Outside the base

The fire is everywhere, and the smoke is everywhere. At this time, the original solid building is crumbling, and the huge stones are falling, and even the ground is shaking.

"Be careful, sir."

"What's this all about?"

Next to the hands steady body, worried to see huozheng.

"Mr. Huo, they are still inside. Do we have to wait for them now?"

According to Huo Xiao's order, he sneaks into the base, they just need to lurk outside and wait for the opportunity, but now the situation is not optimistic.

If you go in, you are afraid to scare the snake. If you don't go in, you are worried about their safety.

In this dilemma, another man anxiously ran over, "the signal is broken, we can't contact Mr. Huo."

"We finally received a message from President Huo, just a voice with different rhythm."

Huo Zheng said sternly, "listen to me."

Hands quickly get the instrument over, this is a small instrument, palm size, quickly handed over.

Huo Zheng took the past, put it in his ear, listening to the voice of different sizes, the voice is very short, but can hear the rhythm.

This is a common password, but it was broken 50 years ago. Not many people know it, but they are proficient in all kinds of Persian passwords.

"Get in there, quick!"

At the same time with Huo Zheng's voice, there was the building that was still standing.

They never thought that a good building would collapse in front of them in a moment. You can imagine what kind of fighting happened inside. Otherwise, how could Morita hurt each other in this way of suicide?

Huo Zheng's face is gloomy and leads his men to attack quickly.

The earth's crust changed, and the shaking became more and more severe. One by one, the buildings in front of them fell down. It was very difficult for them to move forward, as if they were stepping on the blade every step they took.

I don't know when the building above will fall, and I don't know whether the ground will crack.

Under the leadership of Huo Zheng, all of them only stare at the front, and none of them retreat.

"Be careful!"

A huge stone suddenly fell from the top. They didn't react yet. They saw that their companions in front of them were going to die bravely.

The leopard like figure quickly flashed in front of his eyes and saved his men who were almost killed by the boulder.

The rescued men can see the handsome face in front of them, the solemn man like the ancient god of war, his superior, Huo Zheng.

"Watch out! Your lives are not set up in such a place. "

If we really want to sacrifice, it's for the country and the people, not for the evil spirit of iwakida.

Morita is nothing. It's not worth their lives. They must all live and defeat Morita completely.

"Yes." His voice is very loud, even if it is noisy around, his voice is still in everyone's ears. Huo Zheng's words aroused his men's fighting spirit. At this time, they were in high spirits.

Huo Zheng did not delay any time, nimbly dodged the falling Boulder, and continued to move forward.

In front of the flash of a faint figure, Huo Zheng half squint eyes, high concentration. Dark space, full of dust, vision is greatly affected.

I don't know whether it's a friend or an enemy.

His hand touched the weapon at his waist, ready to go.

Bang of a, the other party took the lead to attack to come over, Huo Zheng is about to move, a familiar voice rings out.

This voice, with the memory is very different, as if very weak.

"Stop it!"