The choice is hard.

All eyes are looking at the director, their thoughts are not known.

Zhuang Jin forced himself to stand up. He insisted, "no, I'm ok. Director, I can continue to play."

In order to make the director believe that Zhuang Jin is willing to take a few steps forward, he wants to prove that he can.

This is his first transformation of the play, and the script is also his favorite, Zhuang Jin does not want to die because of this.

However, the position of the foot injury was ignored by him, and the pain of the cone heart made him almost stumble and fall before long.

Suddenly, a hands to pull him, just did not let him fall under so many pairs of eyes.

"Thank you."

"It's no use trying to be brave."

Zhuang Jin's thanks just came out and was blocked by a clear voice.

He raised his eyes, on a pair of clear and bright eyes.


How did she come?

All the people on the scene had the same idea as Zhuang Jin.

"If you don't come and help me, do you want to watch people fall again?"

Su Nuo urged Zhuang Jin's agent to react quickly and help him.

"Take off your shoes."

"Put it on him."

The agent found out why suno wanted them to help her, because her other hands were holding things all the time.

The agent took the thing that suno handed over. It was cold. It was a popsicle.

Suno just went back to the vending machine and bought it. These people have no first aid knowledge at all. They just howl, or they are alarmists. No one actually uses first aid.

Suno couldn't see it.

No matter what, Zhuang Yu is Zhuang Jin's nephew. For Zhuang Yu's sake, she will do whatever she can.

"Thank you

The agents are very grateful. After the accident, they have been thinking about whether to send them to the hospital, how to hide from the media, and how to deal with the next part of the play. However, no one thought about the most important first aid.

If suno hadn't come, he would have taken the man to the hospital first.

The manager pasted the popsicle on Zhuang Jin's ankle. The hot place was frozen by ice. It was much more comfortable, and even the pain seemed to be relieved.

"Director, I'm ready to go on."

Zhuang Jin really felt better this time. He wanted to stand up again, but he was pressed down with both hands.

Zhuang Jin thought he was an agent, and his face became angry.

He looked aside and saw a pair of white hands. See not agent, but suno, he is not good to suno temper, convergence, slowly said: "Miss Su, I'm ok now, we have a lot of scenes to shoot."

"I'm afraid your leg will be broken and you won't be able to finish the scene."

Suno's words were not pleasant to hear, and soon caused the people on the scene to point out.

"How can you say that? She has a good relationship with Mr. Zhuang. How can she curse Mr. Zhuang? "

"I think it's just about the flow, otherwise I can't see her concern at all."

Suno glanced at the people and said with a smile, "am I wrong? If he doesn't take good care of his injury, it will leave a root cause in the future. Besides, if he presses the pain to film, can he film well? How can his part be filmed for two months? Do you think this leg injury can last so long? "

She was too lazy to talk to these people. She said these words to those who really cared about Zhuang Jin.