He Yisheng looked at the medical instrument in shock. According to the medical instrument, it was a sign of life recovery.

It's just, is it possible?

He Yisheng can't believe it.

Hearing the sound of footsteps coming in, mu Chudi quickly turns his head and sees Huo Zheng pulling he Yisheng in, but he Yisheng stops and looks at the medical instrument.

Mu Chu Di quickly called, "doctor he, this way."

"Dr. he, take a quick look at Xiao. He has recovered his heart rate, but he doesn't know exactly how to ask for payment."

Huo Xiao hasn't woken up yet.

She waited for a long time, but he didn't open his eyes, so mu Chudi didn't know what his current situation was, and didn't know if he was out of danger completely.

At this time, she needs the assurance of he Yisheng.

She doesn't know how much effect her blood can play, but now, mu Chudi is satisfied that people can recover their signs of life.

She pressed her own vessel and was filled with gratitude.

I'm so glad I was decisive just now.

If not, maybe Huo Xiao has

Then she's going to collapse.

I'm really grateful. Fortunately, everything is in time.

Huo Zheng pushes the dull he Yisheng to the past. He presses he Yisheng's head and asks him to look at Huo Xiao on the bed.

Although the man on the bed is still pale, his chest is undulating and breathing.

It's hard for he Yisheng to believe it or not.

"Well, are you really alive?"

He was shocked. How could such a thing happen?

"He Yisheng, please show my second uncle how things are. Don't worry about whether you can survive."

"There's no time for you to ask why now. Hurry up."

Huo Zheng soon wakes up from the shock of Huo Xiao's recovery. He quickly makes a judgment that his second uncle can survive, and it must have something to do with his second aunt's blood.

Maybe the second aunt is in constant danger in hengguo. Those people always want to catch her for her blood.

If so, the second aunt would be very dangerous.

Even if he wants to suppress today's affairs, it won't last long. After all, it's not China, it's not their world.

So they need to get out of here as soon as possible.

He has arranged for a helicopter to return to China.

The crafty old man of the Lu family has not yet used chemical weapons.

However, in this situation, he must first send Huo Xiao and Mu Chu Di back to China, and the rest will stay and continue to work.

He Yisheng doesn't know what Huo Zheng thinks in his heart. He is urged several times and finally recovers from shock.

He hastened to Huo Xiao inspection, sure enough, with normal people is no difference.

After a detailed examination, he could hardly believe his eyes.

"How could that be?"

He's been studying it for so long. How could it be like this?

But the fact is in front of him. No matter how he doesn't believe it, he has to believe it.

"What's the matter? Good or bad? "

"Can't you be a man, and don't waste our time?"

Huo Zheng is so worried. He Yisheng is so kind. He can't stand his violent temper.

Just when Huo Zheng was about to collapse, he Yisheng said, "the disease factors of genetic diseases are changing, and they begin to decrease."

Is it really a blessing in disguise?

For so many years, so many excellent researchers have been working together, but now, the disease factors are decreasing.