His face remained unchanged, his fingers loosened, and the knife fell to the ground with a bang.

The sharp eyed man found that the position above the blade, which was clamped by Tianying's fingers, had been rigidly distorted

With Tianying's deterrence, Han Chengdong's side has not been fiercely resisted in the next action.

There is Lu Qing in Nancheng District, and Lin Yu is quite handy.

As for the other two cities, Li Fan and Hu Cheng moved more smoothly without any obvious resistance.

Since the beginning of the action, only one and a half hours, then the perfect draw to an end.

At this time, Xiao Yihuan came forward again and posted a letter to inform the people outside the yamen gate, explaining that today's event was to eliminate corrupt officials, evil officials, tyrants and traitors in Lizhou.

Because of the wide coverage, I'm afraid the people under my command will be arrested by mistake.

In order to avoid being wronged, he will hear the case in person from tomorrow.

All innocent people will be released in court and given a certain amount of silver as compensation according to the law of the Eastern Qing Dynasty.

It's not aimed at any law-abiding people. There's no need to panic.

Seeing this letter, the common people settled down and rushed to tell each other.

Lizhou City, which was originally haunted by panic, gradually calmed down with the arrival and deepening of the night.

From tomorrow on, Lizhou will be a new city

In the government office and study, Xiao Yihuan looks through the list presented by Han Chengdong on the desk, holds up the red ink and makes three different marks on it.

He either circled the name, or drew a vertical bar on its side, or drew a big fork directly above the name.

These three different symbols undoubtedly represent that these people will face different endings.

In today's operation, a total of more than 400 officers, villains and their blood relatives, 39 families were arrested.

But this data is only in Lizhou City, and has not included the counties under Lizhou.

Then, what should we do with these prefectures and counties?

Xiao Yihuan frowned and thought hard for a long time. Then he got up slowly, stepped to the innermost bookshelf behind him, took down one of the history books, opened it, took out two letters from inside, and put the books back to the desk.

He took out the two letters, which recorded the names of the prefectures and counties under the jurisdiction of Lizhou, as well as the typical things he did.

He looked at them one by one, extracted some names from them, immediately collected the letters, took the newly extracted list, got up and went out of the study, met with Li Fan and Lu Qing overnight, and asked them to immediately lead the troops to arrest the people on the list, regardless of life or death.


On the second day, Xiao Yihuan, as stated in the notice, tried the people arrested yesterday one by one.

He has worked in Lizhou for many years and has a good understanding of the state of Lizhou. In the past year, he seems to be decadent and dissolute, but he has not done nothing in secret and has collected a lot of evidence in private.

All the people kneeling in the hall know that they are good or evil, treacherous or despicable, and what credit or bad deeds they have.

In front of the mountain of hard evidence, those greedy people were so scared that they were paralyzed on the spot, their faces were like earth color, and they were desperate and regretful.

Those who were jailed for no reason because of the smoke effect Xiao Yihuan needed were released in court.

However, few people are willing to claim the compensation proposed by Xiao Yihuan.

They really don't like the compensation of one or two silver each!


Xiao Yihuan was busy from day to night, and the trial was completed for two consecutive days.

At this time, Li Fan and Lu Qing also rushed back, together with the eight officials they captured.

These eight people did all the evil things in office, enslaved the people and ignored human lives, which was the typical example Xiao Yihuan wanted to catch.

So, when the morning sun rose again, Xiao Yihuan went up again and sentenced all the eight to decapitation.

The period of execution is the same as that of the person who was sentenced to decapitation two days ago, and is set three days later.

The people in Lizhou applauded Xiao Yihuan's vigorous and resolute manner, calling them wise and powerful. When Xiao Zhizhou, who loved the people like a son, came back, a voice of doubt came out slowly.

As is known to all, the emperor sent Xia Jin, the official of zhengsipin, to be the imperial envoy, to patrol and hunt on behalf of heaven, to relieve the victims, and to inspect the official style of Lizhou.

At the beginning, Xia Tixing did appear and carried out vigorously. As soon as he arrived in Lizhou, he took over the power of Lizhou, and went to the epidemic area personally to participate in the treatment of the people, which was very touching.

But I don't know when, this Lizhou no longer Xia Tixing figure.

Where's chateshine?

Why did he ignore the emperor's orders, leave his duty without permission and abandon the people in Lizhou?

If you have the favor of the people and the credit, you can act recklessly, regardless of the order?

People are always easy to be guided by curiosity. No matter pure curiosity or malicious, Xia Jin's leaving Lizhou without permission was completely enlarged and gradually changed under the people's inquiry!

And the man who made all this secretly, just after he had a fight with Si Yao, took the mountain road to bypass Zhou Jiapo, grabbed some traditional Chinese medicine for internal injury in a drugstore, ground it into powder and made it into pills. After taking it with him, he endured the internal injury and rushed back to Shen Anting in Lizhou.

At this time, she does not know whether Xia Jin is dead or alive, but whenever there is a chance to slander Xia Jin, she will not let it go!

Whether the person she wants to slander is alive or dead.

Just like when we dealt with Shen Weiran!


The official circles in Lizhou have been calmed down, but the plague has not been completely quelled.

World unparalleled and Bai Qingqing daily contact with a variety of patients, naturally also heard these rumors extremely adverse to Xia Jin.

Bai Qingqing was worried, but he was very calm and didn't worry about it at all.

Although Beiyou lost one after another, it is not the real strength of this strange country.

A turmoil is inevitable.

With the mutiny of tiger shark army, Xia Jin's appearance will make Beiyou's eyes stare at her.

With the wisdom of those people, it is not difficult to guess Xia Jin's identity.

Since we can't hide it, why is it necessary for us to understand these rumors?


On the way back to Lizhou, Xiao Yiyuan asked Xia Jin and others to stay in a small town Inn and wait for him. He left alone and went to Mocheng to have a long talk with xuanyuanjing, and then returned two days later.

As a result of this delay, when they returned to Lizhou, it was December 28.

Outside the yamen, Xiao yiyuanfu helped Xia Jin out of the carriage, and Xiao Yihuan appeared one after another.

"Yi Yuan, I have something urgent to talk with you. Please follow me."

Xiao Yihuan's face was very dignified, and there was a little urgency in his eyes.

Xiao Yiyuan looks at Xia Jin. Xia Jin nods to him. He instructs Xiao Qi to follow Xia Jin and then walks away.

Xia Jin's eyes unconsciously follow Xiao Yiyuan's tall and noble figure, even forgetting to say hello to the later world.


This trip to the East China Sea has promoted their feelings

"He will come back on his own initiative."

Clear and gentle voice sounded, with a few banter.

Xia Jin's face was slightly embarrassed.