In the spring of Rongcheng, everything wakes up, birds sing and flowers smell, and the weather is warm, especially comfortable.

Yaya is lying outside the window, looking at the fast-moving scenery outside, feeling particularly fresh.

This road, gradually, seems to lead to a mysterious country.

"If you're sleepy, sleep for a while. There's still a long way to go."

Frightened and exhausted, he nodded and closed his eyes.

Suddenly, the car stopped, a warm body, a small quilt covered him.

This kind of feeling of being cared about makes Yaya enter the dream gradually.

Car all the way north, through the mountain road, arrived at the destination, it was dark.

It was a winding racing track, like a dragon in the dark.

Mu Chu Di got out of the car, and immediately attracted all kinds of attention, especially the girl's eyes, more and more hot.

"Hey, mu, you're here at last. Ah, the key to your locomotive!"

"This time, the bonus is 100 yuan. You can do it, mu."

"Thank you, Linda."

Linda, she met at a foreign circuit two years ago.

"Ah, mu, how can there be such a Q child, your child?"

Mu Chu Di follows Linda's line of sight, only to find that Xiao naibao has awakened.

"Well, I want you to take care of the kitten I picked up later!"

Yaya rubs her eyes and stares at mu Chudi pitifully. She quickly steps forward and opens the door!

Teeth instantly fell in the arms of Mu Chu flute, face just buried in the chest!

Mu Chu Di's face turned red suddenly, and the little milk bag held her intimately, muttering: "hug!"

"I want a hug!"

Finally, I realized that the place where he buried his face was very soft!

"Little brother, why are you so soft?"

Mu Chudi grabs xiaonaibao's paw and her ears turn red slightly. She wants to stop xiaonaibao's hooliganism. However, mu Chudi's heart softens to her confused eyes!

The hand that grasps tooth tooth changed posture, put tooth on neck, let him ride her shoulder!

"Sit high and see more clearly and brilliantly!"

The first time riding, teeth happy bad, a pair of bright big eyes brimming with joy! Bright lights of the mountain road, parked a row of domineering side dew of the locomotive! My teeth are looking straight!

Usually Huo Xiao is very strict with him. He doesn't go to any dangerous places, so he's a glass doll!

Now, he opened a new century!

Is happy teeth, but heard not far away from the sound of sarcasm!

"Grass, Linda, even if you bring a gun, even if you bring a little kid, you really don't take the competition as a matter!"

"Hehe, Niang Pao is here to pay for us!"

Participate in the game to give money, win can get bonus, lose is to give money!

"Jie, don't talk about it. I'm very powerful!"

Linda has seen Mu racing car in foreign countries, that heroic posture, unforgettable all her life!

Jack laughs, ignoring Linda's words. "It's a big loss, isn't it?"

At the end of the speech, Jie noticed a fiery sight. He looked at the teeth on Mu Chu Di's neck and roared, "what are you looking at? Do you believe I can dig your eyes to play with a slingshot?"

Changed the ordinary child early to cry, the tooth tooth is very calm, denied: "I did not look at you, you are too ugly!"

"Daddy said that ugly things should be ignored!"