Then I saw the little girl quickly, avoiding the flowers and vines, and then a fire spewed out, directly vaporizing the liquid in the air. And then began to take those flowers and vines around the circle, those flowers and vines naturally follow Xiaoguai all the time to chase it, but unexpectedly Xiaoguai has been taking a detour.

Until the end of the last circle, those flower vines actually entangled themselves. Seeing this scene, Xiaoguai also stopped in front of those flower vines.

"Roar." Xiaoguai roared a few times. It seemed that he was laughing at the rattan. Then he opened his mouth and the flame spurted out. This time, the flame was no longer an ordinary flame, but the unique flame of the purple black ghost world. As soon as the flame sprayed on the rattan, it began to burn instantly. The height of the flame was also extremely spectacular, It can be said that if it were not for canghaiyuan, they were in the abyss now, the fire here would be found by the soul moon who is looking for the soul.

But unfortunately, in the abyss, even if the soul moon lies on the edge of the abyss, it can't see the fire.

"Look, darling, how powerful." Canghaiyuan looks at xiaogua and eradicates the rattan, and says to hunkan. I didn't expect that hunkan was stunned.

"Hello, hunkan, as for it? Look like this? " Canghaiyuan waved in front of hunkan and asked.

"Oh, nothing. I just thought of something else." Hunkan's heart is extremely shocked now. He thought that Xiaoguai should be a unicorn, but from the moment it started to blow fire, he found that he was wrong. Until he saw the purple black flame in Xiaoguai's mouth, he knew that Xiaoguai was not a unicorn or a unicorn at all, but a god beast, Mangya, sleeping in the strange soul world. But its power is obviously just born.

Isn't this a immature awn tooth? Isn't there only one awn tooth since ancient times?

"Hum, I don't think you need to look down on yourself. You are still very powerful." Canghaiyuan said and patted hunkan on the shoulder.

"Come on, let's go." Canghaiyuan said to hunkan.

Hunkan nodded, until now is not the time to say this, everything has to wait until the time of safety, then followed the past.

"How wonderful you are Canghaiyuan doesn't hide her praise for Xiaoguai. Xiaoguai roars two times, and then changes back to what he looked like when he found it in a burst of light.

Canghaiyuan hugged Xiaoguai and found that Xiaoguai had fallen asleep. She shook her head and said, "Xiaoguai is still small, but I didn't expect that it could emit such a flame. It seems that it is more powerful than ordinary flame."

"That's right. It's better to be more powerful. Now you can't use your strength for the time being. I'm worried that I can't take care of you alone. It would be terrible if a ghost burial happened." Soul can don't want to talk about the little girl, take the opportunity to switch the topic.

"That's true. I don't know why I can't use my power in the alien soul world, but I still don't want to be a laggard. Fortunately, there is a little darling, but it's a pity that I can't take him away when I go back to the world of practitioners in the future, so ah." Canghaiyuan put Xiaoguai into the arms of hunkan. "You should take good care of it for me. In order to avoid accidents, you should cultivate your feelings from now on."

"I..." soul can was suddenly stuffed a meat ball in his arms, for a moment his body was a little stiff, "Hey, I said, canghaiyuan, don't do this, take it away quickly." The voice of hunkan trembled.

"It's just a fluffy ball. It's lovely." Seeing hunkan like this, canghaiyuan can only bring Xiaoguai back.

After hearing canghaiyuan's words, hunkan really wants to laugh. After Mangya recognizes the Lord, it's impossible to allow other people to touch him. Just now, it was Xiaoguai who used too much power to destroy Huateng. Only when he fell asleep could he get to his arms. If he was awake, then it must be his flame that welcomed him.

"Let's go, let's go. According to Xiaoguai, there are still two levels waiting for us in front. We need to speed up." Canghaiyuan looks at some stunned hunkan and drags his sleeve forward. She thinks that since they fall out of the space crack, hunkan is easy to be distracted. Maybe there is something hidden in her body. She thinks that when she gets to a safe place, she should give hunkan a good look.

"Wait a minute." Hunkan turned to God and saw that there were some vines on the ground that had not been burned clean. He went to pick up one and took it in his hand to push his own strength into it. He saw that the vines suddenly grew a lot. When they reached enough length, hunkan stopped pushing. He tried to test the tenacity of the vines, and hunkan nodded, Then he put the vines around his waist.

"What are you doing?" Canghaiyuan asked.

"Without the soul seizing sickle, there must be something for self-defense. It's tough enough to make do with it." The soul can reply a way.

"I didn't expect that you are a versatile person. You can understand everything." Canghaiyuan couldn't help praising the words of hunkan.

"Nothing. I've learned all these before." Shaking his head, hunkan went to the front of canghaiyuan to guide her.

"Well, I'm really curious. What do you learn in your family? You are all so powerful."

"It's nothing particularly powerful to learn from those things that have been taught since childhood." Hunkan didn't understand why canghaiyuan asked him such questions. After all, these were nothing. It was impossible for her to tell canghaiyuan, and she didn't have time to train. These were all from childhood. And when canghaiyuan went back to the world of cultivators, she would forget everything about the strange soul world, forget that she had been here, forget his hunkan, and forget the darling.

"You, don't say it." Canghaiyuan thought that the training in his clan was something that could not be said. He was not forced to do so. He just followed behind in silence and had nothing to say to each other for a moment.

After a long walk, canghaiyuan found that the surrounding scenery had gradually changed. Although it was still dark around, canghaiyuan still found that the steep mountain wall just now turned into a forest. Looking back, it was the same. But canghaiyuan clearly remembered that when he was looking at Huateng before, it was also a mountain wall in front of him, It's not a forest. It's a puzzle.

"Hunkan, do you see the forest ahead?" Canghaiyuan is a little uncertain and asks the soul.

"Ha, canghaiyuan, you see the illusion. This is the alien soul world. It's not easy to have the flower vine just now. How can there be a forest? The alien soul world will not have the conditions for forest survival." The soul can say.