"But you just said..." the people in the north were stunned.

"That's a lie, fool." the ark smiled and stepped back to avoid the power of ink from affecting him.

But ink is too strong now, isn't it?

What is his strength now? Four or five?

Looking at the ink about 20 meters away from him, the ark looked at the defeated northern powers and swallowed his surprise.

It was found that they were broken by the hands of ink. Several powers took up their submachine guns and rushed towards ink. During this period, their bodies were burned by layers of flames, like demons running out of hell.

They are the elite in the north. How can they be solved by ink quietly.

Unfortunately, Mo Wen didn't even lift their eyelids when he looked at them running. He just raised his hands slightly. Their heads wrapped in the flame were directly crushed into powder.

Compared with the devil, death seems to be more powerful.

The strength of level 5 powers is no longer comparable to that of a group of level 2 and level 3 powers. They can't really check with mole ants in the eyes of ink.

"Heaven." Yang Tianzong, who has always been calm, stood on the outpost and couldn't help but exclaim. He looked at the large vacuum area in front of the ink tattoo and suddenly felt that he was so happy to see such a spectacular scene in his lifetime.

Yang Chu still had a cold face, but the shock at the bottom of his eyes could not be covered anyway.

Gong Gaoge, who should have been excited, was unusually calm at the moment. He looked at the ink directly, and only his throat rolled slightly twice.

"What's the matter with you?" he found something wrong with Gong Gaoge and couldn't help pounding him. Yang Tianzong asked in a low voice.

Unexpectedly, Gong Gaoge turned around and grabbed Yang Chu's hand, which scared Yang Chu into goose bumps.

"What are you doing?" he withdrew his hand coldly and wiped it on his body.

"Yangchu, I'm so TM grateful to you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to join such a great organization!" Gong Gaoge shouted excitedly, spitting Xingzi splashed Yangchu's face. "This... Is our boss still human? Is this God? Death!"

Silently wiped the saliva on his face. Yangchu suddenly wondered how he had become brothers with such two goods as Gong Gaoge. He was afraid he was not blind.

During this period, there were intermittent screams outside, lingering like a nightmare.

After the last man's blood splashed on the ground, the ark was willing to blink.

Zheng Yunfei and Anze were stunned. They swallowed a mouthful of saliva together and climbed down from the sentinel with trembling legs.

"Boss, I think we have to leave quickly." he forcibly suppressed his inner shock. The ark stepped on the blood clots on the ground and walked to the truck, "the people in the South should come soon."

"Check it." Mo Wen pointed to the back of the truck.

Mo Wen is far away from the ark, and there is no blood stain on his body. If the ark didn't have good hearing as a power, I wouldn't hear what Mo Wen is talking about.

"OK." he walked to the back of the truck. As soon as the ark opened the black cloth covered on it, he saw a lot of weapons. There was no rust on these weapons, but there was a sense of killing at a glance.

"It's a weapon!" the ark grinned as he picked up one of the machine guns. "It's very heavy. They're all good guys!"

Mo Wen nodded and turned to find Yu Lan.

"But the smell of blood is too strong." Zheng Yunfei felt uncomfortable in his stomach at the sentry point. Even when he breathed, his mouth was full of blood smell, which was not uncomfortable.

"Cover your nose." Anze's eyes were a little strange and excited. He hummed a happy song, stepped on the ground of broken meat and ran to the ark happily, ready to drive with him.

"My Lord, I'll drive our car?" Zheng Yunfei shouted to the ark, refusing to step on the blood clot all over the ground.

"You go and hang the cleaning brush behind the car first." the ark put down his gun and jumped down from the truck. "It will be used to clean up the traces later."

"I know." Zheng Yunfei nodded and ran back quickly.

Gong Gaoge, who came down from behind, didn't know what to do. They looked at the scattered blood clots on the ground and had no desire to step on them.

"You follow Zheng Yunfei first." it seemed that they were at a loss. The ark kindly shouted to them, "I'll drive there soon."

Gong Gaoge and the three of them were relieved and strode to the car in front of them.

At this time, Mo Wen had been sitting in the car to feed Yu Lan Jinghe. Seeing that she ate Jinghe happily, she also settled down.

"Where are we going next?" Yu Lan swallowed the crystal nucleus in his mouth and asked with milky eyes open. "Do you want to go back?"

"We don't go back first. It's hard to get out. Otherwise, go to the central area in the south. You shouldn't have been there yet." he couldn't help touching Yu Lan's eyelids, and Mo Wen whispered softly.

Yu Lan stayed in the north when he was at the end of the world. After becoming a zombie, he ran with him all the time. He hasn't turned to the South yet.

"OK." holding Mo Wen's hand, Yu Lan said with a smile.

Soon the ark came with a truck full of weapons. He parked the car next to Mo Wen's car and jumped down to ask about the next arrangement.

"I'll take blue and blue to the south, and you'll go back to the desire league with your weapons." Mo Wen held the steering wheel and said to the ark. Then he drove away, leaving the ark standing in place and smoking corners of his mouth.

It's really the boss. At this time, I'm still in the mood to go on a date with my girlfriend.

Wait, isn't Yu Lan's Zombie a pet raised by Mo Wen... Isn't it?

"Ah, my Lord, how did the boss go?" Anze, who just jumped out of the truck, looked at the car that Mo Wen left and couldn't help asking.

"He went on a date with his daughter-in-law." Fang Zhou said with a curl of his mouth, "let's go back to lust League first."

"I see." Anze nodded and happened to see Zheng Yunfei hanging a cleaning brush behind the car. He couldn't help walking over to help him.

"I'll drive the truck in front and you'll follow behind, so that the brush can get rid of the traces we've passed, and the people in the South can't track us when they come." the ark went over to Anze and said, looking at Gong Gaoge with side eyes and smiling, "how many of you come out to do the task with us for the first time?"