
He stared at the zombies chasing after him with round eyes. Yu Lan shook his tail like a threat and bared his teeth. He looked very ferocious.

Those zombies seemed to be deterred. They moved slightly, then opened their mouths and rushed over again, and their scarlet eyes were stained with blood.

Yu Lan raised her slender tail to resist their sharp teeth. The tail was accidentally bitten in her mouth by a zombie.

The slender tail was torn in two. She endured the pain and immediately gave a new tail from the broken tail to continue to consolidate the isolation layer for defense.

Her tail was robbed as soon as it fell into the mouth of the zombie. A few seconds later, the whole tail was eaten clean.

The zombies who ate their tails licked their lips unsatisfied and continued to chase after them. The zombies that didn't eat attacked Yu Lan all the time. Looking at their fierce appearance, it's not difficult to imagine that once Yu Lan fell into their hands, he would be divided and eaten, and there would be no residue left.

The dry sand and stone wiped her face and crossed Yu Lan's eyes. Her isolation layer obviously couldn't resist the attack of these crazy zombies.

Trying to support his tail and protect himself and ink, Yu Lan roared and twisted his neck to look ahead.

However, Mo Wen didn't respond to her from beginning to end. He ran at a very fast speed, as if there was only such a goal as the forest of death.

The lush woods are close at hand. Yu Lan can almost clearly smell the unique fresh and moist taste of the leaves. The closer she got to the forest, the more powerful she felt in her body, and the mechanical joints seemed to become more flexible.

Soon I felt that the sun was covered by dense leaves, and the surrounding lush leaves conscientiously covered all the sun.

Just then, a man at the bottom of Mo Wen's feet stumbled and fell to the ground. Yu Lan was pulled down because he was tied to him.


Yu Lan opens her mouth and suddenly finds that she can speak as before.

Mo Wen fell to the ground motionless, like a knight who had completed his mission, quietly closed his eyes.

The body tries to break free from the rope. Yu Lan picks up the fallen ink and dodges to avoid the attack of two zombies.

She jumped lightly in front of the trunk on one side, and her slender tail passed through the zombie chased behind her at a tricky angle.

I didn't want the zombie to bite her tail and pull her off the tree as soon as she shook her neck.

Yu Lan was forced to pull off his tail, crawl and run to the depths of the forest of death.

The number of zombies chasing after them suddenly decreased. Most zombies hesitated at the edge of the forest of death, and only a few zombies with red eyes were still chasing them.

Yu Lan skillfully shuttled through the woods with Mo Wen through her recovering body. As soon as she looked down, she found that Mo Wen was covered with blood and her face was pale.

"Ah Wen...?" she was worried and hid behind a strong tree and stared at Mo Wen's face.

Wake up, stuff

Mo Wen's abdomen seems to have no ups and downs, and even breathing no longer exists.

"Ah Wen!" screamed Yu Lan. With a fierce flick of his tail, Yu Lan directly entangled the zombie trying to rush up under the tree, rolled it and pulled it out.

The zombie fell awkwardly on the ground and rolled in a circle. The sticky and disgusting saliva splashed everywhere. When it met the trunk on one side, it immediately corroded a large area.

At this time, the tree on the side of the zombie suddenly moved, its long roots pulled out from the ground, and dragged the zombie into the ground in an instant.

The "rustle" sound of leaves swinging came from the quiet forest, and with the high wind coming out of nowhere, it directly rushed to several other zombies.

Yu Lan left this place quickly with Mo Wen in his arms, instinctively not to touch these trunks.

Behind him came the shrill wails of the zombies. Some of them roared half way and broke like being pinched by their necks. It sounded strange.

"Ah Wen." Yu Lan stopped to catch a breath when she felt there was no danger. She called anxiously to Mo Wen in her arms, but she didn't know how to save him.

"He's not dead yet." a pleasant voice like Qingquan sounded in her ear. Yu lanmeng looked back and saw Yi An sitting cross legged behind her, looking at her and laughing.

"Save him!" Yu Lan shouted.

"Just give him the roots and leaves of these alien plants." Yi An pointed under his body with a smile, suddenly reached into the ground and pulled out a dirty leaf. The leaf was fan-shaped, with smooth edges and a little blue.

Put the leaves into his mouth in front of Yu Lan's face, and Yi An's milky eyes were full of a smile, "hurry up, or this big guy will really die."

"Roar!" no!

He glared at Yi An fiercely. Yu Lan raised his tail and went straight into the ground. No matter what he met, he rolled it out directly.

Maybe she met something she shouldn't touch, and the strange plant on her side suddenly twisted. The thick root pounded up from the ground and almost penetrated Blue's head.

Narrowly avoided the past, but Yu Lan turned around and noticed that Yi An grabbed Mo Wen's ankle and pulled it behind him, pulled out a root leaf and stuffed it into his mouth.

As soon as Yu Lan looked cold, he was about to rush over. It seemed that his mind was hit by something. He couldn't control his actions in the chaos of consciousness.

Numerous vines with barbs suddenly appeared in the trunk behind her, which directly entangled her firmly.

"Yu Lan, do you think you're a waste?" he raised his hand to hold Mo Wen's pale and cold face, and Yi An smiled happily. "Obviously, you're a waste, but you still have to maintain such a human waste. Don't laugh at the dead."

Yu Lan struggled desperately in her chaotic eyes, but her consciousness seemed to be bound and was not controlled by her at all.


The drooping tail lifted up laboriously. She suddenly gave a low roar and threw it out with all her strength.

Yi an easily held the tip of the tail with cold light in his hand. He seemed a little surprised. Then he shook his head and stuffed the tail directly into his mouth.

"Well -"

The tip of the tail was chewed, and Yu Lan's fingertips began to tremble.

"NAH." Yi'an waved. Several vines slowly stretched out from one side of the trunk, entangled the ink and dragged him directly into the trunk.

"I temporarily store this human in the trunk. The nutrition in the trunk can maintain his life for one month and repair his wound."