Chapter 128 - Boy Issues

Yul was out downing drink after drink in some random bar. Zeng didn't like him getting out of control as he drank so he was gonna do exactly that. Even the bartender looked concerned at the large amounts of alcohol his client was consuming.

Back at home, Zeng had been frantically calling and texting him and Yul dutifully ignored all the ringing of his phone, angrily staring down at the device and having thoughts of smashing it on the floor.

When he got drunk enough that his mind was floating around, he felt sad and that sadness radiated off him.

A handsome young man drinking alone this late at night, probably trying to forget the sorrows of life may appear as an invitation to certain people.

"Hey cutie," someone slid on the stool beside him. Yul watched them with hooded eyes, not even able to tell if it was a man or a lady.

A hand was placed on his shoulder. "Are you alone?" The person asked. Yul didn't answer but stared at the glass, frowning. He was not angry anymore. He didn't know what he was feeling, just something.

"You look a bit stressed. Want me to release some?" The person offered as their hand massaged his shoulders and slowly creeped towards the neck.

Yul frowned at them in confusion. What did this person want?

Now fingers traced his jaw and reached his lower lip. "You don't have to do anything, sweetheart. Just let me help you."

Yul heard them say, voice distorted as it reached him. Through half open eyes, he saw doe eyes looking at him with a smile.

"Zeng ge," he mumbled, looking at the stranger before he blacked out, falling on the person before him.


Zeng's eyes were glued to the door as he clutched his phone in his hand. He had really messed it up. There was absolutely no need for him to say all those things to Yul. And while Yul had hurt him back, that didn't stop him from worrying about his boyfriend.

Anger was never a good emotion to have. Look where it had got him, fighting and hurting his most loved person.

Yul was angry too. He rarely got angry at Zeng and whenever that time came, he became impulsive, making Zeng worry to death.

"Please pick up your phone," he said to nonone in particular, staring at the name in his contact list and dialing the number once again. It didn't go through. Now Zeng wanted to cry but there wouldn't be a shoulder to lean on. He brought this upon himself and felt even worse.

His phone rang and hoped it was Yul. It disappointed him that it was not and a new worry added over the safety of his boyfriend.

The call was from the Dean of their hospital.

"Yes, sir. It's Dr Xiao Zeng," Zeng answered and a grim discussion began.


Yul jerked up awake as the staff of the bar got ready to close it for the day.

He was lying on the couch at the corner.

"You awake, kid," the bartender from last night, a handsome man in his forties, asked. Yul was in alert mode now, he checked his surroundings at once, same like last night, nothing out of normal except that it was early morning now. He looked at the man and then the headache hit him from all sides. He winced and the bartender chuckled, shaking his head. The gruff man had seen his share of customers who didn't know their limit. The experience had him prepared.

He offered Yul a glass of water and aspirin, before leaning on the counter. "You didn't pay for the drinks last night," he informed and Yul frowned, taking his credit card out to pay the bill.

"I saved your ass last night, you know," the man smirked. "Tasha had her hands all over you. But I don't let such stuff happen to drunk people at my bar." So he was the owner, not just the bartender. Yul nodded his thanks to him.

"So, girl issues?" the owner asked casually. That was mostly the came for such lads like him.

"Boy issues," Yul corrected.

"Oh," the owner nodded. "Got dumped?"

"Kinda," Yul murmured, drinking the rest of the water. "Had a fight and he told me off." All the memories of their last night's verbal argument came rushing back to him in fresh doses.

"Zeng, wasn't it?" The owner smirked.

Yul's head shot up and eyes narrowed in a fierce glare, "How do you know?"

The owner raised his hands in defence, "Calm down, tiger. You were the one mumbling his name in your sleep the entire night."

Yul looked embarrassed but he cleared his throat. "Hm."

The owner eyed him with a knowing smile. "You love him a lot, don't you?"

Yul kept looking at his hands in his lap, not speaking a word. He did love Zeng but he didn't want to say it out loud, his pride wouldn't let him.

The owner pushed off the counter, heading to clean up. "You'll make up soon," he assured, "Now go home, kid. Your boyfriend must be waiting and I need to close up."

Yul didn't know if that was true. He thanked the owner again before leaving. Now he drove back under the speed limit.

Reaching home, he dreaded the conversation they would be having. However, he had to face it. He was not a coward.

But Zeng was not home. It was unusual for him to leave the house this early.

A note was pasted on the fridge.

It read two lines:

'Don't skip your breakfast.

Love you.'

Yul huffed. Sure enough when he turned to the dining table, there were covered plates and bowls waiting for him.

Like hell he was going to be that easy to coax after yesterday's fight.

His stomach growled at that.

He puckered his lips in a frown. Damn it! Whatever! His parents had taught him to never disrespect food, so he wouldn't. He was still angry with Zeng and was going to be until it was sorted out but the food Zeng prepared for him was innocent here.

And hence he furiously ate his breakfast to the last bit.