When the blood was about to splash on the jade like face of the teeth, a vigorous figure, like the wind, held the teeth and blocked the splashing blood with his back.

The irascible man was stabbed in the hand and screamed in pain.

He pinched the bleeding hand in one hand and looked at his teeth fiercely.

"Young master, are you ok?"

The driver was still holding the bun that he wanted to eat. Seeing that he didn't speak, he said softly, "young master, do you want to eat the bun?"

This shop's steamed stuffed bun is Yaya's favorite, otherwise he would not go to buy it for Yaya.

Where to think of, his young master was almost bullied.

Teeth body gas slightly tremble, black clear eyes, ice and snow cold.

"They speak ill of Mommy, call me!"

Although they did not understand their dirty words with a certain color, the words "watch" alone were enough for them to be beaten.

Yaya is sweet and sensible, and is very popular in Jiangan Mengting.

When the driver saw that his young master was so angry, his eyes were slightly tightened, and his eyes were murderous.

"All right, young master, sit and wait. Don't get tired."

The driver wanted to put his teeth in the chair, but he refused to delay for a moment and asked the driver to let him go.

"No pain, no fight!"


Jiangan Mengting drivers are not ordinary drivers. They are proficient in fighting.

Toothache refers to the part of the human body that is extremely painful. If you hit this part, you will feel that kind of pain, but you are worried about your heart and lung.

It seems that this time, Yaya is very angry.

Even dare to annoy their young master, the driver is also full of anger.

In the shop, the driver started to fight in pairs.

There was a thump and thump of fighting all around, and the sound of things crashing.

Not far away, Mu Chu Di and Na Jie are accompanying the president of Bai Li Lai to the store to investigate the situation.

However, before people arrived, many people crowded by.

"There's trouble over there at Belle!"

"Yes, it's just because of the surroundings of DD, so is Belle. DD, a woman, still uses her as her spokesperson. The photos are so high. Isn't it that someone has to do it

"Ah, now women are really, with such a good fiance to cheat, disgusting to death."

"I've long resisted Belle's stuff and would rather throw money into the sea."

The president of belle Lai's face suddenly turned black. He had said that he would cancel the endorsement. He should not be convinced by DD's words. He had to go to the store to investigate, and he also said that he would put forward some rectification policies.

Once acting president of UK, he wanted to see what advice she could give to belle. But now, it seems that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

"Mr. Xiao, don't judge so early. Let's go and see the situation first!"

Mu Chu Di can see what he is thinking from Xiao Zong's face. I'm afraid those people's words have affected him just now.

Who on earth is making trouble?

Mr. Xiao walked quickly to the store.

Mu Chu Di is about to step out, but she pulls her.

"DD, do you really have a solution? If we don't want this endorsement, there seems to be a lot of trouble over there. "

So far apart, I heard the sound of fighting, and sister Na worried that it would hurt mu Chudi.

How can a small endorsement match the safety of DD?

"Along the way, I have encountered many such situations. I am in a dilemma. I have to move forward bravely! I won't give in, let alone lose! "

Mu Chu Di turned and strode past. Gradually after approaching, it seems to see a familiar little body.