Drunk night deviated his head, rubbed his sour eyes and asked, "how far are we from gina'er base now?"

"If you ride a motorcycle, it may only take two or three days." Zheng Yunfei looked at the map in his hand and tried to suck a mouthful of snot in a low voice.

His nose was sour and uncomfortable. He put away the map and covered his nose with thick cotton sleeves.

"It's not too far." drunk night smiled, and the fundus of his eyes obviously smiled, "what if we walk?"

"If you walk..." Zheng Yunfei thought, "if there is no accident, it may take a week."

"One week is enough." he stretched out his hand and patted Zheng Yunfei on the shoulder. The one who was drunk and smiled all night was called amiable, "well, Zheng Yunfei, go to the rest station alone, and then form a team or yourself. Find a way to walk to gina'er."

Unexpectedly, the idea was suddenly put forward at the drunken no night meeting. Zheng Yunfei stood in place and looked at him at a loss. He didn't know what to say.

He didn't intend to explain anything to Zheng Yunfei at all. He continued to talk when he was drunk all night, "and Xiuqi and I arrived at gina'er by motorcycle in advance. We'll start the investigation first and meet me when you come."

"Why do you want to do this?" Zheng Yunfei looked worried. "I have to show you the way."

"Lead the way? It's only a two-day journey. Just give us the compass." Zui Wuyi smiled carelessly, "anyway, you have several, and it doesn't matter if you give us one."

"No, if you only have a compass, you don't know which direction to go." Zheng Yunfei still didn't understand. He couldn't care to cover his nose. He stood anxiously drunk all night, almost on the tip of his nose.

"It's very simple." drunk night leaned over slightly and leaned against Zheng Yunfei's ear. "You tell us the direction. In a simple way, can you always do such a simple thing?"

I just felt that the sound in my ear was a hundred times more bone piercing than the cold weather. Zheng Yunfei looked at drunk all night and his mind was in a mess.

Why, why on earth

"Why do you want me to act alone?!"

Zheng Yunfei could not stop shivering when he thought that an ordinary person would act alone in this ice and snow, and his despair continued to penetrate into his bones.

Seeing Zheng Yunfei roaring hysterically at drunk night, a touch of doubt flashed on Xiuqi's face. He looked at the friendly drunk night with a smile and couldn't help frowning, "drunk night, the boss means to let us act together."

"The boss means to let me act with you." Zui Wuye's side eyes spread out to Xiuqi, "and Zheng Yunfei... He's just a guide. Tell us the right way and his task will be completed, isn't he? There's no need to act with us."

"But how can I get to gina'er on foot?" Zheng Yunfei saw that he was drunk all night and still wanted to exclude himself. He was shocked and couldn't help but say in fear, "I'll die!"

"Yes, you'll die..." drunk night patted his head in frustration, looked at Zheng Yunfei with apology, and said in a very sincere voice, "what's none of my business?"

As soon as the voice fell, Zheng Yunfei didn't wait to react. He changed his previous sincere appearance, raised his head and laughed. At the same time, he patted Zheng Yunfei on the shoulder and said, "Zheng Yunfei, Zheng Yunfei, do you know how kind I am."


Xiuqi pulled the corners of his mouth, while Zheng Yunfei looked dull.

"I've never hurt my companions, at least I won't kill them myself." Zui Wuyi smiled enough and wiped a handful of tears. "If you continue to follow me, I'm afraid I'll kill you as a burden."

"So, you should thank me." seeing Zheng Yunfei looking at himself with a shocked face, the smile at the corners of his mouth gradually became treacherous. "I asked you to leave us to act for the sake of your life. You see, you saved your life, and I didn't have any burden. Kill two birds with one stone."

What the hell is this theory???

Zheng Yunfei reacted for several minutes before he realized the meaning of drunk all night. He suppressed his anger at the bottom of his heart, clenched his fist and shouted at drunk all night, "but how can I live alone in this ice and snow, not to mention Gina!"

"That's the problem of your own ability." he did not hide his contempt at the bottom of his eyes. He was drunk and disdained at night. His voice was broken and harsh in the storm. "If you die because of your weakness, you have nothing to do with me. I'm a good man who cares about my partners and will never hurt my partners."

Crazy, drunk all night, this madman!

Zheng Yunfei felt that he knew the man drunk all night again. He pursed his lips and looked at Xiuqi almost prayingly.

If he is really abandoned here, he will die.

"Xiuhuang..." he prayed, hoping that he could refute the meaning of drunkenness without night.