Chapter 720

Name:You are Unique Author:烟十一
After changing clothes and coming out of the bathroom, Joey Mo looks at the Moqing scenting in the kitchen, purses her lips, walks to the windowsill, sits down straight, holds the superstar in her arms and puts it on her lap, showing a relaxed and leisurely appearance.

Within five minutes, Joey heard footsteps coming from the kitchen.

Joey's eyelashes quivered and dropped lower.

After a while, a bowl of steaming... Like brown sugar water came to her.

Joey foam Leng Leng, confused lift eyes, looking at Mu Qing Yin.

"Internet check, said that girls in the physiological period to drink such brown sugar water will be much more comfortable." Mu Qing Yin said and sat down opposite to Qiao Yi mo.

Take the silver spoon with slender and elegant hands and slowly stir the brown sugar water in the bowl.

It should be that when boiling brown sugar water, he rolled his shirt sleeves above his elbows, revealing his two small arms, which were thin and powerful, and could vaguely see the blue and hard blood vessels.

Joe foam looked at the eyes, inexplicably, there is a kind of his very sexy idea came out.

"Almost. Drink it."

MuQing scooped up a spoonful of brown sugar water and gently put it on Joey's lips. It seemed that she was afraid that she would be frightened, and her voice was deliberately low and soft.

Joey's face was red. He raised the corner of his eye and gave him a quick glance. He lowered his eyelashes and opened his lips to drink.

Well, it's sweet!

Joe foam slightly raised eyebrows, pink mouth corners of reserved light pull.


In three days, the secret research project organized by Guo Jihong will be officially launched. That is to say, it's only three days before Joe's vacation is over.

As early as Guo Jihong told qiaoyimo that he had to live in the place set by the Research Institute during the research period, qiaoyimo contacted the landlord to negotiate the check-out half a month later.

Although this apartment is only a single room and is not very close to the business district, it costs more than 2000 yuan in a month, including the water, electricity, property management and rent.

If this secret research takes half a year, or even half a year, it's not cost-effective for her to keep an empty house for 2000 yuan a month.

So Joey simply contacted the landlord and returned the house.

This morning.

As soon as Joey had finished breakfast, the landlord brought the new tenant to look at the house.

Xu is afraid of Qiao Yimo misunderstanding, the landlord again and again, just let the tenant see the house first, if appropriate, still have to wait for her to move out properly, and then move in.

Joey said nothing.

The tenant is a young girl. I think she just graduated from university.

When the landlord showed her the house, Joey noticed that the little girl peeped at MuQing at least five times!

Although she did not know why she calculated so clearly!?

The landlord and the tenant left with a good house. Joey thought MuQing would ask something, such as how she suddenly returned the house.

But Moqing didn't, and there was no surprise on her face.

Joey Mo thought it strange, but she couldn't say exactly what it was.

At this time.

Ask someone to hold her by the arm and pull her to him.

Joey looked up at him.

Mu Qing Yin let go of her arm, hand down, ring her waist, will her up enough to hold up.

Two long fingers gently held Joey's chin, and her black eyes were soft. "What are you going to do later? Or stay at home and read? "

Joey looked at his long finger on her chin, and his eyelids rolled up speechless.

Recently she found out that he really likes to hold her chin like this and talk to her.

I don't know if it's the Martian way of talking to people?

"Yes, what else can we do?" Said Joey, shrugging.

Because of the great height difference between them, Moqing Yin had to bow down her upper body every time she talked to Joey.

Hear Qiao Yi Mo's words, Mu Qing scents the eye ground quickly to pass a clear light, the vision took the dissimilar scorching heat, suffocated the eye Qiao Yi Mo's lips, bent down the head, thin lips if have to float on her lips, hoarse say, "maybe, we can do something else in the home."

"What else?" Qiao Yi Mo didn't react to come over, misty looking at Mu Qing Yin.

MuQing fixed his eyes on her, and his eyes looked like a naked beast ready to go, "it's been a week since your physiological period."

So, before he had time to ask the word "Ni" in his heart, joy Mo understood everything.

Clear as water, the eyes are round, but the outline of the eyes is slowly shrinking, sipping with a small mouth, and staring at MuQing with a cold face.

Mu Qingyin looks at her.

Like a contest, they stared at each other silently for a long time.

In the end, MuQing gave up and sighed. After several reluctant kisses on Joey's lips, Fang let go of Joey and left the apartment.


Sitting on the chair in front of the computer desk, Joey Mo can't help but pull her lips when she remembers the way muqingyin left the apartment.

The cell phone rings at this time.

Joey recalled his thoughts and looked at the cell phone beside the computer desk.

Flashing on the screen of the mobile phone is a string of strange mobile phone numbers.

Joe foam slightly hesitated, then reached out to pick up the phone, put the ear to answer, "hello."

Joey said, pause a few seconds, that end only similar to the wind and current zizisheng from the phone microphone.

Joey Mo didn't think about it. He just thought it was a harassment call, so he had to hang up.

"It's me."

At this time, the man's deep voice came.

Joey Mo holds the fingertip of the mobile phone and suddenly tightens it.

Because this voice is more familiar to her than her own.

Joey's breath held, her eyes frozen at one point.

Strangely enough, her voice was unusually calm. "What's the matter?"

For nearly a minute, there was no sound from that end.

Joey's froth was stiff, her long drooping eyelashes moved, her lips closed, and there was no sound.

"Can you come out?"

His voice came again, a little heavy.

With her fingertips pinching the mobile phone case, joy's eyes under her eyelashes were in great mood, and her heart was filled with a huge sense of suffocation that she could not explain.

The suffocation blocked her voice and made her voice hoarse. "Are you ok?"

He took a heavy breath, and his tone suddenly became a little irritable and impatient. "Now I even need reasons to see you. Is it so difficult? Joey Mo, if you don't want to see me, you can tell me straight away. Don't be so hesitant and submissive... "

"The place."

Joe foam slightly closed his eyes, "tell me the location, I'll come."

"No, I'm downstairs right now!"

Joey Mo agreed, he seems to be more irritable than before, sinister put down words, he will hang up the call.

Joey squeezed her lips and her pupils flashed.

Immediately she got up from her chair, picked up the bag on her computer desk and hurried out the door.


Joey Mo came out of the apartment building and easily saw the Porsche parked not far away.

Joey Mo slightly grasped the bag strap in his hand and walked towards the Porsche.

When he got to the front passenger's seat, Joey hesitated and stopped on the closed window for two seconds. Then he reached out to open the door and sat in.

Almost as soon as she got into the car, the Porsche sped out like a maniac leopard.

Because the door hasn't been fully closed yet, Mo Xiaolan starts the car suddenly, and the wind coming from the outside of the car slaps on Joe's face.

Joe foam scared face slightly blue, embarrassed and flustered tightly pull the door.

Then, when she reached for the safety belt, Mo Xiaolan suddenly stepped on the accelerator.


Without the protection of the safety belt, Joey foam fell in front of the car, hit his forehead heavily, and the sound was very clear.

The car is still accelerating.

Joey Mo is like a robot. He either hits the front of the car or the back of the chair. He either leans left or right into the window.

No matter how hard she grasped the cushion under the tight body, she could not avoid being thrown out in all directions.

At the beginning, joy foam was in pain and panic, and could not stop screaming.

Later, joy Mo no longer make a sound, Bei teeth bite the lower lip, the body pain, as well as the pain from the heart, did not let her breathe out again.

Such punishment seems to last forever.

Joey Mo's internal organs seemed to have been hit in the wrong place, head heavy and feet light, eyes shining with stars.

Joey Mo grabbed ten fingers of the cushion, and the roots were pale.



With two extremely sharp and harsh sounds, and a heavy vibration of the car body.

The car finally stopped.

At the last brake of the car, Joey's back bumped into the back of the chair, and was rebounded by the back, making her head under the car and her upper body bend in a big arc.

The internal organs seem to be climbing to her throat, let her have a kind of their own mouth, will spit out all the internal organs.

But no, she just kept spitting sour water!

Joy Mo forced to cover his stomach, tears and sweat could not help falling.


The driver's window was smashed down by something hard, making a deafening sound.

Joey Mo shivered. She wanted to look up, but she didn't even have the strength to look up.

Bang bang——

Then there were two more sounds.

Then, joy Mo seemed to hear Mo Xiaolan's low curse.


The door is open.

"I can't kill you!"

A sonorous powerful, full of fierce curse, with the door, from the outside of the car.

be good.

Joy foam tears and sweat fall more fierce, spit out two times, with 120000 Li lift lift sweat heavy eyelids, looking out of the driver's car.

Mo Xiaolan, who was beaten on the car body by ghost with one hand, has no fighting power.

Joy foam's eyes full of tears, flashing a red, pale face shaking, brow pain deeply twisted, hard to stare at the ghost, voice wrapped in a serious overdraft after the weak, "ghost brother..."

He raised his iron fist and was about to swing it to the ghost of Mo Xiaolan's stork bone. He heard Joe's voice keenly.

Start tiny Dun, ghost coagulates eyes to stare at the Joe foam of copilot seat.

How to see Joe foam, the ghost is dare not recognize!

Because at the moment, Joey Mo is beyond recognition.

A long soft hair now disorderly knot, stick to her forehead, ears and neck hair are all wet by sweat, close to.

Her face was pale and full of tears, but her eyes were surprisingly red.

Apart from the embarrassment of Joey foam, the sadness, pain and despair in her eyes are even more worrying.

Even when he saw Joey foam, if the boss saw it and the ghost gasped for air-conditioning, he couldn't imagine what would happen