"Of course." this topic is obviously in line with the blank appetite. He spread his hand and said excitedly, "the sugar moon I made is not an artificial power that can only play the role of communication. She also has super attack ability, which is much better than gray Yan."

While talking, Tangyue had quickly prepared a vegetable salad. She turned and began to clean up the laboratory. She was not idle for a moment.

"Thank you." blank picked up his fork, put a mouthful of salad in his mouth, and habitually raised his hand to put the cups on his table neatly.

For the blank obsessive-compulsive disorder, it's no wonder that he was drunk all night. He turned his head and looked up and down at sugar moon. He thought back on Yu Ling he had seen before. He always felt that there was something different.

"I've always wondered why you should entangle the other eye of sugar moon." he raised his eyes and pointed to the wrapped eyes of sugar moon, held his chin all night, and asked with interest.

"Do you want to know?" he chewed the salad in his mouth and whispered to Tang Yue with his side eyes. "Tang Yue, take off the bandage and show it to the drunk emperor."

Sugar moon, who was mopping the floor, took off his double ponytail and began to remove the bandage.

The other eye under her bandage soon leaked out. It was a very ordinary eye with a dark brown pupil.

"This is personality." blank stared at her ordinary eyes and smiled, "the personality she retained as a human remains in this eye."

"You're keeping her human nature?" drunk night frowned.

"That's right." she motioned to Tangyue to wrap her eyes again, with a blank chin, lowered her head and continued to eat his unfinished salad.

"It's the first time I've heard of such an artificial power," drunk night said with a faint smile. "As far as I know, the three elements that Dr. Ma Yu said when he created these artificial powers were ruthlessness, no desire and absolute obedience."

"Sugar moon is absolutely obedient to me." blank shrugged, "but..."

"But?" drunk night waved his hand and looked blank. "Blank, can you finish it at one breath? Every time I listen to what you say, I feel like I want to beat you."

"Cough." subconsciously, he had to put his hand into his pocket. After noticing that he was not wearing a white coat, he simply held his hand and swallowed his saliva before saying, "but I don't like the teacher's setting for man-made powers. That setting may be appropriate before the end of the world. In the end of the world... I think it's more interesting for them to have some feelings."

"It's a strange idea." he buttoned the table, looked at sugar moon and continued to pack up his things. He frowned incomprehensibly, "then why do you wrap her normal eyes?"

"Usually don't need." blank lightly shook his head.

"When do you need it?" asked drunk night curiously.

Blank didn't want to answer this question. He shook his head again, stared at drunk night and whispered, "drunk emperor, you haven't told me what you want to do here."

Seeing the blank, he didn't want to say that he was drunk all night and didn't intend to continue to ask. He restrained his smile and said seriously, "yes, let's get down to business."

"I caught a man-made power in the north, and her name was Yu Ling." she got up and took a glass of water from one side of the glass and poured herself a glass of water. When she was drunk, she took a sip and said, "I took off her consciousness chip as you said, but she didn't die when she exploded."

"Are you sure she's not dead?" he frowned.

"I didn't find the residue after her self explosion." recalling the scene at that time, I felt a little upset when I was drunk all night. "We interrogated her a lot of things at that time, but later the boss felt that some things she told us seemed to be different from the facts. I was worried that although she was removed from the consciousness chip, she didn't lose consciousness."

"If the consciousness chip is removed, she should no longer be conscious." blank seems to feel that this problem is a little tricky, "for example, although I have reserved some emotion for sugar moon, she will still lose consciousness if the consciousness chip is removed." blank glances at sugar moon next to her, and there is some loss on her ordinary face, "This is also what I am most dissatisfied with."

"What?" drunk night Leng Leng.

"It's all right." blank waved his hand. "So, what do you think Yu Ling has his own consciousness after the chip has been removed?"

"That's right."

Looking at the appearance of being drunk for a long time, I sighed slightly, "this situation hasn't happened before."

"Can you tell me?" I sat up straight at night, looking serious.

"Of course, there's nothing to hide." I turned my head slightly and rubbed my face gently. "At first, I was elected to the Military Region Research Institute in city B to participate in the research of human body transformation project."

Sugar moon saw the blank and began to speak. She took the initiative to bring a glass of water. During this period, she also stared at drunk night, which was inexplicable.

"At the beginning, the human reform project was not a man-made power, but a study to prolong people's life, similar to the hibernation plan." he knocked on the table at random, and then went on, "but when Dr. Ma Yu put forward the theory of the reconstruction of the human brain, the whole project has undergone earth shaking changes."

"The theme of our research has been changed to human body transformation, using the unknown field of the human brain to make human beings have extraordinary physique and imaginary powers."

"Then the man-made power appeared?" drunk night raised his eyebrow.

"How could it be so simple." he felt very unhappy that his words had been interrupted. He knocked on the table again, indicating that he was drunk all night. Just listen to him carefully.

"You go on, I'm listening." drunk night smiled with a good temper.

Blank continued, "we found in the research process that if we want to have stable and uninterrupted brain waves, the transformed human body cannot have its own emotions, otherwise even a little emotional fluctuation will affect the effect of clinical experiments."

"So we spent nearly two years to develop a consciousness chip, which can effectively inhibit the limbic system, prefrontal cortex and other emotional control parts of the human brain when running, so as to achieve a degree that people are alive, but their thinking is dead."

"The effect of consciousness chip is remarkable after clinical experiment, and our experiment is very successful." the smile on his mouth gradually fades down, blank, and now he looks like he has no expression and is completely trapped in the memory, "But several researchers who studied with us suddenly planned to withdraw from the project. They thought that this experiment of depriving human emotion was too inhumane."