"The last general is just the opposite of what General Wang said..."

Before he finished his words, Wang was cut off by a deputy general under Dongfang Youhua

"If there is no food and grass, the army will mutiny and fight against each other, not fight to the death!"

"Well, what do you know? Although we have a large number of soldiers, we can't take advantage of it. If we attack by force, we will only increase casualties! "

Depending on his qualifications, the old general Wang immediately gave a loud rebuke to the young general.

"General Wang doesn't agree with what the LORD said. Would you like to withdraw without fighting?"

The young general didn't shrink back either. The faint words scared the old general Wang's back and made him sweat.

Under the king Yi, there are no deserters, no soldiers who retreat without fighting!

He has unconsciously committed a taboo

"My Lord, the last general has no intention of this. Please learn from me!"

Wang's general looked at Xiao Yiyuan with a trembling heart.

"The morale of the army is particularly important before the war. I don't want to hear half a word of demoralizing words in the future. Otherwise, the military law will be strict!"

Xiao Yiyuan's eyes swept over the generals one by one, and finally fell on the old general Wang.

What he said was not just for General Wang.


All the generals, who are not stupid, immediately bow their hands to answer.

General Wang dodged a disaster, secretly relieved, stood aside, and did not dare to speak easily again.


After the discussion, Xiao Yiyuan orders Dongfang Youhua to lead the soldiers of the vanguard battalion to raid the company stockade outside Xi City at dawn tomorrow and pull out all the stockade to prepare for the subsequent battle!

After receiving the order, Dongfang Youhua and other generals left one after another.

Xiao Yihuan walked to the curtain of the tent, but he stopped, thought for a moment, and turned back.

At this time, there was no one in Shuai's tent except him and Xiao Yiyuan. Xiao Yihuan had no scruples when he spoke

"Do you remember that prophecy?"

"Xia Jin is a pregnant woman now!"

Xiao Yiyuan frowned slightly, obviously unhappy.

He understood what his cousin said.

However, Xia Jin is pregnant now and is about to give birth. How can he bear to let her work hard for the war?

"I know you care about Xia Jin, but in the prophecy, before the world is settled, there is a word of" four beasts together ". How should you think about it?"

Xiao Yihuan didn't want to push Xiao Yiyuan too hard. When he finished his speech, he turned around and left a space for him to think and measure.


The next day, Dongfang Youhua led 10000 cavalry to attack the enemy company outside Xi City at dawn.

A few days ago, the defending enemy suffered heavy damage in fog valley. The nightmare still makes them think and fear, and they can't sleep at night!

Facing the attack of Dongfang Youhua, they were in a mess. Some soldiers even died under the long guns of the soldiers of the Eastern Qing Dynasty before they took up arms.

Everything goes very smoothly!

The battle lasted for more than half a day. At last, Dongqing won a great victory and totally annihilated more than 40000 enemy troops.

However, when Dongfang Youhua leads people to demolish lianzhai, his intention becomes sudden.

These villages exploded almost at the same time. The soldiers of the Eastern Qing Dynasty, including Dongfang Youhua, suffered heavy losses because they could not dodge.

Dongfang Youhua led 10000 soldiers in this raid.

The battle with the enemy cost no more than 2000 people.

However, after the explosion, only 3500 people were left, and nearly 200 people were seriously injured.

Among the seriously wounded, half of them were physically incomplete and could not fight any more in the future. Three of them would be paralyzed in bed for the rest of their lives and need other people's care before they could survive.

Dongfang Youhua, as the leader of the vanguard camp, also lost his right arm in the explosion.