He mentioned that he had caught a sophomore. After some questioning, he took him to the room Xia Jin had ordered.

However, when the door opened, it was already empty.

Li Keqi was annoyed when he jumped on the air, and he felt that Xiao ER was deliberately teasing him.

This kind of thought floated to his heart. Without a moment's hesitation, he quickly pulled out his waist knife.

The next moment, silver suddenly appeared. After a flash, the second child didn't even have time to ask for mercy, so there was a bloodstain on his neck.

Warm blood splashed from his neck and on Ricky's face.

The second child subconsciously put his hand over his neck, and his face was full of panic and shock.

His eyes widened, his hand trembling at Ricky, his lips moving, but he was too frightened to make any sound.

A moment later, he fell to the ground, convulsed a few times, and died.

However, Li Keqi's anger did not dissipate with the end of Xiao er's life. He immediately ordered his soldiers to massacre the innkeeper, all the staff and the residents of the inn.

The shopkeeper and others are just ordinary people who are honest. In front of the soldiers holding senhan's long sword, they have no power to fight back.

A one-sided massacre happened because of Ricky's angry words

As the creator of this nightmare, when Ricky came out of the inn, a subordinate came forward and whispered in his ear.

"Marshal, I just heard from a merchant that Xia Jin had been killed by Han Xiwen in Kecheng. When he was in danger, a small animal with bright red body and similar appearance to a snake suddenly came out of his sleeve and beat back the person who intended to kill her. My subordinates wondered if the snake like animal with bright red body could be... The holy beast of the Eastern Qing Dynasty, Honglin fire dragon. "

After listening to the report from his subordinates, Bai Lihong turned dignified. He waved his hand and ordered him to retreat. Then he called another subordinate officer and gave an order in a deep voice

"Herald, immediately block the four gates, search all over the city, be sure to take Xia Jin!"


The subordinate Officer immediately took the order and went away with his fist in his arms.


When the news of Li Keqi's blockade of the gate came to the east gate, and the heavy gate was slowly closed under the joint efforts of Xichuan soldiers, Xia Jin and Wu Zhonggang left the city better than half a cup of tea.

Because they were walking, they didn't go far at this time. Looking back, they could clearly see that the gate was closing slowly.

Wu Zhong sighed in his heart and turned to Xia Jin with some admiration

"Miss Xia, you've got a good time!"

Earlier in the inn, Xia Jin claimed that Xiao Yiyuan was likely to leave from the west gate and go to Xichuan. But if they didn't go to Xichuan, they had to leave the city immediately and return to the northern Hebei city. Wu Zhong had a strong doubt about Xia Jin's conjecture and decision.

However, it is extremely dangerous for him to stay in Hongdu city. After all, he is only a subordinate sent by Xiao Yi Qi to Xia Jin to perform the duty of guarding. He should not act beyond his authority, so he acquiesced to Xia Jin's decision and went out of the city with her.

In the face of Wu Zhong's praise, Xia Jin just pulled the corners of her mouth, but her heart was not easy.

These days, the gate of Hongdu city opened in the afternoon, lasting for two hours.

At this time, it was only an hour and a half before the gate opened.

In this way, the reason why the gate closed suddenly was that their whereabouts were known by Li Keqi.

The fact that Li Keqi got the news so quickly shows his deep control over Hongdu city.

The wall of Hongdu city was strengthened by Sima chuzhao for many years, and its height and firmness were better than that of the capital city.

If we want to recapture the city by war, even if dongfangkuo, an old general, comes out, the soldiers and soldiers will have to pay less than when Xichuan occupied it.

In this way, she had to be well prepared before the battle of seizing the city began.

"Let's meet dongfangkuo in northern Hebei!"

Xia Jin gathered heavy thoughts and opened her mouth to Wu Zhong.

After a mile along the official road, they arrived at a small village, bought two horses at a high price, got on their horses and galloped toward the northern city of Hebei Province.

On that day, when the earth was covered with hazy golden, Xia Jin and her husband arrived outside the city of northern Hebei. It was the end of Youshi.

Because it was adjacent to Hongdu, which was occupied by the enemy, dongfangkuo ordered that the west gate of Hongdu should be closed at the end of Shenshi to avoid the enemy's attack.

There is no doubt that Xia Jin and his wife were shut out of the northern Hebei city.

"Miss Xia, before we set out, the Lord gave me this token. Do you want to use this token to let the city guards open the door?"

On horseback, Wu Zhong carefully took out a palm sized bright yellow silk from his chest.

Unfolding the silk, it is a gold medal engraved with the words "if I come in person"!

Xia Jin was surprised, but after thinking, she gave a negative answer.

"The eastern generals are indispensable for their authority and ability. If they use their privileges, they will inevitably change their name and lose their authority. It will not be good for the future war. Let's find a place to sleep overnight, and then go back to the city tomorrow morning."

Military orders were like mountains. When the emperor was in power, he Li, the guard General of the temporary pass, had a case when his father went outside the city and asked to enter the city after the city gate was closed. However, he resolutely refused to open the city gate to meet each other. His action was praised as a beautiful talk and played a great role in a later disguised raid by mountain bandits.


Wu Zhong was surprised for a moment by Xia Jin's decision, and immediately he admired Xia Jin even more.

In this world, there have never been many people who are arrogant or arrogant. If Xia Jin wants to be one of these two kinds of people, many people will be willing to become her reliance, but she has never done so. On the contrary, the three qualities of modesty, steadiness and introverted always exist in her body.


They settled in the woods nearby. Wu Zhong picked up some dry wood to light the fire. They made do with it all night.

The next day, the sound of "creaking" broke the silence of the morning. In the light of the morning, the west gate of northern Hebei city slowly opened.

In the past, before the city gate was opened, many people would gather here, or go to the city to go to the market, or go to the city to sell vegetables.

However, because Hongdu city was occupied by the enemy, the people in the villages between the two cities were in danger. They were afraid that the army of Xichuan would attack the city of northern Hebei and hurt them. Or after entering the city of northern Hebei, they were treated as spies sent by Xichuan, and they stayed at home, closed their doors and did a poor and helpless self-protection.

At this time, only Xia Jin and Wu Zhong were outside the west gate.

After the gate is opened, the soldiers who guard the city want to search Xia Jin and verify their identity according to the law.

Although Xia Jin was dressed in men's clothes, she was a daughter after all. In this ancient society, men and women were defensive.

Wu Zhongnian and his countless connections with Xiao Yiyuan took out his waist tag from his sleeve, which represented his identity as a bodyguard of the Qi palace.