Mu Chu Di is protected by Huo Xiao and comes to the dam. The vast sea and the tide are beating wildly. It's like a lion in anger. It's very frightening.

In the wind and rain, a dark shadow ran towards them. The strong wind didn't seem to have any effect on him. He walked steadily, just like Huo Xiao.

"Second aunt, you are here at last. I have been blowing here for a long time."

Mu Chu Di didn't expect that Huo Zheng would come out in person. After all, Huo Zheng didn't have a good impression on Shen Jingchuan.

At this time, she did not care about these little things, straight to the theme, "how is the search?"

"Second aunt, don't worry. Let's go to a safe place first."

"It's so windy here, I don't want to shout out loud."

Although Huo Zheng said very seriously, Mu Chu Di can see that he is for his own good.

Now the wind and rain have made her eyes a little sore.

After Huo Zheng went to the temporary tent, mu Chudi was surprised at first. Why could the tent support in the storm? Only when he came in did he know that there was heaven and earth inside. Those metal shelves were special instruments of the military headquarters.

"Mr. mu."

Nina had been waiting inside for a long time. Seeing Mu Chu Di coming, she quickly walked over.

However, when she saw Huo Xiao holding Mu Chu Di's hand, her face suddenly sank down and her eyes burst out with anger.

It's an uncontrollable anger.

Mu Chu Di is Shen Jingchuan's fiancee. What is holding hands with Huo Xiao now?

"Mr. mu, come here. I'll tell you about Mr. Shen."

"We found out that a phone call from President Shen before the accident was made to you."

Mu Chu Di feels Nina's complaining eyes. At this time, she finds that Huo Xiao is still holding her hand.

She flung her hand off.

Then quickly to one side, Nina let Mu Chu Di stand on the edge, standing between her and Huo Xiao.

Headphones into Mu Chu Di's ears, Nina look vigilant staring at Huo Xiao, with a warning meaning.

Shen Jingchuan's warm voice came from the earphone, "... Give you the birthday present you want..."

Perhaps the mobile phone has been affected, Shen Jingchuan's words are not comprehensive, but the most important words mu Chudi heard.

What's her birthday present?

Her birthday?

Yes, next week is her birthday. It's too busy for her to remember.

It's just, what does she want?

She just wants to get rid of those old men quickly, return the intact Shen family to Shen Jingchuan, and complete her mission. Then she doesn't have to hold the title of Mrs. Shen.

She wants to be with Huo Xiao and Yaya forever.

Is that what Shen Jingchuan refers to?

Or he wouldn't go back to Guman.

Mu Chu Di looks dignified. Nina has heard this recording for a long time, so she knows what Shen Jingchuan said.

"Mr. mu, Mr. Shen, even if something goes wrong, you are the only one in his mind."

"He wants to bring you a birthday present, and you?"

"Do you think it's really good now?"

Now this is the relationship between mu Chu Di and Huo Xiao.

Mu Chu Di didn't explain. At this time, Shen Jingchuan's words echoed in her ears.

She was listening carefully to see if she could find a clue.

After all, this is Shen Jingchuan's last phone call before the accident. Maybe there is a clue.

And Mu Chu Di listened to the action again and again, but in Huo Xiao's eyes, it became moved and reluctant.