"Mr. Huo, I see the official seal of Wencheng Huo's marital status information. Thank you. Mr. Wen also contacted me. Thank you for inviting him to represent me. "

"I'm really stupid. If I had thought of this method, I would have asked the official to call out the marital status information for me and seal it by the way, so I don't have to wait so long."

Suno sent several wechat messages. Huo Zheng read them one by one, and finally settled on the one suno wanted to invite him to dinner.

Suno, who the hell are you?

Huo Zheng open edit information, for a long time, did not send the message in the past.


"What's the matter with you?"

Suno's eyes have been staring at the screen, the screen is black, she opened it, a little impatient.

When she saw the official seal of Wencheng Huo materials, she knew it was Huo Zheng.

She is worried that Huo Zheng has investigated her information. Although she believes in her wife's people, it involves the government system. The internal system of the public security is very strict and it's not easy to hack in. Therefore, she is very upset.

Because she was not sure, she didn't want to use the official.

Otherwise, she would have gone to the relevant departments for a marriage status information.

She took so many turns to deal with this matter, in order to avoid the official, but now, Huo Zheng has moved contacts, she does not know what Huo Zheng checked, so her heart has been very uneasy.

She sent a message to Huo Zheng, in fact, she wanted to spy on him.

However, waiting for a long time, did not wait for Huo Zheng's reply.

Has he not seen it, or has he found something?

Her thoughts are broken by Ye Jie, who reaches out her hand and shakes in front of her eyes when she sees that suno's state is not right.

"What's the matter?"

Asked suno.

"This sentence should be I ask you, what's the matter with you

Suddenly, suno's mobile phone lights up and wechat pops up.

A simple good word.

But that picture, ye Jie knows whose it is.

Her face I understand the appearance, clear way: "Mr. Huo helped us, should thank him."

"I will not hinder you."

"Wencheng Huo's affairs have been basically dealt with. I'll leave the rest of my hand. You can go back to wash white and repay Mr. Huo well."

"Mr. Huo must have spent a lot of contacts to get this information out. We can't take advantage of others for nothing. Let's go. Don't worry about other things."

As soon as suno made a move, he tossed Wencheng Huo and Mrs. Wen to death. Now they are all detained, and other things are easy to deal with.

Now sister Ye is relaxing and dealing with it with a theatrical attitude.

Su Nuo is pushed out of the office by Ye Jie. On her way back, she carefully turns over the strategy and finds a good place to send it to Huo Zheng. By the way, she asks him the time. When she got the answer, she went home and changed.

Arc de Triomphe Hotel

The waiter took suno to the box she had reserved. When she passed a box, the door was half open and a woman's coquettish laughter came out.

Through the slit of the half open, suno saw that two hot women with delicate makeup were trying to please a man.

The man arrogantly put his hands on the sofa, and his eyes in the shadow were deep and long.

He seems to be aware of her eyes, suddenly lift eyes, and her eyes.

His eyes were full of arrogance and provocation.

It's him, Muchen.

Why is he here?

Suno is a little regretful now that she chose such a place. She doesn't want to meet Muchen at all.