Gu Qi was born with a good capacity for drinking. After Mike died three years ago, she preferred drinking

if they hadn't used such a simple and rude way yesterday, Gu Qi would not have been drunk

she was drunk for the first time in her life, and it was also the first time that she broke into pieces. Her memory stayed on drinking

her head hurts so much. She just got out of bed and immediately fell down again

"woo woo, I'm going to die if anyone cares about me." Gu Qi wails on the bed

she has a headache, a dry throat and weakness

"I know I'm going to die. I didn't see you say I'm going to die when I drank one by one."

"high number of Baijiu is not as strong as those you drink at ordinary times." Br >

"little raccoon, I won last night, didn't I?"

"yes... It's strange that master Nangong drinks much more than you. When you are crazy, he looks calm and looks at you as crazy."