, so even if they want to poison, they don't have a chance to do it, so they ignore the Yu family who are watching under the restaurant, Shen houbai and Ji unparalleled eat on their own.

After eating, Shen houbai said to Ji Wushuang, "go back to the inn first, I have something to do!"


Ji Wushuang didn't ask Shen houbai what he was going to do. If he wanted to tell her, he would have said it. If he didn't want to, even if she asked, he wouldn't say

With Shen Houbai's departure, a few Eyeliner under the restaurant also left.

Shen houbai didn't look back, but he knew that they were following

After walking for about a quarter of an hour, Shen houbai suddenly flashed into an alley.

Seeing that the target suddenly disappeared in front of his eyes, the two eyes could not help but show a surprise and surprise. At the same time, he ran to Shen Hou white and disappeared in the alley mouth.

"He's gone!"

There was no Shen Houbai in the lane, and one of the family's Eyeliner said to his companion.

"It's strange that it was still there just now. Why did it disappear all of a sudden?"

Another eye on the family looked puzzled.

In confusion, two eyes at home went into the alley.

When they went deep into the lane, they didn't realize that Shen houbai had already stood at the entrance of the lane, and then followed them to float in.

Then... When the two Eyeliner at home walked to the bottom of the lane and found that it was a dead alley and turned to leave, Shen Houbai's figure appeared in their eyes.

"Dada!" Do or think the same without prior consulation2, two of them have stepped back two times.

"He... He can fly!"

"He is the king of martial arts!"

Seeing Shen Houbai's feet off the ground, it was obvious that he was in a state of being empty.

"Are you from home?" Ignoring Shen Houbai's surprise at home's eyeliner, asked Shen Houbai's cold voice.

"No... we are not!" It's all instinct, and one of them disagrees.

But... It seems that Shen houbai doesn't believe them.

"I'm asking you once, are you from Yu's family, and do you want to deal with me?" Shen houbai asked again.

"I... we don't know what you're talking about!" It seems that because of fear in mind, at this time, responding to Shen Houbai's speech at home, he could not help "Gutong" and swallow a spit.

Smell speech, Shen Hou Bai tone is still cold said: "don't want to say, then never say!"

After that, Shen Houbai had disappeared in the original place, and when he appeared again, he had come to the two home behind his eyes.The two Eyeliner at home has already been executed by the three reformer who was beheaded by Shen Houbai.

Without going back to the inn, Shen houbai wandered around the castle until he reached Yu Feier's house.

By this time, it was almost dark.

Jump on the wall of the courtyard. After observing the situation in the courtyard, Shen houbai jumps off the wall, just like walking leisurely in the courtyard.

But after a while, there was a "cough" in Shen houbai's ear.

The source of the cough was a pavilion on a rockery in the courtyard.

At this time, an old man is sitting in the pavilion. In front of the old man, there is a chessboard with a pair of chess

"You're in the wrong place, young man!"

As if he had found Shen houbai, the old man held a chess piece in his hand, looked at the chessboard and said.




Shen houbai did not respond to the old man. He walked slowly to the rockery and walked into the pavilion in the rockery.

And when Shen Hou Bai approached, the old man raised his head, and then... A powerful king level authority came up to Shen Hou Bai.

The old man is a strong man of nine kings, and he is also the head of Yu Feier's family branch. But he is old and seriously injured, so nine Kings is only once. Now his strength has regressed to five kings.

This is also the reason why Marquis Shen dares to come here, because even if yu fei'er, a member of Yu family, appears in front of him, he will not frown.

As for how Shen houbai knows, don't forget, Shen houbai has a system to inquire.

In the alley just now, even if the two didn't talk, Shen houbai could know some information about Yu's family by listening, such as the injury of the head of the family.

However, although the old man is still seriously injured and his strength has regressed to the fifth level of being a king, his majesty of being a king is still genuine. Therefore, ordinary martial arts, even those who are king martial arts, can be deterred if they are three or four levels lower than him.

It's a pity that the old man met Shen houbai

Although up to now, the time for Shen houbai to bear emperor Wei is still only 0.3 seconds, but under the torture of emperor Wei, the majesty of King level, even the nine fold majesty of King level, is just a tease to him now.

Looking at Shen houbai's indifferent expression, the old man didn't show any surprise. Sure enough... The experts are very good at controlling their expression, so they don't show their heart on their faces.

PS Think of tomorrow Christmas Eve, Christmas, think of you all have girlfriends, I can't code how to do!

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