But before that, in the Le Tian palace, she had already used a lot of tea and snacks because of the prince's kindness, and she was already very full.

Xiao Chenglang is not dissatisfied with Xia Jin's refusal to move tea and snacks. He holds back all the eunuchs, including Chen Yong, and orders them to close the Palace door.

With the continuous creaking sound, the hall door was closed.

In such a big palace, only Xia Jin and Xiao Chenglang sit opposite each other, separated by a long distance.

After a moment of silence, Xiao Chenglang broke the silence.

"I have asked the crown prince for confirmation of yesterday's affair in Yuetian palace. I know that you are the alien in Taoist Guigu's deathbed prophecy. I want to know your attitude when I say this to you today. "

If the four countries are unified and become one, then the guests will go.

"Emperor, in my opinion, the so-called prophecy is just a kind of inference based on all kinds of information revealed by what happened. The world is the world of all the people in the world. Those who win the hearts of the people will be supported by all the people and hold the world. On the contrary, the hearts of the people will be separated, and the country will not be the country, and the family will be difficult. "

Xia Jin's words are sonorous and firm.

"What do you mean by that?"

Xiao can't help frowning. What Xia Jin said is quite different from what he has always known.

Facing the emperor's query, Xia Jin slowly explained:

Recently, when I read the historical records of various countries in Fenghuan mainland, I found that after the turmoil more than 100 years ago, the four countries, Dongqing, Beiyou, nanyong and Xichuan, stood in balance, making Fenghuan mainland calm again.

But since then, all the emperors of Beiyou have been militant and ambitious. Before the ghost Valley Taoist priest died, the prophecy that spread on the mainland first appeared at this time. However, the identity of the person who made this prophecy is not detailed. There are only a few words about it, A broad-minded person returning to the wild.

Since such an excellent person, why did he choose to retire instead of displaying his ambition to benefit the people?

Is it because of the oppression and exclusion, or because of the depression and failure to succeed, or because of the conflict between fame and power?

Whatever the reason, he must have his own unique views on the situation on the mainland. Naturally, he can make certain inferences about the present time hundreds of years later.

Therefore, I firmly believe that the so-called prophecy is just a kind of speculation, and that my coming to Fenghuan is just a coincidence event with very low possibility but happened.

"If, according to your words, Taoist Guigu made a prediction that an alien would come to this world when he was dying, you would appear in the back mountain of heiyun village. How can you explain that?"

Xiao Chenglang obviously does not approve of Xia Jin's remarks.

But Xia Jin didn't feel frustrated and anxious because of this. Could a prophecy spread for a hundred years and believed by countless people be overturned by her in a few words?

Her clear eyes looked directly at Xiao Chenglang, and her words were clear:

"Before he appeared in the back mountain of heiyun village, he was examining his body in an ancient tomb. I thought that maybe I had touched some organ in my action, so I came here by chance. "

"Xia Jin, don't you think this explanation is too far fetched?"

Xiao Chenglang shakes his head, unable to recognize Xia Jin's shocking words.

"Emperor, there are many things in the world that can't be explained. How can we study them one by one?"

In the face of an emperor who believed in Buddhism and prophecy, all Xia Jin could say was this.

After her words came out, Xiao Chenglang thought deeply, silent for a long time, and the silence in the hall could be heard, and the atmosphere gradually became oppressive.

Time in the silence of the slow and fast slip away, I do not know how long, Xia Jin even feel that her waist is sour, Xiao Chenglang has just come out of self reflection, the eyes of the sink fell on her.

"It's hard for me to accept what you just said. Xia Jin, if the world situation changes, what should you do? If all the things mentioned in the prophecy come true, will you leave the abyss? "

Xiao Chenglang's heart is complex and heavy. Although Dongqing has a strong army, he doesn't want to have a war. As the father of Xiao Yiyuan, he hopes that his son can get a sincere person and his life will not be so cold and monotonous.

"Back to the emperor, no matter how the world events change, Xia Jin is already a member of the Eastern Qing Dynasty. She will do her best to protect the territory and people, and dare not neglect her. And Lord Yi... He treats Xia Jin sincerely. How can Xia Jin bear to be negative? "

The idea that Xiao Yiyuan chose to stay in the land of wind fantasy lingered in her heart for a long time, making her deeply entangled.

And that day in Taotie building, the prince's words completely strengthened her idea, let her cut off all the back roads, and chose to walk side by side with Xiao Yiyuan.

"I'll be relieved if you say that. No matter how the situation changes in the future... Just go ahead. "

Xiao Chenglang obviously has something to say, but at last he waves his hand to let Xia Jin leave.

If the emperor doesn't want to say something, no one can force him to say it.

Xia Jin arched her hand and retreated silently.

Out of the hall, Chen Yongli steps forward:

"Xia Tixing, we have arranged a bodyguard to escort you back."

"No, I want to walk alone."

Xia Jin waved her hand and refused. In broad daylight, the assassins were crazy and didn't dare to stab in the heavily guarded and well patrolled capital.

Moreover, although she did not know whether Tianying would follow her after she entered the palace, once she stepped out of the palace, he would stare at her in the dark.

See Xia Jin refuse, Chen Yong also not good insist, then smile to send her to leave.

Xia Jin is walking alone in this huge palace city. From time to time, she meets the patrolling bodyguard and the busy palace maid eunuch.

When the library was burned down, Xiao Yiyuan's story of passing Qi for her in public spread in the palace, and her appearance was also known by the people present at that time.

All the way, everyone who meets her calls her surname and official title while saluting her.

"Xia Ti Xing" three words hear Xia Jin ears almost cocoon.

Near the palace gate is a large open area. Looking at the palace gate in front of her, Xia Jin can't help but speed up her pace.

However, when she was only a hundred steps away from the palace gate, she saw Shen Anting, who was wearing the official dress of the female editor of the Imperial Academy, appear at the palace gate, and the bodyguard was checking her waist tag.

Xia Jin frowned. It's not that her friends don't get together!

Yesterday just let Shen Anting eat a stuffy loss in the street, today I meet it again.

It is said that the enemy's eyes are very red when they meet. However, when Shen Anting checks her waist token and goes to the palace, she shows a very bright smile when she sees Xia Jin. However, the coldness in her eyes can't be hidden in any case.