When the bodyguard left, Cao Hui was the only one left in the front hall. His pupils narrowed and his eyes were full of ruthlessness and belief.

When he learned that Xia Jin, the imperial envoy, was on his way to Lizhou, he secretly sent someone to Kecheng, 200 miles away from Lizhou, to wait. When Xia Jin arrived at Kecheng, he tracked all his movements along the way.

Having made such a complete preparation, he didn't believe that a woman could turn the situation of Lizhou over!


Because the strength of Xiao Qi's slap was beyond Xia Jin's expectation, and the pain of her elbow, Xia Jin felt a little uncomfortable. She fell asleep very late and got up later the next day than the day before.

The three may be under the surveillance of Cao Hui at any time at this time. In case, Xiao Qi doesn't show up. You appears outside Xia Jin's room and slams the door for a while.

Xia Jin, who is in her sleep, is awakened by the knock on the door. She has always been angry to get up, but she almost doesn't control her temper.

She took a few deep breaths to control her restlessness. She dressed quickly, pulled her hair a few times, went to the door, took off the bolt and opened the door.

"Miss Xia, do you feel sick?"

You line of sight in Xia Jin is still swollen left cheek stagnation for a moment.

Last night he should have stopped her near self mutilation.

"I'm fine. I just went to bed late last night, so I got up late."

Xia Jin saw the guilt and regret on you's face, pulled the corners of her mouth, and showed a not very good-looking smile to comfort her.

"Later, Xiao Qi and I will explore the city by shopping, and you will stay in the inn for a rest."


Xia Jin did not refuse. After a little consideration, she said:

"Cao Hui is not easy to deceive. You and Xiao Qi must act in an obscure way. Apart from the topic related to business partnership mentioned by Cao Hui last night, you must not directly ask people about other things."


You had done everything well. With Xia Jin's special reminder, the situation between him and Xiao Qi was quite smooth. Only two hours later, he got a very important news.

When you and Xiao Qi go to the street, they are under the surveillance of Cao Hui.

Although these people have flexible minds, they can never compare with you. Therefore, they have not found anything unusual.

Afternoon, small seven two people back to the inn, pretending lunch break, in fact quietly into Xia Jin room.

Knowing that they had returned to the inn, Xia Jin had been waiting in the room. Seeing that they had drifted in from the window in a ghostly way, she asked in a low voice:

"What do you find?"

"Miss Xia, we know that Yuwang Shizi often haunts the biggest brothel... Heaven and earth, and will go again this evening."

"In this way, we will sneak into heaven and earth tonight to find out whether Xiao Yihuan really indulges in sound and color, and then decide on the next step."



After the discussion, Xiao Qi and you return to their respective rooms through the window.

As soon as Xiao Qi's feet touched the ground, the door was knocked from outside.

"Who is it?"

He didn't forget what Xia Jin told him. He had to leave a very arrogant impression when he did anything.

"Mr. Chen, Mr. general judge, please have a talk with us."

"All right, I see."

Small seven impatiently answered a voice, the brow vexed wrinkly make a ball.

Outside the door, I noticed that someone appeared outside the door of Xiaoqi room. You came out of the room. Seeing the clothes of the person, you learned that he was Cao Hui's guard.

He spoke to each other with a cold face

"My young master is on lunch break at the moment. Please wait for a moment."


The guard was not happy because of you's words, but he happened to be one of the guards who followed Cao Hui to zuixianlou last night.

Having seen you's terrible skill with his own eyes, he didn't dare to be presumptuous in your face.

However, if Cao Hui's order is not properly executed, the result will be extremely miserable.

When he was in a dilemma, "creak", the door opened from the inside, and Xiao Qi's figure appeared in their sight.

At the same time, Xia Jin also opened the door and came out.

After a night and a whole morning's buffering, at this moment, if you don't look carefully, you can't find the red and swollen marks on her cheek.


The three men followed the bodyguard out of the inn. Outside the inn, there was a grand carriage. A few feet away from the carriage, a lot of people gathered. While they were full of disdain, they secretly pointed at the carriage.

Xia Jin's eyes swept silently from those people, looking for people with characteristics, and found a young man with a red apron around his waist and the words "jiaweilou" written on the apron.

The guy looked at their side of the line of sight full of contempt and ferocity, Xia Jin even suspected that if he had a knife in his hand at the moment, I was afraid he would have to rush forward to fight with them.

Xia Jin's traceless observation room, Xiao Qi has already boarded the carriage, with the coachman's "drive", the carriage slowly starts, toward the direction of tongduanfu.

Xia Jin silently remembers the appearance of the young man and the three big words on his apron. At the same time, she moves under her feet and follows the rhythm of the carriage.



There was a faint voice of curse and disdain behind him.

Being misunderstood and scolded, Xia Jin is not displeased at all. On the contrary, she is very happy.

The people are the most important, the monarch is the least, and the country is the second.

Those who win the support of the people will give more help, while those who lose the support of the people will give less help.

Cao Hui was so disgusted by the people that when Han Chengdong's army came, they could move without hindrance.


In the tongduan mansion, Cao Hui put a big meal in the front hall. When Xiao Qi and others arrived, they treated each other warmly.

During the dinner, he repeatedly invited Xiao Qi to open a shop with him.

Knowing that the child can't bear the wolf, Xiaoqi finally agrees to come down and agrees to go to the selected shop tomorrow.

After dinner, Cao Hui ordered the rest of the meal to be taken down. Then he clapped twice, and four young women with excellent looks and graceful figures came into the hall and surrounded Xiao Qi.

Xia Jin stands at the right rear of Xiao Qi's body and blocks one of the women's way. She is knocked open by one of her wrists and hips.

Xia Jin was surprised to stare big eyes, "interest" retreat at the same time, worried that small seven can't deal with this situation.

On the other hand, you didn't worry, because in a task two years ago, something similar to today had happened to Xiao Qi.

Surrounded by this woman, Xiao Qi has a look of greed on her face, but she is constantly complaining in her heart.

After a lapse of two years, he failed to complete the task successfully, so he had to sacrifice his appearance again.

Because of his previous experience, Xiao Qi understood the purpose of Cao Hui's making these women.

He showed a deeply addicted expression. When Cao Hui proposed to cooperate, no matter what business he was doing, Xiaoqi put out 90% of the capital, but only divided the profits between the two cities. Xiaoqi was in a dilemma.

However, after the woman beside him touched the water on his lips, he showed a very comfortable expression and nodded to Cao Hui's request.


These four women are all concubines of Cao Hui. Cao Hui doesn't intend to send his women to others.

Less than half an hour after Xiao Qi agreed to his request, he asked the four women to withdraw.

Small seven a face not to give up of looking at them to leave, wait to see no one shadow, just look back to Cao Hui, the eyes contain obvious displeasure.