When the phone rings, Xia Jin is taking a nap and her mobile phone is in the living room. It happens that Xia Liting, her brother who came back from the holiday a few days ago, is sitting on the sofa watching TV.

When the mobile phone rings, he follows the sound and sees that Xia Jin's mobile phone screen on the coffee table lights up, showing that there is a call coming in.

At this time, Xia Zhengming and sun Ru both went to work. There were only Xia Jin and Xia Liting at home.

Although Xia Liting is not at home all the year round, he is quite concerned about his only sister.

As soon as you look at the remarks, you can see that the caller is Xia Jin's colleague at work.

After thinking about it, he reached for his mobile phone and scratched the answer button

"Hello, Xia Jin is taking a nap. What can I do for you?"

Although Xia Li Ting's voice was not cold, it was not gentle.

The old man on the other side of the phone was very stagnant. He thought that the person who answered the phone must be Xia Jin, the elder brother of Xia Jin who often make complaints about him.

"Are you Xia Li Ting, Xia Jin's brother? I'm Xia Jin's colleague. There are two men who come to the bureau to inquire about Xia Jin's home address. Because they are not sure of their identity and purpose, I'm calling to ask Xia Jin if I want to tell them the address. "

The old man soon explained the situation.

Xia Li Ting on the other end of the phone asked after a little silence:

"After Xia Jin wakes up from her afternoon nap, I will tell her the situation. It's up to her to decide. Before that, I need to know the names of those two people."

The slightly cold tone is full of formula and alienation, just like Xia Liting himself.

"Yes, just a moment, please."

Xia Li Ting's rather formulaic way of speaking, together with taking the old man seriously. After saying this sentence over the phone, he reached out to cover the position of the handset and quickly looked up at Xiao Yiyuan and his wife, who were separated from him by a desk.

"Xia Jin didn't wake up from her nap. It was her brother who answered the phone. You two said the name, Xia Jin wakes up to decide whether to tell you the address

Because of the previous unpleasantness, the old man said this with a very cold attitude.

With Xia Jin's popularization of Science in mainland China, Xiao Yiyuan was not shocked by the fact that he had never personally touched the mobile phone. He had no doubt about the way that the old man just communicated with people through a rectangular object.

"Xiao Yiyuan, as for him, jin'er doesn't need to know who he is! Tell jin'er that I will wait for her here until she comes. "

Xiao Yiyuan's attitude is still strong and his tone is still overbearing.

His jin'er doesn't need to remember the names of unimportant people!

Hearing this, the old man subconsciously looked at the director with obvious questions in his eyes. The director quickly nodded to him, saying that he would do it according to Xiao Yiyuan's idea.

At the same time, the director has already begun to search in his mind for the Xiao family, who occupies an absolute position in Ancheng. Can there be such a number one character as Xiao Yiyuan

The old man quickly passed on Xiao Yiyuan's name and his words. Xia Liting at the other end of the phone didn't ask too much because the other party only reported a name. When he got the answer, he hung up.

He took out an encrypted mobile phone from his pocket, pressed the shortcut key and dialed a number to go out.

After a while, the phone was connected, and a respectful voice came from the other end, with obvious doubts in Lengsu's voice:

"Brother Li, what's the matter with the sudden call?"

When Lu Cheng's voice fell, Xia Li Ting said:

"Look up a man named Xiao Yiyuan for me. He's at an'cheng police station right now!"

"All right, brother Li, I'll do it right away."

The man at the other end of the phone answered and hung up quickly.

However, until Xia Jin wakes up after a nap at two o'clock, Lu Cheng, who has always been highly efficient, still doesn't call.

It was the end of March when Xia Jin crossed the land of wind fantasy from the ancient tomb.

Now, four months later, it's early August, the hot summer season.

Although the air conditioner was on, she was still sweating. After washing and changing her clothes, she came out of the room and saw that there was no one in the living room. There was a faint sound of cutting vegetables from the direction of the kitchen.

Xia Jin knew that her brother, who thought she was too thin, was going to give him more food.

With a silent glance at her mouth, Xia Jin gently steps toward the refrigerator, opens the door of the refrigerator freezer, and takes out a Haagen Dazs that her mother bought for her. She is about to send it to her mouth. A cool voice comes from the direction of the kitchen.

"You have to have the courage to eat. Go out and practice five kilometers this evening!"

With a strong threat and warning words into the ear, Xia Jin body a stiff, mouth up, squeeze out a stiff smile, and then look up to the waist apron, holding a kitchen knife, is standing in the kitchen door of Xia Li Ting, smile that called an embarrassment.

"Ha ha, brother, you are really joking."

In the face of her attempt to muddle through, Xia Liting doesn't intend to give up.

His face was heavy and serious, his eyes were sharp and cold, he spoke again, and his tone seemed to teach his subordinates a lesson

"Xia Jin, don't forget that you are not a child any more!"

"..." Xia Jin.

Her brother's serious indifference, as if on the verge of anger, is really terrible.

Tangled for a long time, Xia Jin finally reluctantly opens the refrigerator door again, intends to put things back.

"Trash can... All!"

Xia Li Ting interrupts her, knowing that Xia Jin's temperament will be against him, and adds the last two words.

"Xia Li Ting!"

Xia Jin is not happy, this is also a bully.

The total value of Haagen Dazs in the refrigerator is more than 2000 yuan. If you throw it away, she will have a pain!

"What did you say? Again

Xia Liting is walking towards Xia Jin with a kitchen knife. Although he knows that he just goes out of the kitchen with a kitchen knife and won't hurt himself, Xia Jin still counsels in an instant.

"I say I throw it!"

Bear it!

Xia Jin angrily bites her back teeth and spits out such a sentence. Then, in Xia Liting's sharp vision, she gets all the Haagen Dazs out of the frozen layer, only to find that the garbage can can't be filled, and then she has to find several garbage bags, which have just been disposed of.

Xia Liting watched him in a hurry all the way, and his sharp sight was faintly mixed with wisps of laughter.

He quickly turned and went into the kitchen. In less than five minutes, he brought out a full amount of rice with a fillet and put it on the table in the corner of the living room

"Come and have dinner. I have something to tell you after dinner."

"Oh." Xia Jin depressed should sound, snail like move toward the table.

Xia Liting put all his sister's little emotions into his eyes. His face was still serious, but there was a smile in his eyes.

Taking advantage of Xia Jin's time to eat, he quickly threw away all the Haagen Dazs in the garbage can and garbage bag.

Xia Jin finished her meal before Xia Liting came back. As she was cleaning up the kitchen, there was a stir in the living room.