All the people in the beggars' nest have gone out to beg for food. He is the only one here.

Hu Tianyue told him what had happened before that he knew that he was at the end of his life. He was not afraid of death. The only thing he could not rest assured about was Hu Tianyue.

Looking at Xia Jin's natural, frank and upright, she is obviously a reliable person.

He kindled a glimmer of hope in his heart and found an excuse to support Hu Tianyue.

"I can see that the girl... Is my daughter. I shouldn't have done this, but I'm going to cough... The oil will run out and the lamp will be dry. I really can't rest assured that the moon will come. Please cough... Girl, take care of the moon on behalf of the old... Until she... Cough... Grows up. In this way, I have the face to see the general and his wife. "

He was so ill that a few short words seemed to exhaust all his life.

Xia Jin saw that although he was a beggar, his eyes were sharp. She not only saw through her disguise, but also mentioned the general, who had a high status in ancient society.

She frowned for fear that she would have endless troubles if she took over Hu Tianyue, and she might soon return to the 21st century

"I beg you

The old beggar put out all his strength, propped up and knelt down in front of Xia Jin, "Bang Bang..." three times in succession.

Xia Jin was shocked and wanted to help him up, but the old beggar was determined. If she didn't agree, he wouldn't get up.


Xia Jin sighed, first involved in the war, and now

"I promise you, get up, but what happened when you mentioned the general and his wife?"


It turned out that the old beggar was a teacher in Zhennan general's mansion. He had been greatly favored by Zhennan general.

Eight years ago, when the new emperor ascended the throne, people in the court who were hostile to the Zhennan general took the opportunity to frame the Zhennan general for collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country.

The most taboo of the emperors who have just sat on the throne is that the throne is threatened.

With an imperial edict coming down, more than 300 people in Zhennan general's residence from top to bottom didn't even have a chance to refute, so they became the dead under the sword.

The teacher's wife is Hu Tianyue's nanny. At that time, she took Hu Tianyue, who was born less than one month, to pray in the temple and escaped by chance.

Later, the officers and soldiers questioned, the nanny died, the teacher with Hu Tianyue far away from home, only to escape the murder.

In order not to be found, these years, they have been begging for a living.

The Kunshan white jade on Hu Tianyue's neck is the symbol of her identity.


With Hu Tianyue's support, the secret that had been buried for many years was finally known. The old beggar's heart relaxed at this moment.

For a man like him, the breath at the bottom of his heart was relieved, and his life came to an end.

At the last moment when he was about to die, Xia Jin took the initiative to say:

"If I had a chance, I would clear Zhennan general."


The next day, in Hu Tianyue's pain, Xia Jin paid some people to bury the old beggar.

In the early morning of the third day, she took Hu Tianyue, who had not yet come out of grief, out of Kangcheng and headed for DIDU.

Xia Jin did not give up looking for peerless, but before she left, she would find a place for Hu Tianyue to settle down.


Recently, a group of horse bandits came and went outside DIDU city. They robbed and killed passing merchants and took away young women. They acted quickly and ruthlessly, leaving no survivors at the scene.

The imperial court attached great importance to it, and sent several teams of officers and soldiers to inspect along the way.

Although some achievements have been made, some businessmen and young women have suffered misfortunes.

Xiao Yiqi, the king of Qi, who is known as the "idle king", is traveling outside. Hearing the news, he immediately set out to go outside DIDU.