
Xiao Yiqi knows that Xia Jin's heart is not as strong as what she shows, but what happened in Hongdu city is to let her know.

"After Hongdu's urgent flying pigeon was introduced to DIDU, three carrier pigeons flew to the Imperial City in succession. The above contents are the same: Hongdu city was destroyed, and Sima chuzhao, the leader of Hongdu City, led his troops to retreat to the north of Hebei city, while Xiao Yiyuan, the king of Yi, took the initiative to cover Sima chuzhao's retreat and fight against Li Keqi's main force, There was a scuffle in the capital of Hong. After that, there was no news of him

After the fall of Xiao Yiqi's vernacular voice, she fell into a long time in her study. Xia Jin stood rigidly in the same place for a long time without any action.

I'm Xiao Yiqi. I doubt that she can't bear the blow. When she has mental problems, Xia Jin just looks up at him.

"He... That is to say, Xiao Yiyuan is missing. He doesn't know where he is. He doesn't even know whether he is alive or dead, right?"

Xia Jin with the body side of the two hands tightly clenched, trim nails into the palm, blood then Qinchu, but do not seem to feel pain.

She was shaking all over her body. There was a layer of fog in her red eyes. When she opened her mouth, her voice had a very obvious tremor.

When Xiao Yiqi saw her like this, he couldn't bear it, but he had to say the hurtful words.

He nodded and looked more serious

"Xia Jin, now Hongdu city has been broken. If Yiyuan has a chance of life, the first condition to save him is to keep the northern Hebei city after Hongdu. But the northern city of Hebei is easy to attack but difficult to defend. If we want to hold it firmly in the hands of Dongqing, we have to rely on the old general Dongfang Kuo who has rich experience in guarding the northern city of Hebei! But Dongfang Kuo had conditions earlier. If he wanted to go to the city of northern Hebei to be the first general, his father and emperor would personally order to marry his daughter Dongfang youruo... And King Yi. "

"Give marriage..."

Xia Jin whispered and repeated, looking stunned.

"Xia Jin, I know it's extremely unfair and even cruel to you. If Yi Yuan knew it, he would never agree with it. You can completely refuse..."

"No, I promise, I will quit. As long as the three of Xiao Yiyuan come back safely, I will disappear forever after the dispute situation is stable. I will never appear in front of him and Dongfang youruo!"

Before Xiao Yi's words were finished, Xia Jin interrupted him.

Her tone was firm and her face was firm.

Since Xiao Yiqi said this to her, it shows that this is the only way to return to Xiao Yiyuan if there is any hope, and the person guarding the northern city of Hebei can only be dongfangkuo.

That is to say, there is no other choice. Another moment of entanglement and stalemate is meaningless. On the contrary, it will make the situation of Xiao Yiyuan who is still in the world worse.

Xiao Yiyuan, I know you will blame me for making my own decisions, but compared with your life, whether we can be together in the end is really not so important!

I'm sorry!

Xia Jin looks up at the beam on top of her head and tries to keep tears from falling into her eyes.

Xiao Yiqi saw her forbearance at the bottom of his eyes. He felt uncomfortable. He quickly stepped out of the study and left the space for her to vent.

After he left, Xia Jin couldn't help it. Her body collapsed on the ground. Tears fell into her eyes and wet her cheek. She covered her mouth with one hand and didn't let herself cry.


When Xia Jin came out of Xiao Yi's room with red and swollen eyes, all the people who met her in the whole palace subconsciously lowered their heads to avoid sight, leaving room for Xia Jin's strength.

"Where is the king of Qi now?"

Xia Jin suddenly grabbed a patrol bodyguard who passed by her. There was a thick nasal sound in her hoarse voice, which was obviously caused by the crying just now.

"Miss Hui Xia, the prince just came out of his study and went straight into the palace."

The guard answered quickly after a moment of surprise.

Xia Jin nodded her head and then threw her hand.

After entering the palace, Xiao Yiqi goes to the East Palace first, and tells the prince what he expected. Then the two brothers go to Chengtian palace, where they are recuperating in bed, and ask for two imperial edicts.

After that, Xiao Yiqi and the imperial eunuch rushed to the mansion of Dongfang Kuo Zaidi and issued two orders one after another.

One of them, in order to restore Dongfang Kuo Guan to his original position, ordered him to be the garrison general of northern Hebei city, and immediately ordered him to dispatch 100000 troops to support the northern Hebei city.

The other imperial edict is the imperial edict of giving marriage to Dongfang youruo. The object of marriage is Xiao Yiyuan, the elder brother of Yiwang, whom she has been thinking about for many years!

The fates of the three young people are entangled together because of the inappropriate imperial edict mixed with too many interests. They don't know where to go or where to go.

Dongfang Kuo was glad to see that the emperor really gave in to him.

But in the joy, the bottom of my heart also gave birth to a trace of guilt to Xia Jin.

After all, if Xia Jin had not quietly rushed to Kecheng, his good brother's injustice would not have been vindicated.

But this trace of guilt was soon drowned by the love and compassion for her daughter and completely disappeared.

He put aside the emotion that he thought should not appear in his heart, and immediately rushed to Lutai with the king of Qi.

In view of the tense situation, it would take more time to dispatch troops from other cities. Before Xiao Yiqi went to the East for his residence, Xiao Yichen asked the emperor to send a message to dongfangkuo. He directly dispatched troops from the forbidden army and the patrol camp guarding the capital, and tried to rush to the northern city of Hebei as soon as possible.

For this reason, dongfangkuo set a precedent that was unprecedented in the history of the Eastern Qing Dynasty, even in the whole Fenghuan continent. On the day of receiving the order, he successfully dispatched troops to the battlefield!

Under the boundless darkness, the city of DIDU is as bright as day.

Under the leadership of dongfangkuo, 100000 troops marched late at night and rushed to the northern city of Hebei as soon as possible.

Looking at the 100000 troops leaving one after another and finally disappearing into the deep night, Xiao Yiqi's worries did not diminish at all. He even prayed from the bottom of his heart that God would protect him. His fourth brother is still well at this time!


At that time, Xiao Yiyuan and Xiao Qi, members of the night shadow guard, and 50 soldiers in Hongdu City, which was separated from Di City by thousands of rivers and mountains, were besieged in a broken Temple by Li Keqi's heavy army.

"My Lord, my brothers have been fighting for two consecutive days, and they are all injured. If we can't break through the encirclement at night, we won't be able to live any more. But you are the soul of our army in Dongqing, and you can't do anything! We are willing to protect ourselves with our lives and help you to break through alone