No one is born to be a madman. Did Mr. Zhen also say that he vowed not to set foot in China for some reasons

she looks like her father and is not of mixed race at all, which indicates that her father is also Asian, maybe Chinese

he was psychopathic because of some reasons when he was a child, and most terrorists were stimulated because of these childhood

in other people's description, her father is like a madman

but Gu Jin has some heartache. Her father is like a lonely beast

"his health is not serious. I have to get some herbs for him to decoction. He is very weak now and needs to be cultivated well."

"thank you, Grandpa Zhen."

"when Miss Annan is away, I'm with ChiYan. It's rare for someone to come and chat with me. You are the daughter of the owner of the family, and I take care of you as I should

I have some food. I'll ask ChiYan to bring it to you later. "


when Mr. Zhen left on crutches, his heart knot about his parents was also untied

although she hasn't had the chance to see her mother over the years, she knows that her mother has paid so much to protect herself

in the past, I felt aggrieved by the Su family. Now I think about the things Su Meng and her mother did because of their interests

even though she felt a little aggrieved at that time, later she met her boss, Li Ji, and Si Li Ji was gentle enough to calm all her sadness

"as like as two peas, I asked you a question, if there's a girl who is exactly the same as me, I will be more clever than I." Br >

even she got to know you one step before me, you took me as her, now she appears, you....

this question has been asked by Chi Yan before, and Gu Jin doesn't know that Si Liji already knows about Xiao Qi

without waiting for her to finish, Si Li Ji interrupted: "are you talking about Xiao Qi?"