Sure enough, after hearing hunyue's words, his face changed and became very ugly. His hands kept clasping into fists and loosening. Maybe he was thinking about whether to do it or not. Seeing this, canghaiyuan couldn't help being on guard. As soon as he made a move, he planned to save hunyue.

But in the end, he didn't do it. Canghaiyuan was relieved.

"In that case, I'll be in trouble for soul month. But the soul was put into my body by the patriarch himself. If you want to remove it, you have to say it to the patriarch. Otherwise, if he blames me, it doesn't matter to me, but it's not good for you to be involved in soul month." Candle Yuan said with a smile.

"And the flower touch. I've been looking for her for the past two days since I knew about it, but I can't find her anywhere. If she is showing up and talking to you, don't believe it. I can be sure that what happened in those years was caused by flower touch. Your brother didn't like her at all. She made us think that soul fall has deep affection for her, I suspect her purpose is to wake up your soul, so you can't believe her words.

"I know, soul month. I won't believe her, but I have to discuss how to save my brother. Soul month, come with us. Don't worry, I will keep a secret for you." Said the candle.

"It's not necessary. I'll go to the law enforcement hall and stay there, so once you have any decision, you can go to find me, the clan leader... Forget it, you go first and come back." Soul month mentions that the patriarch has some desire to talk and stops talking. In fact, she still has something to say, that is, she thinks that the patriarch has bad intentions for hunkan, and most of them are not interested in saving hunluo.

"What's the matter, soul moon?"

"It's OK. Go ahead. I'm looking for flower touch around here." Soul month said to leave the original place.

"Glutinous rice remembers the fall of soul." Nuomi, who had been listening to them, suddenly said.

"Glutinous rice, what do you say?" Canghaiyuan heard nuomi and asked.

"Glutinous rice remembers hunluo. At the beginning, hunluo was the first owner of glutinous rice, but later, after hunluo was taken away by the demon dragon, glutinous rice was locked in that box and never saw hunluo again." Said glutinous rice.

"So, there was a magic weapon for the soul snatching at that time, but why didn't other people know?" Canghaiyuan asked.

"Well, glutinous rice doesn't know. Glutinous rice only knows that when you talk about hunsheng, glutinous rice's head hurts very much. Then glutinous rice remembers the scene when they see hunsheng and soul falling together. At that time, the soul is also around them. It's just that glutinous rice is not very powerful at that time, at least it doesn't have the ability to transform, That's why they didn't find glutinous rice

"So the memory of glutinous rice before is forgotten?"

Nodded, nuomi continued: "yes, nuomi forgot a lot of things before. Just now, when you mentioned hunsheng, nuomi remembered something. But even then, nuomi's head hurts, so nuomi doesn't want to think about it any more." Small glutinous rice coquetry way.

"Well, well, if you don't want to, you don't want to. Anyway, since Hun Luo is not dead, we are sure to save him. Otherwise, I'm sorry for Hun Kan's help." Canghaiyuan said.

"The demon dragon is not easy to deal with. If you do it, he may burn all the stones and die with you with his brother's body. Aren't you afraid?" Candlelight yuan asked Canghai kite way.

"It's better to be afraid than to have regrets. I know that Hun Luo is very important to Hun Kan's family, so I'm willing to do anything to repay his kindness, let alone simply save his brother."

"Well, you're very kind, but I'd like to know when you found out." Candle Yuan said carelessly.

Hearing what he said, canghaiyuan understood that he had already understood that he knew that he was not really a matter of soul embarrassment, so he did not pretend to be stupid and said directly: "in the abyss, I knew that you are not really a matter of soul embarrassment." Canghaiyuan replied.

"Oh, that's probably from when I started to deal with glutinous rice, you began to doubt it. If you add that little glutinous rice, you believe it." Candlelight Yuan said without hesitation, there is no panic after being found.

"I'm not the kind of person who listens to other people's one-sided words. Although I have known hunkan for a short time, I've also learned something about his character. It's very important for him to seize the soul, so he will never kill the soul. There's also a change in your character. Hunkan won't talk to me like that before. You are different from him." Canghaiyuan said with dim eyes.

"Oh, it's still my fault. In that case, forget it. Anyway, you can't come back. You'd better accept the established reality and treat me as him. In this way, I don't need to repay my kindness and you don't need any psychological burden. Isn't it better?"

"No need." Canghaiyuan refused him even though he didn't want to.

"Ah, it's a heartless refusal, but I've helped you a lot. Why are you so heartless?" Candle yuan pretended to be sad said.

"Come on, but now that you have made it clear, you should tell me your identity. Otherwise, if I make you feel embarrassed and write down what others have done on your head, I feel sorry for them." Canghaiyuan said sarcastically.

"You can call me Zhuyuan. I'm a creature born in this strange spirit world. It's similar to the spirit world here. All my wishes in this life are to leave this strange spirit world, so I'm desperate to find a body to help me leave. Do you think it's strange that only the body with two souls is the most suitable for me?"

"So your goal in the beginning is to lose your soul!"

"Naturally, at the beginning, hunkan was just a child. I didn't have that interest. However, hunluo was pushed down from the sacrificial altar by the flower touch, so I had to cooperate with her and parasitize in hunkan's body. Said the candle.

"Flower touch? But huncan told me that Huacha fell in love with his brother hunluo, and then went to sacrifice to the demon dragon to save Huacha? How can you be pushed down by the flower touch? " Canghaiyuan's image of flower touch is the image of the nun who once reminded her. Although she looks cold, her heart is not bad. So Zhuyuan said that she pushed her soul down from the altar. She didn't believe it.

"Oh, that woman always puts on an affectation. Putting on a kind attitude can buy off most people, and only you simple and lovely people will believe her." Candlelight Yuan said sarcastically.