In such a short period of time, if they do not return to Xichuan immediately, the army will mutiny because of lack of food. At that time, there is no need for the Eastern Qing Dynasty to fight back, and they will collapse without fighting.

Li Keqi suddenly realized that since he launched the offensive against the northern city of Hebei Province, he lost one after another and was calculated again and again.

This kind of thinking gave him a strong sense of crisis, sharp and gloomy vision in front of this chaotic bloody, cruel battlefield full of tyranny swept, and finally settled on Xia Jin who was riding on a high horse and fighting in blood.

Li Keqi narrowed his eyes dangerously. He could even calculate Xiao Yiyuan. How could dongfangkuo calculate him so thoroughly?

The successive failures of the army's attack on the northern city of Hebei must have something to do with this woman who has the identity of an alien!

Lightning flint, Li Keqi heart emerged a very strong idea, must not let Xia Jin alive!

As soon as the idea comes out, the devil will become!

With a loud drink, Li Keqi took more than 50 people's trusted guards and went to the battle circle where Xia Jin was, killing countless soldiers of the Eastern Qing Dynasty all the way.

Wu Zhong soon noticed Li Keqi's thoughts, and while he was protecting Xia Jin, he quickly reminded him:

"Miss Xia, Ricky is coming at us!"

Xia Jin has studied fencing and Taekwondo, but there are many maladjustments in applying them to the battlefield.

She fought very hard in this battle.

Although she killed and wounded several invaders, she also paid a huge price. She suffered from injuries to her shoulders and back. She had been threatened with death many times. If Wu Zhong hadn't helped her in time, she would be dead now.

Wu Zhong's warning sound came into her ears. She waved her sword to stop a Xichuan soldier's spear coming at her. At the same time, she looked along Wu Zhong's line of sight and saw that Li Keqi was upright and sharp, so she killed her general.

Through the heavy fighting scene, Xia Jin's sight suddenly collides with Li Keqi.

Lightning flint, from Li Ke strange Eagle Jie like line of sight, Xia Jin incomparably clear feeling from each other's strong hatred and killing!

Li Keqi, as one of the aggressors, has a very common intention to kill her, but he hates her

Xia Jin suddenly smiles at Li Keqi. Her smile is full of irony and provocation!

After this smile, she quickly said to Wu Zhong, "let's go back to the city." then she turned her horse's head and quickly retreated to the city of northern Hebei.

Wu Zhong guesses Xia Jin's intention and immediately drives the horse to keep up.

Li Keqi has a crazy obsession to kill Xia Jin. At this time, he sees that Xia Jin is so sarcastic and provocative, and his reason is completely drowned by anger and killing intention.

See Xia Jin unexpectedly want to escape back to the city, he did not make any thinking, led the trusted guards straight up.

Seeing that the commander-in-chief of Xichuan intended to rush into the northern city of Hebei, the officers and men of the Eastern Qing Dynasty tried their best to stop him.

However, dongfangkuo and other powerful people were far away from the city gate at this time and could not rush for help in time, so Li Keqi was able to enter the city smoothly.

As Xia Jin and Li Keqi entered the northern city of Hebei Province one after another, on the battlefield outside the city, soldiers from both sides poured into the city, and the situation of the battle was completely out of control.

In a very short period of time, the inside and outside of the city fell into melee one after another.

As early as when Emperor Yushi of Xichuan showed his desire to launch a war against Li Keqi in the Eastern Qing Dynasty, and he would worship him as commander-in-chief, Li Keqi sent spies into several cities above the border of the Eastern Qing Dynasty to draw maps of the city, and the northern Hebei city was intended to be explored.

However, after entering the northern Hebei city this time, he was surprised to find that the layout of the city at this time was quite different from the map brought back by the spy.

As soon as the arrow comes out of the string, it is impossible for it to retreat!

Li Keqi went deep alone and continued to pursue Xia Jin.

However, after crossing the main street and chasing several lanes, Li Keqi angrily found that he had lost the man!

He stopped the horse and was thinking about what to do next, but there was a sudden change on the roof on both sides of the tunnel.

Ricky looked up quickly and saw that the roof was full of archers.

"It's a trick. Get out of here!"

Li Keqi suddenly gave a sharp drink and rushed out of the tunnel before the archers bent their bows and took their arrows.

And with him into the city's trusted guards, half of them were not as lucky as he was, and they were shot on the spot!

Li Keqi took the survivors to another tunnel. Although he did not encounter the archers again, countless soldiers carrying casks full of lime powder suddenly appeared on the roof. They threw all the lime in the casks to Li Keqi and others.

In the chaos, Ricky turns his horse's head with intuition and runs away from the tunnel in confusion, but is attacked by the explosive bag

A game of mice playing with cats is staged again in the city of northern Hebei in full swing.


On the third day of the beginning of the war, Xiao Yiqi personally supervised the production of the bow and crossbow, which was escorted by Chen Keli under the orders of the Privy Council, and the 250000 reinforcements led by Dongfang Youhua, the eldest son of Dongfang Kuo, also arrived that night.

What the reinforcements brought was not only an increase in the number of soldiers in the Eastern Qing Dynasty, but also enough food to support the garrison and the reinforcements in the northern Hebei.

The news spread that the morale of the army of the Eastern Qing Dynasty was greatly boosted, and the more they fought, the braver they became.

On the contrary, the soldiers in Xichuan were passive and lazy.

Li Keqi fought hard for three days without any follow-up supplies, which was the end of his rope.

He tried his best to gather the generals and most of the soldiers who rushed into the city, and then killed the generals in the south gate.

When things turn to extremes, maybe even heaven feels that his defeat is too tragic, which gives him a glimmer of life.

After a hard battle, he rushed out of the northern city of Hebei with the rest of the defeated soldiers and had to save his life.

After this battle, Li Keqi no longer stayed outside the city of northern Hebei, and returned to Hongdu city with his mournful soldiers.

In this battle, most of the generals in Xichuan were lost, and the number of soldiers killed in the battle was 180000!

The generals of the Eastern Qing Dynasty had little damage, and nearly 100000 soldiers died.

The success or failure of this battle is up to us!


Because Xiao Yiyuan and Yu Hongdu did not make arrangements for knowledge, some people from the Eastern Qing Dynasty were mixed into the army of Xichuan.

After Li Keqi retreated to Hongdu, these people waited for the opportunity to spread in the army, and the army had no food.

Although there is some exaggeration in this statement, it is almost the same as the fact. After several times of dissemination, the army mutinied and intensified.

These people managed to spread the news to the city of northern Hebei.

However, without waiting for the Lord's general Dongfang Kuo to respond, news came again.

After Xiao Yiyuan broke through the siege of Hongdu, he went to Yucheng, the capital of Xichuan. He went to the third prince's mansion with his men at night, assassinated the third prince in the mansion, and was captured later.

At this time, Emperor Yushi of Xichuan had sent people to escort Xiao Yiyuan to Hongdu, and he would arrive in another day.

After escorting Xiao Yiyuan's troops, he followed 150000 Xichuan reinforcements. The leader of the troops was Fan Zhong, the Secretary of Xichuan Privy Council.