He walked a few steps forward and saw some white smoke coming not far away.

"Thanks for the protection of the Buddha, my child is safe at last. Now I give it back to the Buddha."

"I hope Buddha can also protect my young master and young lady."

"Although I can't pray now, my mind is the same, and I will return God afterwards."

It was a familiar voice. When Yaya walked over, he saw the old staff of Jiangan Mengting.

"Aunt Chen, what are you doing?"

Chen Tong heard the sound, quickly put things away, she suddenly backward, a face of panic, but the fundus is not the slightest bit of fear.

Deep in the eye, is the black calm lake, without any ups and downs.

"Little, young master, why are you so early?"

"I, I didn't do anything, please don't tell Aunt Zhang."

In the riverside dream court, Aunt Zhang is almost a housekeeper. Therefore, don't tell Aunt Zhang about Chen Tong's words. Yaya knows what she is hiding.

Especially when I heard the names of Huo and Mommy.

Teeth pretended to think and touched his jaw, "I don't think I can tell Aunt Zhang, then you tell me, what are you doing?"

Chen Tong has worked in Jiangan Mengting for more than ten years, and Aunt Zhang has great trust in her.

Lao Huo had taught him, and he didn't have to doubt whether to use people or not.

Chen Tong can work in Riverside dream court for so long, Aunt Zhang still trusts her, so Yaya doesn't have any doubt.

Especially now, his thoughts are all about why Chen Tong mentioned the names of Huo Xiao and Mu Chu di.

Chen Tong looks embarrassed, pondering for a moment, said, "my child is not in good health, has been in hospital? Later, I went to the Guanyin Temple in the west of the city to pray for blessings. My child's illness began to improve, and I was discharged a few days ago. "

"So, when a wish becomes a wish, it needs to be fulfilled."

"Isn't that what I'm doing? What's more, I think the young lady got a little hurt when she came back, so I also prayed for them. Although it's not as good as going to the temple, it's better than nothing. "

Chen Tong has studied psychology. She is an excellent student of psychology. If she didn't follow the old lady's orders, she would not be overqualified to be a servant here.

Therefore, during the time of talking with Yaya, she has instilled an idea into Yaya.

Mu Chu Di will be injured because of bad luck and not being favored by Buddha.

As long as you go to the temple to pray, you can be protected by the gods.

Slowly, Chen Tong even gave teeth a simple hypnosis.

Suddenly, Yaya felt that his eyelids were a little heavy, and he could not open his eyes soon.

Sleepy, very sleepy.

However, less than three minutes later, he was completely refreshed.

Open your eyes again, there seems to be a voice in your brain talking to him.

"Young master, are you ok?"

Yaya waved, "it's OK."

"Where is the temple?"

Yaya doesn't believe in gods. But I don't know why. There is always a strange voice in his heart urging him to go and make a wish in the temple.

At Yaya's insistence, Chen Tong can only tell him the location.

Yaya turns around contentedly. He doesn't see it. Chen Tong's crooked smiling eyes condense in an instant, and there is a trace of obscurity in his eyes.

With your hand in your pocket, touch the phone and gently press it.

Several English symbols are sent out.

That's a code.

She has finished the task on her side, so call back to the old lady immediately.