Muchen hold her hand, summer orange star heart was happy to bloom, sure enough, Muchen forgive her.

It's really good that she can finally go back to the old days with Muchen and be favored by Muchen. Even if she knows that Muchen has Xia Ranran in mind, as long as she thinks of a way to solve Xia Ranran, there will be no more problems.

What's more, Xia Ran Ran has stepped on Mu Chen's bottom line. Mu Chen will never be Xia ran ran so easily.

This time, Huo Zheng came to rescue Xia Ranran, but next time, Huo Zheng couldn't stay by Xia Ranran's side all the time. She knew Muchen's temperament and what he wanted to do would be completed.

I believe that before long, I will be able to see Xia Ran's bad luck.

The pain on the face is more and more intense, and Xia Chengxing hates Xia Ranran even more. At that time, she must shave Xia Ranran's face, otherwise it will be hard to eliminate this tone.

The more you think about it, the more angry you are.

Xia Chengxing has been thinking about how to torture Xia Ranran, and has not found the change in her eyes after Mu Chen holds her hand.

Suddenly, Xia Chengxing felt that his hand was thrown, and then the pain of cone heart spread all over his body.

Her fingers are very painful. Ten fingers are very fragile. It's easy to magnify the pain several times.

"Chen, it hurts. I feel so painful. Let go."

I don't know when the hand that was just held by Muchen had been thrown away by him, and Muchen stepped on it severely.

He half squatted body, close to the summer orange star in front of a cold smile: "love me?"

"So a year ago, without my consent, the mental hospital went after Xia ran?"

"Who gave you the qualification to solve people for me?"

His management is not perfect, otherwise, no one will pass the news to Xia Chengxing, let Xia Chengxing have the opportunity to let people sneak into the mental hospital, intending to get rid of Xia Ranran.

And he didn't know that.

Summer orange star face suddenly white, is painful, but also because of fear.

Why would mussen know?

She's been trying to cover it up.

It must be Xia Ranran. Xia Ranran wants to separate her from Muchen. This vicious woman really wants to make herself have nothing.

"I... I didn't..."

"Xia Ranran hated me for driving her out of Xia's house. She was just trying to get back at me. She was such a woman."

With Xia Chengxing's reply, Muchen stepped on her hand and her index finger was broken.


The pain made her breathe hard and her eyes ooze with physiological tears.

"I said long ago, don't let me find out that you cheat me again, so you are ignoring my words."

"Another lie, your finger will be broken, comminuted fracture healing will also have sequelae, so, are you good to say, or insist on your own opinion?" Muchen moved the force to her other finger.

Summer orange star is afraid, this kind of pain is about to kill her.

She cried and said, "no, I say, I say everything."

"I really don't mean to cheat you, but I hate Xia Ranran, that's why I do this kind of thing. I just love you, I really can't stand other women around you."

"I love you so much

"You bribed the people around me? Knowing that this is the thing I hate the most, is that what you call love? "

She actually bribed the people around him, and his people revealed his affairs, which was no different from betraying him.